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The Real Story of Dracula
opular stories in the world, has, and still does fascinate the minds of many people. It is a story full of mystery and unbelievable facts, but despite all of these there is tr
Who was Dracula? What is the story behind his life? Why did the legend start? How did it begin? These are a few questions I will try to answer.
His life and his story.
Transylvania, Dracula grew up in a Germanic, and later Turkish atmosphere (as a prisoner from 1444 until 1448), then died in 1476 in a fight defending his country. H
e were also internal problems regarding the heirs to the throne; this accounts for the interruption of his ruling of the country. For a better understanding it should be sa
was regarded by the western powers as the leader of the anti-ottoman crusade; he was the one to dare to stand against Mohammed II or Mohammed the Conquero
How and why was the legend started?
would give in 1460 the bulle (the ordinances given by the Popes) announcing the beginning of the Crusade. The new king of Hungary Matei Corvin, showed reluctan
erty of the Walachian crown: Fagaras and Almas, which were now under the control of the Transylvanian Prince. After an agreement, Fagaras was to return under th
ive prosperity of the German community, and their unwillingness to follow the rule of Vlad Tepes, provoked him to start a punishment action in the spring of 1460. Th
ary organization dedicated to fighting the Turkish infields. 'Dracul' in the sense of 'dragon' stems from this. It also seems probable that when the simple people saw V
Comparing the reality with the story.
ainst Vlad policy regarding the Germans, and that is why the unbelievable story regarding his cruelty. The book circulated through Europe, especially in the German c
From there the story was passed on to the peasants creating an incredible vast folklore. Finally, the third area where the story had a broad distribution was in South-
eral stories were published all over the Europe, and the story started to became more and more of a departure from reality. A new kind of literature was created: The
any other authors. That is because he searched for a long time though documents and spoke with historians and other people acquainted with the story of Dracula. In
incredible explosion of movie and literature related with vampirism. The Stoker great merit was that he created, or recreated, an incredible personage, which enjoyed
s, Romanians, the story of Dracula is just a story, and only few people pay attention to it; for us Dracula was Vlad Tepes the good king, the one who dare to face the T