Transcript File

Identity: What is It?
Douglas Fleming
University of Ottawa
• “Identity would seem to be the garment with which one
covers the nakedness of the self; in which case, it is best
that the garment be loose, a little like the robes of the desert,
through which one's nakedness can always be felt, and,
sometimes, discerned” James Baldwin (1976)
• Lynd once observed that, "the search for identity has
become as strategic in our time as the study of sexuality in
Freud’s" (1958, 14).
• The importance of identity theory has been increasingly felt
in social science research generally (Mathews, 2000), in
overall education research (Cummins, 1996; Bernstein,
1996), and second language education (SLE) more
particularly (Block, 2007; Davison, 2001).
• so, what does the word identity mean?
• the word identity was "first used to mean personal identity
by the empiricist philosophers Locke and Hume, who used
the word identity to cast doubt on the unity of the self"
(Langbaum, 1977; p. 25);
• It is important to note the individual self has not always
been a significant preoccupation in European cultural
history (Tuchman,1978).
• Sociological concepts like identity are in great contrast to
related terms in psychology, such as motivation.
• Dilthey: the essence of being human can only be
grasped historically; experience is a collection of events
that have a unity of meaning; identity is the human
quality that which unifies this experience across time for
• Durkheim: social control mechanisms are as much
mental (ritual) as physical; these help create collective
representations and solidarity, shape personality,
identities and behaviors.
George Mead: generalized other
Cooley: looking glass self
Dewey: the regulatory function of imagined reaction
Bourdieu: cultural capital
Giddens: identity as narrative
Said: the ‘other’ in political discourse
Althussar: Ideology
Friere: pedagogical tasks and activist critiques of civil society
Foucault: governmentality and micro-processes of power
• In contrast, psychology places an emphasis on the
importance of the integrated and autonomous self.
Motivation is central to this.
• Motivation is quite clearly a psychological term,
influenced by Freud's conception of the mind into id, ego
and superego, Piaget's constructivist conception of
personality development and Maslow’s hierarchy of
• R.C. Gardner’s concept of integrative motivation: the desire
to learn the target language based on positive feelings for
the community to which that language belongs.
• J.H. Schumann's acculturation model outlines the factors
involved in whether or not groups of learners, principally
ethnic minorities, have a propensity (social distance and
psychological distance) to learn the language of the majority
• social distance and psychological distance is influenced by:
• attitudes toward social dominance/ resistance;
• desires for assimilation/ preservation;
• enclosure (isolation);
• cohesiveness of the minority group; size of the minority
• and individual factors such as intended length of
• As Norton (2000) points out, the barriers erected by
dominant language and cultural groups are not taken
into account in Schumann’s model.
• In SLE, Norton uses the term identity "to reference how a
person understands his or her relationship to the world,
how that relationship is constructed over time and space,
and how the person understands possibilities for the
future" (2000, 5).
• Norton contrasts the concept of identity to that of
motivation and develops the notion of investment.
• Investment, which draws on Bourdieu's concept of
cultural capital, "signals the socially and historically
constructed relationship of learners to the target
language, and their often ambivalent desire to learn and
practice it" (p.10).
• Learners make a decision as to whether or not the target
language is worth investing time and effort in acquiring.
By committing themselves to learning the target
language, " they do so with the understanding that that
they will acquire a wider range of symbolic and material
resources" (p.10).
• The identities of language learners are not static or onedimensional. They often contain contradictions, change
over time and space, and most importantly, show the
impact of power relations.
For teachers, this means that one must
remember that students of English have
complex attitudes towards acquiring the
language and that this learning process is
integral to their formation of identity and
their sense of ethnicity.