Silver Valley USD Strategic Planning

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Transcript Silver Valley USD Strategic Planning

Albany Unified School District
Strategic Plan
Board Study Session
June 21, 2011
District Strategic Planning
Planning Phase
► October2009 - June 2010
Implementation Phase
► July 2010 – July 2014
Implementation Phase
Benchmark Events
Implementation Phase 2010 – 2014
► Management Team Retreat
► School Plan Updates
► Fall Progress Reports
► Spring Annual Updates
► Annual Priorities
► Spring Budget Development
► Board Reports
AUSD Strategic Planning
Roles and Responsibilities
► School
 Board of Trustee’s 4 Wishes for the Strategic
 Parameters for the Strategiv Planning Process
Stakeholder Responsibilities
► Planning
► Action
► Management
► School
Site Councils
► District
& School Staff
Albany Unified School District
The mission of AUSD is to provide excellence in
public education, empowering all to achieve their fullest
potential as productive citizens.
AUSD is committed to creating comprehensive learning
opportunities in a safe, supportive and collaborative environment,
addressing the individual needs of each student.
Albany Unified School District
Values and Beliefs
Effective collaboration and communication with families as
partners in the education of their children is essential to
the success of our school system.
Education is the key to opportunity and social mobility
Each student is a valued individual with unique physical,
social, emotional and intellectual needs
The goal of our educational programs is to prepare
students to become contributing members of society
A safe and supportive learning environment promotes
student achievement
The achievement of high standards of learning is expected
of all students
Strategy 1
Curriculum and Assessment
Provide a comprehensive
educational experience with
expanded opportunities for
demonstrating and assessing
student growth.
Strategy 1
Goal 1
Develop a systematic and periodic process for assessing student
learning using multiple measures
Goal 2
Implement an array of strategies to increase engagement of all
Goal 3
Foster student’s social and emotional growth
Strategy 2
Individual Student Needs
We will identify individual social,
emotional, and academic needs and
apply collaborative appropriate
Strategy 2
Goal 1
AUSD will provide time for regular collaboration between district staff/families
and other stakeholders to identify students’ needs and develop/implement
appropriate interventions.
Goal 2
We will regularly review and refine existing interventions and support
programs and create/implement new ones as needed. Decisions will reflect
current research and best practices.
Goal 3
We will regularly review and refine existing policies and procedures and create
new ones as needed that reflect current research and best practices regarding
students’ physical and social/emotional well being. This may include areas
such as sleep, nutrition, exercise, school scheduling and homework.
Goal 4
There will be an increase in students who have a positive relationship or
connection with staff/peers and have opportunities to be involved at school.
Strategy 3
Collaboration and Communication
We will enhance the leadership capacity at
the site, district and community levels for
collaborating with all stakeholders in making
decisions, communicating, and assessing
site and district goals.
Strategy 3
Goal 1
Collaboratively create an annual district-wide plan for professional
development, including anticipation of expected changes, for all
members of the Learning Community.
Goal 2
Develop a model for proactive and effective decision-making.
Goal 3
Improve communication and develop necessary protocols.
Planning Team Feedback
► Acknowledge
work of staff much has been
► The strategic plan is a living document not
parked on a shelf
► Communication and publicity to increase
understanding continuing need
 Could appear directive and not collaborative
 Staff and stakeholder engagement
Tiered Instruction and Intervention
Tier 3 (1%-5% of
Tiered Instruction
And Intervention
Intensive, Individual,
• Assessment based intervention
• High Intensity for longer duration
• Possible Special Education
Tier 2 School Based
(5%-10% of students)
Targeted Instructional Groups
•Some students (at risk)
•Assess skill gaps and provide rapid
•Core supplemental materials or other
Tier 1 Regular Classroom (90% to 100% of students)
Core Instructional Program and Universal Interventions
•All students, subjects, settings
•Screen all students
•Proactive and Preventative
Year II
Priorities and Strategy “Crosswalk”
What to Expect …
► Continued
concerns about involvement,
communication and decision making
► Academic
► The
freedom vs student experience
whole child is a shared belief
What to Expect?
Expect the best of our students
Expect the best of our staff
Expect that our students and staff will be life
long learners