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indicative guidelines for the
candidate countries
Eric von Breska - April 2003
Objective of the guidelines
To help national and regional authorities to
prepare their programming strategy for each
of the Objectives 1, 2 and 3 of the Structural
Funds and their links with the Cohesion
Fund so as to make the best possible use of
Community assistance.
Which document(s) to use?
The communication of the Commission of
1 September 1999 remains the reference
 The additional guidelines take account of
the particular situation of the acceding
 This document does not replace but
complements the document of 1999.
The context:
A shorter programming period: 2004-2006
instead of 2000-2006
 Limited administrative capacity in terms of
programming, implementation and monitoring
 Most of the regions of the acceding countries
are among the 25% of regions with the lowest
GDP per capita in an enlarged EU
of this situation:
Do not envisage to treat and solve all problems
within 3 years, but make choices
 Establish priorities which allow to concentrate the
Funds on the most urgent needs
 Support the factors which lead to a real
convergence of regions
 Base your strategy on productivity and lay the
foundations for strong job creation.
3 essential conditions
to succeed:
anticipation: prepare the programming
documents before accession
 Simplify implementation
 Limit the number of interventions, priorities
and measures by making clear choices
which put the emphasis on the most urgent
Do not forget:
Define a clear strategy
 Ensure the coherence between the different
interventions and the envisaged priorities
 Take account of the real absorption capacity
The guidelines
Joint institutional needs
 Sectorial needs
infrastructure and equipment
agriculture et rural development
justice et home affairs
employment and human resources
research and development
enterprise and innovation policy
information society