Transcript Autumn 15

Literacy: We will start by studying myths
and legends linking this to topic work. We
will then focus on non-fiction work relating to
explanation and instructional texts. Our
poetry unit will involve reading and writing
poems associated with Remembrance and
in our author study we will be studying the
work of Michael Foreman.
Curriculum Letter-Autumn 15
Science will be
covered by Mrs
Rawnson and will focus
on plants and living
PHSE: We will start with
‘Our Happy School’ followed
by ‘Out and About’ which
deals with taking turns and
home safety. Children will
also explore lots of issues
surrounding ‘Anti-Bullying
The Romans: We will be learning about the Roman Empire and its
impact on Britain at the time and the legacy it left us. We will start to
develop a chronologically secure knowledge of British history, exploring
what Britain was like before the Romans came and how they lived. We
will study Roman entertainment and art. We will then look at
Boudicca’s rebellion and discover how the Roman military campaign in
Britain was so successful. Towards the end of term our focus will be
more practical aspects of Roman engineering and linking this with the
science of forces and we will finish with the legacy left by the Romans.
PE: Year 3 will be swimming on Tuesdays
up until Easter. In our Games sessions, we
will be focusing on general games skills
with an emphasis on Tag rugby. Indoor PE
sessions will focus on gymnastics. Please
ensure all the correct kit is brought to
school or left in school. Trainers are more
generally more appropriate than plimsolls
for outdoor games in Year 3.
RE: We will be
exploring the
Hindu Religion
and looking at
aspects of
Divali then we
will study ‘The
True Meaning
of Christmas.’
Mathematics will start with place
value and ordering numbers.
Children will be taught both mental
and written methods of subtraction
and addition including money plus
doubling and halving of two-digit
numbers. We will then study
multiplication and division expecting
the children to have learnt tables
facts for at least 2x,5x,10,x 3x and
4x by this time. Constant practice at
home will help children embed these
vital facts and tables tests will be
done daily. Fractions will focus on
1/2, 1/4, and 1/3 and support will be
needed at home with telling the time
to 5 minutes using both analogue
and digital clocks. We will also look
briefly at 2-D and 3-D shapes.
Computing: We will be
researching and creating
Powerpoint presentations
related to our topic work
and will be learning how
to communicate safely on
the Internet.
Art /DT will be linked to the topic work on
Romans. We will be looking at making
Roman shields, creating mosaics, busts
and chariots. Children will also experiment
with some portraits of Boudicca.
Home tasks: All Year 3 children should be aiming
to read daily and we are closely monitoring this.
Homework is set once a week on Fridays in
homework books to be handed in on Tuesdays.
Passport targets and spellings are also set on a
Friday and tested on the following Friday.Tests are
put into homework books for parents to monitor