Final Exam Review: General A&P

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Final Exam Review: General A&P
• Distinguish between anatomy & physiology
• What is homeostasis? How do negative and
positive feedback loops contribute to
maintenance of homeostasis?
• Describe the anatomical position
• Define the following words:
– Lateral/medial
– Inferior/superior
– Anterior/posterior
– Dorsal/ventral
Final Exam Review: General A&P
• Identify the anatomical planes shown on the
following body
Exam Review: Histology
1. Identify each of the following descriptions as pertaining to
either epithelial or connective tissues
– Composed largely of non-living extracellular matrix,
important in protection & support
– Avascular but innervated
– Lines body cavities, covers surfaces & forms glands
2. Explain the meaning of the following categories used to
classify epithelial tissue
– Simple v. Stratified v. Pseudostratified
– Squamous v. Cuboidal v. Columnar
3. Identify and differentiate between the three types of fibers
(collagen, elastin & reticular) produced in connective tissue
Final Exam Review: Histology
• Tissue Types:
Simple columnar
Pseudostratified columnar
Hyaline Cartilage
Dense fibrous
• Tissue functions?
Final Exam Review: Integumentary
• What are the main
components of the
integumentary system?
• What functions are
served by the
integumentary system?
• Identify and describe the
3 dermal layers seen in
the cross section of skin
Final Exam Review: Skeletal
• List the functions of the
skeletal system
• Distinguish between the
axial and appendicular
• Describe the parts of a
bone shown on the long
bone and cross section to
the right.
Final Exam Review: Muscular
• What functions are carried out by the muscular
• Distinguish between cardiac, smooth and skeletal
muscles in terms of striations, nucleation,
structure (branching? spindled?), control
(voluntary or involuntary?) and location .
• Refer to the structure of a
sarcomere shown below to
explain the sliding filament
theory of muscle contraction
Final Exam Review: Nervous
Final Exam Review: Nervous
Final Exam Review: Cardiovascular
• Follow the pathway of the drop of blood through the
heart (chambers & valves), major vessels, body & lungs
starting in the left atrium.
• Distinguish between systemic and pulmonary
• Describe the endocardium, epicardium, myocardium &
pericardium, with respect to heart structure
• Distingiush between arteries, veins & capillaries in
terms of structure and direction of transport.
• Describe the composition of blood
• Distinguish between systole & diastole; Summarize the
five events of the cardiac cycle
Final Exam Review: Respiratory
• Distinguish between the
conducting & true
respiratory structures of the
respiratory system
• Describe what happens
during inspiration with
respect to volume, pressure
& diaphragm movement
• What triggers breathing/gas
• Identify the structures
indicated on the diagram to
the right.
Final Exam Review: Digestive
• Distinguish between
alimentary/G.I. organs &
accessory organs of the
digestive system
• Differentiate between
mechanical & chemical
digestion and give an example
of each
• Identify & describe the
function of the structures on
the diagram to the right