Nutrition Exercise Prescription Test Guide

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Transcript Nutrition Exercise Prescription Test Guide

Nutrition Notes for Nutrition Test
 1.
Mode: Type of Activity Example: Jogging
 2. Duration: How long? 1 hour
 3. Frequency: How often? 3 – 4 X’s a week
 4. Intensity: 75% -85% of your maximum
Heart rate.
 5. Rate of Progression: How much you
increase over time. How much you increase
your weights over time.
 To
figure out your maximum heart rate
subtract your age from 220.
 220 – 15 = 205 X 75% = 153.75
 220 – 16 = 204 X 85% = 173.4
 Your maximum heart rate for cardio or
aerobic activity would be somewhere
between 150 and 180 depending.
Monday: Run for 45 minutes at 75% of maximum
heart rate. Warm up before you start for 10 min. and
cool down for 10 min. with a total workout time of
just over 1 hour.
Tuesday: Weights: Chest and Back doing bench
press, lat pull downs, push ups, 3 sets at 12 reps.
Warm up 10 min on stationary bike. Leg press, lunges
3 sets 12 reps each.
Wednesday: Same as Monday. Run for 45 min. etc
Thursday: Weights: Biceps, Triceps, shoulders,
Squats, push ups, abdominals. 3 sets each 12 reps,
warm-up for 10 min on treadmill.
Friday: Like mon + wed: Run for 45 min. Etc.
Saturday: Ride bike on bike trail for 90 min.
Sunday: Rest
 1.
Running 30 min +
 2. Fast walking 30 min +
 3. Bike as long as you don’t stop for 30 min +
 4. Swimming as long as it is non stop for 30
min+ (laps).
 5. Long distance running
 Any
stop start sport like: Football
 Baseball
 Basketball
 Soccer
 Tennis
 Snowboarding
 Downhill skiing
Two types of Carbohydrates with 3 – 4 examples of each
Storage Carbohydrate for quick energy
Unhealthy Fat
Healthy Fat
Energy Source
Building Blocks of Protein #’s for essential and non
essential and how many your body needs.
Four Fat Soluble Vitamins and What are the 2 Water
Soluble Vit
 Healthy
low fat Diet w/ water Fruit,
Vegetables and small amounts of protein and
complex carbs all day.
 Aerobic Exercise 3 – 4 X’s a week (Cardio)
 Strength Training (Weights) which will
increase lean muscle mass.
 Severe
calorie restriction, self starvation
 Mental disorder before it is a physical
 Distorted body image
 Dangers: Death, permanent bone loss,
weakness, immune system is depressed, hair
loss, loss of menstrual cycle, and depression.
 Frequent
episodes of Binge eating and then
purging (throwing up). Mental disorder
before it is a physical disorder.
 Dangers: Throw off Electrolytes which could
cause death. Rots out teeth and burns the
esophagus with stomach acid.
Water makes up about 60% or more of your body.
Sugar is what type of carbohydrate.
Give “3” examples of empty calorie foods.
Explain in your own words the importance of
learning Nutrition and how it could help you to
be stronger, healthier, smarter, less likely to be
sick and to feel better. How would a healthier
diet help you with STAR Testing coming in April?
How could a healthier diet help you to be more
successful in the future with college and
employment in your chosen profession?