Transcript Chapter 3

Computing Fundamentals with Java
Rick Mercer
Franklin, Beedle & Associates, 2002
ISBN 1-887902-47-3
Chapter 9
A Few Exceptions, A Little IO,
and Some Persistent Objects
Presentation Copyright 2002, Rick Mercer
Students who purchase and instructors who adopt Computing Fundamentals with Java by Rick Mercer
are welcome to use this presentation as long as this copyright notice remains intact.
When programs run, exceptional events
occur (a 3rd thing that is sure in life).
Examples of "exceptional events" include:
Division by 0
Attempt to open and it fails
Array subscript out of bounds
Trying to convert a string that is not a number into
a number
 Handle these with Java's exception handling.
• General form on next slide
Handling exceptional events
 Put code that "throws" exceptional event into a
try block and add a catch block.
try {
code that cause an exceptional event (throws an exception)
catch(Exception anException) {
code that executes when the code in try above throws an exception
 If code in the try block causes an exceptional
event, program control transfer to the catch
 Double.parseDouble
may be passed a string that does
not represent a valid number.
JTextField depositField = new JTextField("x");
String numberAsString = depositField.getText();
double amount = 0.0;
try {
// the next message may "throw an exception"
amount = Double.parseDouble(numberAsString);
System.out.println("This message may not be sent");
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
"'" + numberAsString + "' not valid number");
public static double parseDouble(String s)
throws NumberFormatException
Returns a number new represented by s
Parameters: s - the string to be parsed.
Returns: the double value represented by the string argument.
Throws: NumberFormatException - if the string does not
represent a valid number, 1o0.0 for example.
 Many methods throw an exception
Your methods could also
A small piece of Java's large
Exception hierarchy
 Code that throws RuntimeException need not be in a try
block, all others must be "tried" (there is an alternative).
Examples of Exceptions
 parseDouble
and parseInt when the String
argument does not represent a valid number.
 Integer expressions that result in division by 0.
 Sending a message to an object when the
reference variable has the value of null.
 Indexing exceptions:
attempting to access an ArrayList element with an
index that is out of range or a character in a string
outside the range of 0 through length()-1
Two Examples of Exceptions
String str = null;
String strAsUpperCase = str.toUpperCase();
Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.NullPointerException at
List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
String third = stringList.get(1);
IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at main(
Throwing your own Exceptions
 throws and throw are keywords.
 The object after throw must be an instance of a
class that extends the Throwable class.
public void deposit(double depositAmount)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
// Another way to handle preconditions
if(depositAmount <= 0.0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
my_balance = my_balance + depositAmount;
Input/Output Streams
 Input is read through input stream objects.
 Output is written through output stream objects.
 A stream is a sequence of items read from some
source or written to some destination.
 Let's show code we needed before the Scanner
type in Java 1.5.
Standard input/output
 Java has two classes for basic I/O: The "standard" input stream object
(an instance of InputStream)
System.out The "standard" output stream
object (an instance of PrintStream)
 PrintStream has all of the print and println
methods that you have been using.
println(Object) println(double) println(int)
Standard Input the hard way
// Use all of this instead of Scanner keyboard
= new Scanner(;
InputStreamReader bytesToChar
= new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader keyboard
= new BufferedReader(bytesToChar);
String line = "";
System.out.println("Enter a line of text");
try {
// Java forces you to try to read from keyboard
line = keyboard.readLine();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Can't read keyboard");
Circumventing Exceptions
no try catch needed when a method throws Exception
// Method declares it might throw any Exception
public class DeclareExceptionToBeThrown {
// Circumvent exception handling
public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception {
InputStreamReader bytesToChar
= new InputStreamReader(;
BufferedReader objectWithReadline
= new BufferedReader(bytesToChar);
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
String line = objectWithReadline.readLine();
line = line.trim(); // remove blanks
double number = Double.parseDouble(line);
System.out.println("Number times 2: " + (2 * number));
 The BufferedReader class is often used with
— BufferedReader has a readLine method.
• Example shown on previous slide
 BufferedReader is used for:
input from keyboard
Input from a text file
• See next 2 slides
Text input from a File
 Since the BufferedReader constructor take a
Reader object public BufferedReader(Reader in)
any class that extends Reader can be passed as an
argument to the BufferedReader constructor
• InputStreamReader such as Java's object
– For keyboard input
• FileReader
– for reading from a file
Part of Java's inheritance hierarchy. References to
InputStreamReader and FileReader can be assigned
to a Reader reference (one-way assignment)
Reading from a text file
 This program will read lines from a file in the
same folder (directory).
double n1 = 0; // Must initialize since try may fail
double n2 = 0;
try {
// Use a FileReader to read bytes from a disk file
FileReader rawBytes = new FileReader("");
BufferedReader inputFile = new BufferedReader(rawBytes);
n1 = Double.parseDouble(inputFile.readLine());
n2 = Double.parseDouble(inputFile.readLine());
Yet Another Detail
 A Try block may have one to many catch blocks associated
with it. There are three things that could go wrong:
} // <- end of try block from previous slide
catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
// Do this if numbers.dat was not found in the folder
System.out.println("Could not find file: " + fnfe);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Do this if a readLine message failed
System.out.println("Could not read from file");
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
// Do this if a line in the file was not a valid number
System.out.println("A numbers on file was bad");
 A FileWriter object allows you to write to a text file.
PrintWriter diskFile = null;
try {
FileWriter charToBytesWriter
= new FileWriter("out.text");
diskFile = new PrintWriter(charToBytesWriter);
catch(IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Could not create file");
// Now diskFile understands print and println
diskFile.print("First line with an int: ");
diskFile.close(); // Do NOT forget to close
9.3 Persistent Objects
 A persistent object is one that stays around after a
program terminates.
Can be used by other programs, or when the same
program begins again
 Entire objects, even very big ones, can be written to
a file on a disk and read from a file on a disk.
The objects must have implements Serializable
Use ObjectOutputStream and its writeObject method
Use ObjectInputStream and its readObject method
Write a list to disk
String fileName = "onelist";
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
list.add("A"); list.add("B"); list.add("C");
try {
FileOutputStream bytesToDisk
= new FileOutputStream(fileName);
ObjectOutputStream outFile
= new ObjectOutputStream(bytesToDisk);
// outFile understands the writeObject message.
// Make the object persist so it can be read later.
outFile.close(); // Always close the output file!
catch(IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Writing objects failed");
Read the list back in later
try {
FileInputStream rawBytes = new FileInputStream(fileName);
ObjectInputStream inFile = new ObjectInputStream(rawBytes);
// Read the entire object from the file on disk
Object anyObject = inFile.readObject();
// Should close input files also
// Now cast Object to the class that it is known to be
list = (ArrayList)anyObject;
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("Something went wrong");
System.out.println("The Object persisted: " + list);
The Object persisted: [A, B, C]
 Any object from a class that lists the following in its
heading can be written to or read from a disk file.
Implements Serializable
 ArrayList, String and many other Java classes do
this already.
 The primitive types are also persistent.
 Classes you write may need the Serializable tag:
public class BankAccount // can implement 2 or more
implements Comparable, Serializable
Bank Teller Done
 Optional: Demo
Go to the BankTeller folder on the book's disk
Run the program that writes the BankAccountCollection
and TransactionList objects to disk to set up an initial
state (9 account, no transactions). Run this file
• Enter the ID Rick (balance 400.00, no transactions)
Make 3 transactions, quit, save data, and run it again.
• Startup again and you'll see the transactions an balance were
remembered via persistent objects
An Object Oriented Program
 Bank Teller uses instances of many classes:
6 Author Supplied classes
• DayCounter, Transaction, TransactionList, BankAccount,
BankAccountCollection, BankTeller_Ch9 (extends JFrame)
4 ActionListener classes and 1 WindowListener class as
inner classes inside the JFrame
• WindowClosingListener, ChangeAccountListener,
DepositListener, WithdrawListener, TransactionButtonListener
10 Standard Java classes
• Object, String, GregorianCalendar, JFrame, JTextField,
JButton, JLabel, Calendar, ArrayList, JOptionPane
Many Objects
 Each object has specific, well-defined services that
it must provide (responsibilities).
 Most objects send messages to other objects.
 The Bank Teller is a system of interacting objects.
 This represents what OO programming is about:
You don't have one or two classes in isolation
You instantiate many objects from standard Java classes
You write your own classes that are specific to your
problem in order get the needed objects