Active Listening active_listening
Transcript Active Listening active_listening
What are three things you have learned about
language centers in a Child Care Center?
Communication= Important
0 To provide guidance—caregivers must know
how to communicate with children effectively.
0 Positive communication helps caregivers to
interact in a nurturing, respectful, supportive,
and responsive way.
Communication Cont.
0 Communication is more than words—it is
tone, facial expressions, body language
0 The way you speak to a child can make a
difference in their behavior and their
relationship with you.
0 Listening is an important component of
Active Listening
0 P---Pay attention
0 Look at the speaker
0 Encourage the speaker with your body language
0 U—Use Encouragement
0 “Use your words”
0 “Can you tell me about it?”
0 R—Restate
0 “You don’t like to eat peas.”
0 “You don’t want to come inside now, you want to
stay outside and play.”
0 R—Reflect Feelings
0 “It makes you MAD when a toy is taken away from
0 “You are SAD because your mommy left.”
Ignore me game
You need a partner!
One person will go at a time to be the talker. They will
talk to their partner for 1 minute about their
weekend, what they favorite thing to do, favorite artist
The other partner aka the listener will do their best to
NOT listen and try to ignore the person talking.
Next switch roles…
Ignore me game
0 How did it feel when your partner was not listening?
0 Why is it important to practice these skills? Does it
come naturally to you?
0 If you use active listening with a child how do you
think it makes a child feel?
0 Can you think of long-term benefits from using active
listening with kids?
Communication drawings
0 Need to find a Partner Need
paper, pen/pencil only.
0 You and your partner will be
facing back to back
0 One person will be handed a
drawing and they will do their
best to describe the drawing.
0 It is the other partner’s
responsibility to listen to their
partners directions and draw what
they described.
Communication drawing
0 On a scale of 1-10 (1 being least effective
and 10 being most effective)
0 How well did you describe the picture to your
0 How well do you feel your partner did?
0 How hard was it to describe without any
feedback from your partner ?
0 How difficult was it to the listener and
“drawer” without speaking?
Communication drawing
0 What changes would you have made to be more
effective as the speaker/drawer?
0 List the 5 words you found most helpful and
beneficial while you were drawing?
0 What was most frustrating as the
Communication drawing
0 What did this activity teach you about good
communication skills?
0 How does this activity relate to working with
children in a childcare setting?