Nutrition- day one.

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Transcript Nutrition- day one.

Nutrition- day one.
 Instant Activity
- What is NUTRITION? Why is it so important?
 Nutrition Packets
 Nutrition Notes
 BrainPop- Nutrition
Nutrition- the process of providing or obtaining the food
necessary for health and growth.
Calorie- a unit of measurement for energy.
We consume about 2,000 per day
Calorie counters can be found on the computer, and some
restaurant have calorie charts now.
MyPlate emphasizes 8 components
of nutrition
1. Choose lower sodium foods
2. Make half your plate fruits and
3. Chose low fat or no fat dairy
4. Eat smaller portions
5. Eat whole grains
6. Drink water over sugary drinks
7. Cut back on fatty, sugary foods
8. Balance your calorie intake with
Food Guide Pyramid- Daily
guideline to help you choose what and
how much to eat in order to get the
nutrients you need.
Focuses on:
1. Grains
2. Vegetables
3. Fruits
4. Milk (dairy)
5. Meat and Beans
6. Fats
7. Oils
The substances in food that promote normal
growth, maintenance and repair in your body
are called nutrients.
Practicing good nutrition means eating foods
that are good for you and eating them in the
right amounts. Eating too little food can lead to
low energy, weight loss, and poor growth.
Eating too much can also cause poor health. It
can cause you to become overweight, which in
turn can lead to many more severe diseases.
proteins, and fats give
your body energy.
These are measured in
1. Carbohydrates
5.Minerals Vitamins, minerals, and water do not
6.Water have calories, but they help your body
use the other nutrients.
Ex) Water helps control your body
temperature and transports other
nutrients through your body.
Fats are energy containing
nutrients that provide stored
energy, protect nerves, and help
your body produce hormones.
A carbohydrate gives you
energy to be active.
A carbohydrate consists
of one sugar or multiple
sugars chained together.
Fiber- complex
carbohydrate found in
whole grain foods, such
as brown rice and wholewheat bread.
Nutrients that help repair
Your body only needs a small
the body and build strong
amount of fat to work properly.
muscles are proteins.
Fats can be liquid (cooking oil,
Milk, fish, and meat are
salad dressings) or solid (butter,
sources of protein.
sour cream, pork, beef ).
They can also come from
beans, nuts, tofu, cheese,
eggs, and soy milk.
Fried foods, ice cream, potato
chips, and most desserts are
very high in fats.
Vitamins are organic
compounds that control
several body functions.
Vitamin C helps your
body to fight germs.
More than half of your body is
made of water!
Minerals are elements that are
necessary for good health.
Water is needed to digest food,
Examples include: iron,
transport nutrients, and keep a
calcium, sodium, and
steady temperature.
Your body loses water every
Iron- helps your blood
Vitamin A helps to keep transport oxygen through your time you sweat or go to the
bathroom. That water needs to
your eyes healthy.
be replaced with 8-10 glasses a
day. If you are active, it should
Almost all food contains
Calcium- important for
be even more!
vitamins… whole grains, building and keeping strong
meats, fruits, vegetables,
If you do not drink enough
and dairy product are a
good source of vitamins. Sodium & Potassium- regulate water, your body will start to
dry up and dehydrate.
blood pressure
The percent daily value on a food label tells you
how this food can help someone meet these
daily goals.
On food labels, they base the percentages on a
2,000-calorie adult diet. So looking at the label
to the left for two crackers, a grownup would
see that they provide less than 1 gram of fiber,
only 3% of the person's daily needs. So that
means he or she would have to eat other foods
to get 100% of the fiber needed each day.
Similarly, the person would see that the
crackers provide nothing toward the daily goals
for vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, or iron.
Nutrition- Day two.
 Instant Activity
- What did you have to eat yesterday? What did you have this
morning? Are there healthier decisions you could have made?
 Comparing Labels
 BrainPop- Carbohydrates
 *HW* --- bring in a food circular or a food magazine!
Nutrition- Day three.
 Instant Activity
- What do you think of when you think of “fatty” food? Is fat good for
us? Why or why not?
BrainPop- Fats
BrainPop- Salts
BrainPop- Body Weight
Nutrition Crossword
Nutrition- Day four.
 Instant Activity
- Who does the food shopping in your house? Who makes the meals?
 Chef Solus’ Build-A-Meal!
Nutrition- Day five.
 Instant Activity
- Take out your food circulars or food magazines!!
 Food Group Frenzy!!
Clarity and
Use of Time
Used time well during
Used time well during
class period with no adult class period with some
adult reminders.
Spelling &
No spelling or
grammatical mistakes on
each food group with lots
of text.
Each food group included Each food group included Each food group included One or more required
all required elements as all required elements and all required elements.
elements was missing
well as a few additional
one additional element.
from each food group.
Each food group is easy to Each food group is easy to Each food group is hard
read and all elements are read and most elements to read with rough
clearly written, labeled, are clearly written,
drawings and labels.
or drawn.
labeled, or drawn.
Each food group is hard
to read and one cannot
tell what items are.
Did not use all class time Used time poorly in spite
well and required adult of several adult reminders
reminders on one or
to do so.
more occasions to do so.
No spelling or
One spelling or
grammatical mistakes on grammatical error on
each food group with
each food group.
little text.
Several spelling and/or
grammatical errors on
each food group.
Nutrition- day six.
 Instant Activity (Journal 13)
- What is your favorite fast food? How often do you eat it?
 Super Size Me
 *HW*- Keep track of what you eat for the next 2 days!
Nutrition- day seven.
 Instant Activity (Journal 14)
- What did you find interesting so far in “Super Size Me”? Does it
make you think differently about what you eat? Why or why not?
 Super Size Me
 *HW*- Keep track of what you eat for the next day!
Nutrition- day eight.
 Instant Activity (Journal 15)
- How has it been keeping track of what you’ve eaten for the past
couple of days? Why was it easy or hard?
 Super Size Me
 Making Healthy Meal Changes
 Study Guide
 *HW*- STUDY!! Quiz tomorrow!!
Nutrition- day nine.
 Instant Activity
- Take 5 minutes to study from your study guides!!
 QUIZ TIME!! – All papers off of your desk!
 *When finished, complete “Nutrition Word Find” in your packets!*