Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar
A Brief Background
Julius Caesar
The events that take place in
Shakespeare’s play take place in 44BC
Prior to those events Romans debated and
fought wars for centuries trying to decide
the best form of government.
 Monarchy, a republic or a dictatorship
Up until 509 BC Rome was a monarchy
In 509 BC Tarquinius Superbus was
evicted from the throne by the Brutus
family and Rome became a republic
Rule by a group of wealthy Romans called
By 100 BC Rome was being ruled by a moderate
democracy or a Senate
 Julius Caesar was a patrician that gained the
support of ‘the people’ by spending money for
public entertainment and creating laws that
freed farmers and tradesmen from heavy taxes.
 By 60 BC Rome was governed by a Triumvirate
(a three-man rule), Caesar, Crassus, and
In 58 BC, at the age of forty-four, Caesar
was made governor of part of Gaul
(southern France and northern Italy)
 He began his military career and during
the next ten years he proceeded to
conquer all of Gaul.
Crassus was killed in Parthia while he was
on a military campaign.
 Trouble began to develop between
Pompey and Caesar
 Pompey persuaded the Senate to order
Caesar to disband and return home.
 Caesar invaded Rome and made himself
Pompey fled to Greece
 Caesar defeated Pompey’s army at
 Pompey fled to Egypt and was eventually
 Three years later, Caesar defeated both
two of Pompey’s sons at Munda, Spain
 Caesar was made dictator for life
Shakespeare begins his play after these
events have taken place
 Caesar was master and leader of the
entire Roman world