The Electrology Consultation - Cosmetic Therapy Training Center
Transcript The Electrology Consultation - Cosmetic Therapy Training Center
The Electrology Consultation
Vickie Mickey, CT
Consultation -Defining the Word &
To Consult – to seek information, to act in
an advisory capacity.
First Impressions!
• This is the first time you can demonstrate
your professional skills!
• 5 Seconds is the time it takes for an
individual to develop an impression of you!
• Make that first impression professional in
all forms of communication!
Telephone Impressions
• Answer the phone in a professional manor
and don’t use an answering service!
• Answering services are not human – that
person needs a personal contact to
address their personal needs.
• Receptions are excellent but need proper
training to address the needs of that client.
• Develop a script for personnel to use.
Consultations for All!
• Every patient/client needs a consultation!
• Completed patient form necessary for
proper the consultation.
• When the patient arrives at your office
have a clipboard with paper work attached
along with a pen.
Consultation Forms
• Discuss pertinent health information.
• Ask for updates on health history as the
treatment plan progresses.
• Explain contraindications to electrolysis.
• Discuss any physical condition that may
affect treatment.
The Treatment Room Consultation
• Have patient sit on clean treatment table.
• Review the treatment form, discuss the information on
the form with the patient step by step.
• Address contraindications, medical history, and
prescription medications.
• Discuss temporary methods of hair removal, modalities
used in electrolysis and laser hair removal.
• Wash hands.
• Position patient on treatment table, view area to be
treated. Observe distribution of hair and
• Discuss best modality for permanent hair removal
pertaining to this patient.
Treatment Room Consultation
• Discuss treatment time, scheduling of appointments, and
cost per treatment for optimal results.
• Explain to patient the growth cycles of hair, along with
types of hair and how they are affected by modalities.
• Visual aids deliver a clear understanding of the hair
growth and the process of the currents in the follicle.
• Give an oral instructions and printed aftercare sheet to
the patient.
• Explain regrowth.
• Cutting or shaving is permissible however, there needs
to be ¼ inch of hair visible on the skin to remove it with
electrolysis for each appointment.
Treatment Room Consultation
• Explain infection control procedures.
• Discuss perceptions and anxieties.
• Office policies and procedures should be
• Treatment goals and plan should be included in
the consultation.
• Cost of appointments, modality, how often the
patients need schedule appointments.
• Have signed consent for treatment procedures
before proceeding!
Treatment Room Consultation
• Explain to the patient that trimming, cutting or shaving of
the hair between appointment is acceptable however you
need ¼ inch of hair to remove with electrolysis at the
next appointment.
• Explain the skin reactions to the electrolysis as mild
swelling and redness.
• Close each consultation with written before/after care
• Ask if they would like to schedule an appointment.
• Document – all information received in consultation on
the patient records!!
Home Care/Consultation
• Do not use soap, water, or wash cloth on treated area for
24 hours.
• Cleanse treated area with mild antiseptic, witch hazel,
Seabreeze, or alcohol for 24 hours. Antibiotic cream will
enhance healing.
• No make-up on area for 24 hours.
• No sun or tanning beds for 24 hours.
• Apply ice to area if swelling last more than 60 minutes.
• If tiny scabs develop do not dislodge, they will disappear
in 2-3 days.
• If you have any concerns, please call the office.
Before Care/Consultation
• Hair must be approximately one-quarter
inch long( the electrologist must be able to
see the direction that the hair follicle
• Area to be treated cleansed and free of
• Must refrain from temporary hair removal
methods, cutting or shaving hair is
Common Questions Regarding
• How do you do electrolysis?
• Explain the process of sliding the needle in the hair follicle, applying
current to terminate the blood supply at the derma root of the hair.
• Is electrolysis permanent?
• Yes, it is approved by the FDA and AMA as the only proven method
of hair removal.
• Does electrolysis hurt?
• There will be a slight sensation in the area to be treated however
certain parts of the body are more sensitive such as the midline of
the body. Topical anesthetic can be applied prior to your
appointment to help with the sensation. ( Example the upper lip is
more sensitive in the middle.).
Common Questions Regarding
• Will I be red and swollen in after the treatment?
• There may be some redness in the area treated. Usually
the reaction is gone in 20-60 minutes.
• How long are the appointments?
• Usually the appointments are scheduled for 15-60
minutes, depending on the area to be treated and
person’s tolerance.
• Will there be scaring?
• No. A well training electrologist can treat an area without
damaging the tissue. After care is just as important as
the treatments being completed in a skilled manor.
Common Questions Regarding
• Why can’t all of the hair be removed at one
• Hair grows in stages 80% of the hair present on
the skin at one time is in the growing stage. Hair
cannot be treated in the anagen or telegen
growth cycle. Not all the hair grows at the same
time on the body. Hair growth cycles is on the
average 8 weeks for the body, 8-14 weeks for
the face, and 4-6 years on the head. Distorted
hair follicles may need more than one treatment
to resolve the hair growth.
• An indication is a sign or symptom that
something exists. Superfluous hair is an
indication that electrolysis is necessary to
remove the hair regardless of color, pigment, or
• Contraindications is disease, condition, or
medication that may be temporary or
permanently preclude a patient from being
treated with electrolysis.
Contraindications for Electrolysis
Metal Implants such as pacemakers, rods, plates, intrauterine (IUDs).
Diabetes – have doctor’s consent to treat, do not treat lower extremities.
Cold Sores – Do not treat if the area is active with breakout. Request that
prophylactic medication be taken before appointment.
Epilepsy – seizures can be activated by the electrolysis current. If the client
is on medication have physician release to treat!
Sunburn – do not treat until skin is completely healed.
Moles – hairy nevi should not be treated unless physician releases you to
Inflammation – wait until skin is healed.
Eczema – areas of eczema outbreak should not be treated.
Hair in nose or inside the ear should not be removed.
Children under the age of 12, if female child they should have started their
menstrual cycle and had 6 periods.
Pros/Cons of Electrolysis
• Electrolysis is the only proven method of
hair removed recognized by the FDA.
• Electrolysis can be performed on all skin
types, hair color, and hair types.
• Electrolysis can be used on all parts of the
body except for inside the nose and ear.
• Electrolysis is very precise, eyebrows are
a perfect examle.
Cons of Electrolysis
• Patient must stop all forms of hair removal except cutting
or shaving. Hair must be ¼ inch long for removal during
an appointment.
• Electrolysis is costly compared to home style hair
• Electrolysis can cause discomfort.
• Electrolysis can result in redness after an appointment.
• Make up cannot be worn for 24 hours after an
appointment in the area treated.
• Extensive electrolysis can take months, even years to