Head of Department

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Transcript Head of Department

Lesson № 2
Topic: "The organization and structure of
therapeutic and surgical departments"
Виды терапевтических отделений
Types of medical departments
There are 2 types therapeutic
1. General therapeutic department
2. Specialized therapeutic departments:
• Cardiological
• Gastroenterological
• Endocrinological
• Nephrological etc.
It's the most common types of medical
The staff of the therapeutic
Head of Department
Аttending doctor - clinical intern.
Senior nurse
Ward nurse
Treatment nurse (procedural nurse)
Junior medical nurse
The structure of the therapeutic department:
Wards for patients.
Office of the head of department.
Staff room - Doctor’s room.
Office of the senior nurse.
Office of matron.
Nurse’s room.
Treatment room.
Manipulational room - Cabinet for
medical procedures (such as enema,
sensing and other manipulation).
10. Shower room.
11. WC (toilet room).
1. Палаты для больных.
2. Холл.
3. Кабинет заведующего
4. Кабинет старшей
5. Кабинет сестры-хозяйки.
6. Сестринская.
7. Процедурный кабинет.
8. Ординаторская.
9. Манипуляционная.
10. Столовая.
11 Душевая.
13. Туалет.
Обязанности медицинского персонала отделения
Duty of the medical staff of the Department:
Head of Department – Leader, the
most experience doctor; organizes
the work of the whole Department.
Its function:
• organization and control the work
• counseling patients;
• correction of the patient's
treatment during hospitalization;
• registration of medical
Аttending doctor clinical intern. Its
• examination and
treatment of patients;
• registration of medical
Senior nurse - the most experience nurse of department. Its
• organizes the work of nurses and junior medical personnel;
• Scheduling work nurse;
• regularly provide of department by medicine, subject of
patient care, medical instruments
• monitors compliance of the sanitary-epidemiological
• strict accounting of consumption of narcotic and toxic
• takes part in patient care.
Ward nurse. Duties of nurse:
1.Reception patients admitted to the hospital and organization
discharge of patients.
2.Carry out of nursing examination - initial examination of the
patient, thermometry, measurement of blood pressure and pulse.
3.Providing of transportation in hospital.
4.Сomfortable accommodation the patient in the ward.
5.Performing doctor’s appointments - injections, the distribution of
medicine, put on of mustard plasters, compresses, etc.
5. Assisting to doctor in performance medical manipulations.
6. Practical realization of pharmacotherapy - distribution of medicine
to patients.
7. Proper collection of material for analysis (blood, sputum, urine,
8. Providing nursing for the seriously ill, old patients.
9. Control of patient's nutrition, of feeding patients.
10. Рreparation of the patient to instrumental study.
8. Give first aid.
9. Control for the sanitary condition of department.
10. Control for sanitary and hygiene regime.
11. Control of Therapeutic- protective regime.
12. Control of Individual motor regime.
13. Taking over duty, hand over (passing) of duty.
14. Recording medical documents.
15. Isolation of moribund and infectious patients.
16. Control visits of patients, control products, which bring the
relatives of the patient.
17. Training of relatives - to carry out the care for patient.
18. Conducting health education (talks, posters).
Junior medical personnel.
Duties of junior medical personnel:
1.Regular wet cleaning of rooms.
2.Help to nurse with care for the patients.
3.Sanitary and hygenic processing of the patients.
4.Escorting patients to diagnostic and medical procedures.
5.Transportation of patients to hospital.
6. Perform simple medical procedures, such as feeding the
patient, enemas, measure of personal hygiene etc.
7. Preparation of disinfectant solutions.
8. Disinfection of used subjects of care for patient.
9. Сollecting and disposing of medical waste.
Treatment nurse (procedural nurse). Its function:
1. perform doctor’s appointments (subcutaneous, intramuscular,
intravenous injections, intravenous infusion)
2. helps the doctor during manipulation (for example, determination
of blood group).
3. take of a blood from a vein for biochemical research and send
(deliver) to the laboratory
4.ensuring of strict accounting and storage of medicines
5. serve and assess the condition of the patient during intravenous
6. perform the disinfection of used syringes, needles.
7. perform the current and general cleaning treatment rooms.
8. prepare to work a medical sterile tray.
Matron. Its function:
• controls the work of junior medical personnel, helps the senior
nurse of department.
• receive, store and give out bed clothes (for patients).
• provide the medical staff by detergents, medical special clothing
• send (deliver) the dirty linen for disinfection, washing.
• make a request for repair of premises, equipment, control the
Barmaid. Its function:
• Get ready meals in the kitchen.
• give out to the patient of the food according to the menu and the
prescribed diet.
• produce heating of food (if necessary)
• washing dishes, cleaning the pantry and dining room
• systematic cleaning of refrigerators for storing food of sick.
• оbservance of sanitary-hygienic regime in the dining room.
Orderly. Its function:
• carry out cleaning of the rooms,
• help to ward nurse.
• Preparation of disinfectant solutions.
• Disinfection of used subjects of care for patient.
• Recycling of wastes.
• Transportation of biological materials of the patient to the
laboratory for testing (blood, urine, sputum, feces)
Оборудование палат
Equipment of the hospital wards
1. Beds (4 -6)
2. Bedside tables.
3. Table and chairs.
4. Screen.
5. Clothes rail.
6. Wall bedside lamps.
7. Ultra-violet lamp.
8. Signalization (If seriously ill patient lies in the ward.).
9. Sink for washing.
10. Trash bin.
Beds are located at a distance of 1 meter from each other. For one
patient in a general ward accounted for 7 square meters, and in a
single ward (cubicle) - 9 square meters.
Mode of day inpatient departments
06.00 —awakening, the temperature measurement.
06.20-07.00 — morning hygiene,
bring order in bedside tables, cover the bed.
The cleaning hospital ward, the aeration ward (Orderly).
07.00-08.00 — collection of biological material for analysis (blood,
sputum, urine, feces);
receive of medications, injections - morning dose (if the doctor
Cleaning of inpatient department (Orderly carries out).
Replacement of nursing and medical staff.
09.00 - 09.20 — breakfast.
09.20-10.00 — examination by a physician.
10.00- 1.00 — perform of therapeutic and diagnostic procedures.
1.00-1.30 — receive of medications, injections - (if the doctor
1.30 - 2.00 —lunch.
2.00-4.00 — daytime sleep.
4.00 — awakening, receive of medications, injections (if the
doctor prescribed).
6.00 – 7.00 — dinner.
7.00 - 9.30 — performing medical procedures;
receive of medications, injections - evening dose (if the
doctor prescribed).
The cleaning hospital ward, department, the aeration ward
(Orderly carries out).
10.00 — sleep.
But also with 4.00 to 7.00 — free time (pedestrian walk,
visiting relatives).
Surgical department
There are 3 types surgical
1. General surgical department
2. «Purulent» surgical
3. Casualty department
4. Specialized surgical
• Thoracic
• Proctology
• Urologic
• Сardiac surgery and other
The staff of the surgical department:
Head of Department
Аttending doctor - clinical intern.
Senior nurse
Ward nurse
Treatment nurse (procedural nurse)
Dressing nurse (there is only in the
surgical Department)
• Оperating nurse (there is only in the
surgical Department)
The junior medical nurse
Структура хирургического отделения
The structure of the surgical department
Hospital wards for patients.
Office of the head of department.
Staff room - Doctor’s room.
Office of the senior nurse.
Office of matron.
Small operating room.
Dressing room. (there is only in the surgical
9. Treatment room.
10. Special rooms - profile (examination room, gypsum
room, manipulational room)
11. Dining room.
12. Shower room or bathroom.
13. WC (toilet room).
Duty of Dressing nurse
• Prepare the dressing material, put in the sterilization box,
transport in sterilization room.
• Perform the disinfection used surgical instruments, dressing
• Prepare the sterile table with bandages and surgical instruments.
• Assist to physician during the bandaging of the postoperative
• Assisting to doctor in performance small surgical manipulations.
• Be able to apply all types of bandages.
• Accompany seriously ill after manipulation to the ward.
• Perform systematic sanitary control over in the dressing room.
• Provide systematic replenishment, registration, storage and
distribution of medicines, dressing material, surgical instruments
and special clothes.
• Registration of medical documents.
• Рerform the collecting and disposing of medical waste.
Dressing room. Device, equipment and principle
of operation:
Dressing room is obligatory element of any surgical department.
There are should be two dressing room - for «clean» and
«purulent» bandagings.
Following manipulation are carried out in dressing room:
- bandaging,
- puncture,
- small operations
- endoscopic studies
- procaine blockade, and other operations.
Sanitary and epidemiological regime in dressing room.
5 types of cleaning is performed:
1. Pre-cleaning is carried out before the start of the working day.
2. Current cleaning service is carried out during the day.
3. Cleaning after each operation or manipulation.
4. Final cleaning is at the end of the day.
5. General cleaning is carried out once in 7 days.
Equipment dressing room:
• "dressing table" for the location of the
patient. It is located in the centre of the
dressing room.
• surgical lamp
• "sterile manipulation table" with sterile
bandages and surgical instrument
• table for solutions used at bandage;
• cupboard for storage of antiseptics;
• сontainers for disinfection of used surgical
instruments, dressing material.
• germicidal lamps for disinfection of air;
• sterilization box with sterile material.
Organization the work of nursing station
• Nursing station (office) - It is workplace of nurse,
located in the hall.
Оборудование сестринского поста
Equipment nursing station
• 1. Desk with drawers.
2. Chairs (2 - 3)
3. Medical capboard for medicines and objects of care for
4. Refrigerator for medicines.
5. Refrigerator for foodstuff.
6. Telephone.
7. Table lamp.
8. Clock.
9. Signalization.
10. Medical scales.
11. Medical stadiometer (height meter).
Медицинская документация
Medical documentation of nursing station
1. Journal of movement of pations registration is hospitalized and discharged
2. Sheet of doctor’s appointments.
3. Temperature sheet.
4. Journal of appointments for laboratory
and instrumental examination.
5. Journal of registration narcotic, potent
drug and poisonous substances.
6. Journal of reception and passing duty.
7. Journal of general cleanings.
8. Journal quartz-processing.
9. Journal of control temperature in a
1. Журнал движения больных
- регистрации и выписки
2. Лист врачебных назначений.
3. Температурный лист.
4. Журнал назначений на
5. Журнал учёта
сильнодействующих и
ядовитых веществ.
6. Журнал приёма и сдачи
7. Журнал генеральных
8. Журнал кварцевания.
9. Журнал контроля
температуры в
Equipment treatment room:
• The medical couch
• Сupboard for medicines
• Sink for washing hands
and sink for washing
tools (or double sinks)
• Paper or cloth towel
• Dispenser with liquid
• Dispenser with skin
Workplace nurses of the treatment room:
«sterile table»;
manipulation table for injection;
set venous rubber harness;
set of pillows for intravenous
sterile syringes;
sterilization box with sterile
dressing material;
containers with disinfectant
solutions for used syringes,
needles, bandages, gloves;
"alarming" medical kit (The kit is
used at contact with blood of a
An algorithm for the measurement of body weight
• Medical electronic scales
• Oilcloth (or disposabl napkin)
• GlovesMedical documentation (temperature sheet)
• Сontainer for disinfection
• Explain to the patient the purpose and procedure course. Obtain patient’s consent.
• Conduct hygienic washing hand and processing hand. Put the gloveson.
• Put on the surface of scales the oilcloth (or disposabl napkin).
• The patient must remove their shoes.
• The patient must carefully stand on the center platform on the oilcloth.
• Remember result.
• Ask the patient get off on the floor carefully.
• Offer the patient put on shoes and walk to the ward.
• Conduct disinfection used material (or utilization napkin).
• Take the gloves off and put them in the container for disinfection.
• Wash hands hygienic way.
• Make a record of results in a medical documentation (temperature sheet).
Algorithm measurement the growth of the patient
• Medical stadiometer
• Oilcloth (or disposabl napkin)
• Gloves
• Medical documentation (temperature sheet)
• Сontainer for disinfection
• Explain to the patient the purpose and procedure course. Obtain patient’s consent.
• Conduct hygienic washing hand and processing hand. Put the gloves on.
• You must cover the platform of the stadiometer with an oilcloth (or disposabl napkin). The patient
must remove their shoes and cap.
• Ask the patient to stand on a platform of stadiometer, covered with oilcloth.
• Explain what patient must strengthen your back during the measurement of growth, to touch vertical
strips by four points: neck, shoulders, buttocks and heels.
• Check the position of the patient's head. The line connecting the external corner of the eye and upper
edge of ear must be horizontal.
• Lower the measuring bar on the top of the head of the patient. To fix the bar with hand.
• Ask the patient get off on the floor.
• Offer the patient put on shoes and walk to the ward.
• Conduct disinfection used material (or utilization napkin).
• Take the gloves off and put them in the container for disinfection.
• Wash hands hygienic way.
• Make a record of results in a medical documentation (temperature sheet).