AP United States History

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Transcript AP United States History

AP United States
Day 5
Bill of Rights to
War of 1812
Today’s lecture: Chapters 7-9
Next week: Chapters 10-12 (mainly the age of
Jackson, with more time the following week for
the cultural/slavery notes)
Note: We can not cover everything in the book
due to time constraints. However, it is very
important that you read ahead of the class, and
in particular, notice the sections with documents
and charts. This will help you prepare for the
SAT/AP test!
Bill of Rights
Many people were concerned that the Constitution did not have a list
of guaranteed rights.
They were afraid of abuse if the rights were not stated.
Proposed by James Madison due to conflicts between Federalists
(wanted it passed) and Anti-Federalists (who thought it had too
much power for the Federal Government) in 1787
Many leaders argued that the Constitution should not be passed due
to not having these in them
Massachusetts Compromise of 1788 said that if they passed the
Constitution, these must be included (New Hampshire, Virginia and
New York had the same language) and suggested amendments
Adopted as a group in 1791
Influences: 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights (George Mason),
1689 English Bill of Rights, natural rights in the Age of
Enlightenment, 1215 Magna Carta
12 proposed—only 10 passed (the representation of House
members never passed, and the 27th amendment passed 200 years
later covered the other (which did not let Congress increase their
own salaries until after the next election)
1st Amendment
Free exercise of religion/no state religion
 Freedom of Speech
 Freedom of the Press
 Freedom of Asssembly
 Right to Petition
2nd-5th Amendments
2nd: Right to keep and bear arms (weapons)
3rd: Protection from quartering of troops
4th: Protection from unreasonable search and
5th: Right of due process (a Grand Jury must
indict them and they must have a hearing), no
double jeopardy (tried twice for the same crime)
allowed, no self-incrimination, and eniment
domain protection (government can not take
your land without paying you a fair value)
6th-8th Amendments
6th: All criminal trials can be by jury
 Rights of the accused (speedy trial, right to
 7th: All civil trials over $20 must have a
 8th: Prohibits excessive bail (money
required to get out of jail before trial), cruel
and unusual punishment
9th-10th Amendments
9th: protection of rights not listed directly
 10th: All powers not delegated to the
federal government or the states belong to
the people
A New Nation: Trends and Themes
The U.S. government began to build and define itself under George
Washington’s leadership.
The debates over ratification of the Constitution spawned the
development of two separate political parties. New England
Federalists supported a loose interpretation of the Constitution and a
strong central government. Southern Republicans supported a strict
interpretation of the Constitution and a more limited central
government. Enmity between the two parties deepened, until the
events of the War of 1812 finally eliminated the Federalists as a
significant political party.
The U.S. made a concerted effort to stay out of European
entanglements and maintain neutrality during its effort to build its
national infrastructure. Often, though, the U.S. was caught in a tugof-war between Britain and France. Eventually, British aggression
and America’s desire to increase its territory and prove itself as an
international force led to the War of 1812.
Trends and Themes 2
After the war, the U.S. enjoyed a period of optimism and
general cooperation under a single political party: the
Republicans. In this period, the U.S. asserted its
dominance in the Western Hemisphere through the
Monroe Doctrine.
Westward expansion began in earnest after the
Louisiana Purchase. The sectional tensions created by
expansion, made apparent in the Missouri Compromise,
illustrated the increasing role slavery and regionalism
would play in the politics of the nineteenth century.
Through various rulings, the Supreme Court established
itself as a body able to declare acts of Congress
unconstitutional and supportive of Federalist policies.
The First President
George Washington elected first president, with John
Adams being the Vice President
Congress first met in New York City, March 1789 (moved
to Washington, D.C. in 1800)
Goals of Congress: establish a judicial branch, develop
executive branch, Bill of Rights
Congress worked on the bureaucracy and domestic
policy, and Washington focused on finance, diplomacy
and the military. (much less interaction than later
Unlike later presidents, he didn’t speak much about
policies, didn’t suggest many laws, only vetoed two bills
The cabinet wasn’t in the Constitution
 Washington started off by making offices
under him: Secretary of State, Secretary of
War, Secretary of the Treasury, Attorney
General (later 15+ positions)
Splits between Federalists and
In 1790, Alexander Hamilton proposed having the federal
government pay war debts of the states
Southern states were against this because they paid off
theirs early, while the Northern States did not
In order to sign off on this, they insisted on a southern
capital city (Washington, D.C.)
National Bank—Hamilton wanted a bank to store federal
money, issue currency, make loans, regulate banks, and
extend credit. Anti-federalists such as Thomas Jefferson
thought this gave too much power to the government
Strict and Loose Constructionalists
Strict: Believed that only what was
explicitly mentioned was in the
Constitution (i.e. the Charter isn’t in the
Constitution, so it can’t happen)
 Loose: Believed that due to the elastic
clause (Article 1, Section 8) that Congress
had the power “to make all laws which
shall be necessary and proper…”
 Bank was chartered in 1791
Tariff Issues
Hamilton wanted high tariffs to get money
and to help industries develop
 Jefferson/Madison opposed this, because
industries would become too dependent
on government aid (tariff did not pass in
the end)
Political Parties--Republican
Republican Party started in 1793, when
Jefferson resigned due to his opposition to
Federalist decisions (Hamilton)
 First opposition paper: The National
 Republicans won slight majority in 1794
 Leaders: Jefferson, Madison
 Backed by the Western frontier, rural and
farming South
Political Parties: Federalists
Leaders: Washington, Hamilton
 Argued for a strong central government
 Backed by Industry/Manufacturing in the
Whiskey Rebellion, 1794
July 1794, Western Pennsylvania farmers
had a violent rebellion over Hamilton’s
large excise tax on domestic whiskey
 The putting down of this rebellion proved
the central government’s power and
Proclamation of American Neutrality,
War between Britain/Spain and France
America refused to get involved
Offered some minor support to the French against
Spanish in Florida and the Mississippi Valley
British army seized 250 vessels in response, 1794
Jay’s Treaty (1795) with Britain removed troops from the
U.S., opened trade with British West Indies
Treaty of San Lorenzo (1795)—negotiated by Thomas
Pinckney with Spain, provided the U.S. Unrestricted
access to the Mississippi River and removed Spanish
troops from American land.
Washington’s Farewell
In 1796, set the two-term precedent (later
made law with the 22nd amendment, 1951)
 Farewell address: Washington warned
against parties, getting involved with wars
with other countries, and concentrate on
“efficient government” at home
 He feared that special interest groups and
foreign nations would dominate the two
Essay Questions
1. 1980 Exam (Question 4): "Between 1783 and 1800
the new government of the United States faced the same
political, economic, and constitutional issues that
troubled the British government's relations with the
colonies prior to the Revolution."
Assess the validity of this generalization.
2. 1982 Exam (Question 2): "The American Revolution
should really be called 'The British Revolution' because
marked changes in British colonial policy were more
responsible for the final political division than were
American actions."
Assess the validity of this statement for the period 1763-1776.
Essay Questions 2
3. 1985 Exam (DBQ minus documents): "From 1781 to 1789 the
Articles of Confederation provided the United States with an
effective government"
4. 1989 Exam (Question 2): "In the two decades before the
outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, a profound shift
occurred in the way many Americans thought and felt about the
British government and their colonial governments."
Using your knowledge of the period, evaluate this statement
Assess the validity of this statement in view of the political and
constitutional debates of these decades.
5. 1991 Exam (Question 2): The Bill of Rights did not come from a
desire to protect the liberties won in the American Revolution, but
rather from a fear of the powers of the new federal government.
Assess the validity of this statement.
Essay 3
6. 1996 Exam (Question 2): Analyze the degree to
which the Articles of Confederation provided an effective
form of government with respect to any TWO of the
Foreign relations
Economic conditions
Western lands
7. 2004 Exam (Question 2): Analyze the impact of the
American Revolution on both slavery and the status of
women in the period from 1775-1800.
8. 2006 Exam B (Question 2): "The United States
Constitution of 1787 represented an economic and
ideological victory for the traditional American political
Assess the validity of that statement for the period 1781
to 1789.
Essay 4
9. 2008 Exam B (Question 2): Analyze the
reasons for the Anti-Federalists' opposition to
ratifying the Constitution.
10. 2009 Exam (Question 2): Analyze the ways
in which British imperial policies between 1763
and 1776 intensified colonials’ resistance to
British rule and their commitment to republican
11. 2009 Exam B (Question 2): Analyze how
the ideas and experiences of the revolutionary
era influenced the principles embodied in the
Articles of Confederation.
Western Expansion 1
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 set forth rules and
the process for expansion
New States: Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792),
Tennessee (1796)
Spain and Great Britain were against this, as
they a) had land here, and b) wanted more land
Native Americans didn’t like it either, and fought
until 1794. They got massacred at the Battle of
Fallen Timbers, which led to the Treaty of
Greenville, which gave all of the Ohio territory to
settlers (no Indians allowed)
Map Links for Study
has a very large collection of U.S. Historical
 http://lib.utexas.edu/maps/histus.html is good
for maps, particularly of Texas, and for its links
 http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/map
s/ specializes in the period before 1812.
Slaves as percentage of population,
by state, 1790
1796 Election, Divided Government
This was the first question of confidence in
the Constitution
 Candidates: John Adams (Federalist,
dominated New England), Thomas
Jefferson (Republican, South)
 Adams won by three electoral college
votes, but under the rules of the time—
Jefferson (as 2nd highest vote getter) was
named the Vice-President!
Federalism, Take 2
French saw Jay’s Treaty as a proBritain, anti-France position
Began to seize/attack more than
300 American ships, threatened to
hang all Americans found on
British navel vessels
XYZ Affair
Adams sent a peace delegation to
French foreign minister, Charles de
Talleyrand, refused to meet with
them unless he got bribed
($250,000 for himself,
$12,000,000 loan to France)
Adams called the three agents who
went to Paris to try to meet with de
Talleyrand X,Y,Z
Response: America tripled its Army,
and had a “Quasi-War” with
France—no war was ever
declared, but armed ships
protected American ships
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
Background: Federalists won
big in 1798 mid-term elections
on anti-French beliefs
Key point: These four acts
basically made the
government much stronger,
and gave the government a
large amount of power to
attack civil liberties
Alien Enemies Act (allowed
deportation of foreigners who
were thought to be a threat)
Alien Friends Acts (allowed
President to deport any foreign
citizen for any reason)
Naturalization Act (changed
residency requirement from 5
to 14 years)
Sedition Act (forbade any
individual or group to speak,
write, or publish ANYTHING of
a false, scandalous and
malicious nature that hurt
Congress and/or the President
Sedition Act Analysis
This was a direct attack on the First
 In late 1800, almost all major Republican
newspapers charged under this act
 Where does the line of control pass the
line of censorship?
 Was this just a way to hurt the enemies of
the Federalist party?
Opposition to the Acts
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798)
(written by Jefferson (VA) and Madison (KY)
They argued that state legislatures could claim
that acts of Congress were unconstitutional
(states over federal rights)
Federal government is just a compact of states,
and should not overriding them
States must have final say
1799: Kentucky passed a resolution saying they
had the rights to nullify federal laws
What if a law breaks the
The states argued that they had the right
to not follow it.
 The Supreme Court addressed this in
Marbury v. Madison, 1803, saying that
they had the right to declare a law
unconstitutional and invalid (this has stood
up ever since)
1800 Election
The easy part:
Republicans won
easily, due to anger
over the Alien and
Sedition Acts
Those acts destroyed the
Federalist party
Jefferson considered this
the “Revolution of 1800”
The hard part: Who is
President, Jefferson
or Burr?
Jefferson wanted Burr to be
Vice-President, so all of the
ballots had BOTH of them, so
they were tied!
After 7 days and 36 ballots in
the House, Jefferson won.
12th amendment (1804) fixed
this issue so that candidates
must run for either President or
Vice-President, and this also
ended the problem in 1796 of
opposite parties in power
Jefferson’s Platform
Limited central government (in contract to
 More States rights and Personal Freedom
 Wanted more farmers and fewer cities
 Cut a lot of Federal spending/bureaucracy
 Almost all taxes cut (country used land
sales and customs to fund the country)
 Much lower military spending
If you know your enemy is taking
charge, what do you do?
If you’re John Adams, you try to appoint tons of
Federalists to judgeships in the final few hours of your
term (Midnight appointments)
Judges, as you remember, are appointed for life
Problem: One was delivered late—William Marbury as
Justice of the Peace in the District of Columbia
He asked the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus to
force James Madison (Sec of State) to appoint him
In February 1803, the court said no, and said that the
court didn’t have the power to do so (so the law was
Louisiana Purchase
In 1800, France regained the territory due to their war
with Spain
Jefferson was afraid that France would try to start an
empire in America
He sent people to France to try to buy the territory
They found out that Napoleon had no interest in America
anymore, due to a massive slave revolt in Haiti
Napoleon sold it in April 1803 for $15,000,000 to fund the
war in Europe
This purchase doubled the size of the United States (the
$15,000,000 in yuan: 2.50 yuan
Legal Issues of the Purchase
Jefferson was afraid that buying it was
unconstitutional, and in fact, drafted an
amendment allowing it
 Fellow Republicans convinced him it was
unnecessary, and just give the purchase
treaty to the Senate, and they quickly
passed it
 Irony: While Jefferson wanted to limit
Federal power, this purchase expanded it.
The United States, 1803
More Exploration of the West
Jefferson sent teams of Explorers to map
out what they bought from France
 A famous team was Captain Meriwether
Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark (Lewis
and Clark)
 They left St. Louis in 1804 with 45 soldiers
 They travelled 5,000km in 2 years to the
Pacific Ocean and back, due to the help of
Sacajawea (Indian guide)
Lewis and Clark Map
Burr-Hamilton Duel, 1804
Vice-President Aaron Burr and former Secretary of the
Treasury Alexander Hamilton
The men had radically different visions of the US
They had personal tensions for many years
Burr found out that he would on the ballot for Vice President
in 2004, so he ran for the governor of New York instead
Hamilton campaigned heavily against Burr, which caused
Burr to lose the election
This wasn’t the first duel for either one—Hamilton had ten
duels (but no shots)
July 11, 1804—both men went to Weehawken, New Jersey
(duels were recently made illegal in New York) to fight this
Duel Part 2
Hamilton also was the
reason that Burr was
Vice-President and
not President
A letter about the
campaign made Burr
so angry that he
offered a dual,
Hamilton accepted
July 11, 1804 was set
as the date
The Art of the Duel
They choose sides and whose second (assistant)
should start the duel.
Two shots were fired.
Usually, if both people shot into the ground, they
showed courage, and the duel was over.
Hamilton shot first, into a tree above Burr. The
“throwing away his fire” violated the do not waste
fire pre-duel pledge. Burr, however, thought the
bullet was an attempt to kill him.
Burr then hit Hamilton in the lower abdomen,
and he died the next day.
More Art of the Duel
Hamilton was against the idea of dueling, in spite of his
previous shot-less duels.
The eyewitnesses claim that Hamilton was trying to provoke
Burr, including aiming his pistol.
Did Hamilton have manic depression? Was he delusional?
Who knows?
Burr wasn’t a good shooter, but he clearly wanted to kill
Hamilton far more than Hamilton wanted to kill Burr.
Burr did regret it later, but not for many years.
Burr was charged with murder, but acquitted (found not guilty)
He went west for a while after his Vice-President position
ended in 1805, and ultimately died in 1836 in Staten Island,
New York.
Never apologized for the shooting or to Hamilton’s family.
France and England: worse than
brother and sister!
The U.S. tried to stay neutral in yet another war between
the two
Both sides started seizing or blocking trade
Chesapeake-Leopard affair, 1807, when the British ship
(HMS Leopard) opened fire on the USS Chesapeake,
after they were refused the right to board
Jefferson made a “penny-wise, pound-foolish” decision
by getting the Embargo Act of 1807 passed, which
basically cut off all trade anywhere (no ships could leave
the US)
He wanted to damage the French and British economies,
but the one he really damaged was the U.S. one.
USS Chesapeake
Madison and Declining Foreign
Secretary of State for Jefferson, James Madison, won
the election of 1808
Madison replaced the Embargo Act with the NonIntercourse Act (only blocked off trade with England and
Since the two biggest traders in the world were England
and France, this didn’t help much
Macon’s Bill No. 2, 1810, was another attempt to open
trade. This worked off of playing both sides against each
other. At first, we will trade with everyone. If you repeal
restrictions on neutral shipments, we will embargo the
other one!
Napoleon did this, in order to hurt Britain.
However, these peaceful attempts aren’t working, so the
War Hawks are starting to get angry.
War Hawks!
Leaders: John C. Calhoun (SC) and Henry Clay (KY)
They wanted war, since the economic issues had hurt
their region the most
Also, if we get into this war and win, we can get more
western land and Canada!
They were afraid that Britain would use Native
Americans in the North to fight the US—this in fact
happened with Tecumseh, “the prophet” (his brother) and
Battle of Tippecanoe (William Henry Harrison) crushed
the Indians (although he lost a lot of people too)
Even after this, the remains of the Indians allied with
Britain in the War of 1812
War of 1812
Remember that we aren’t concerned about the
battles of the war; just causes and effects
June 1812, Madison sent a message to
Congress about the British issues
Problem: The US had cut military spending so
much that they weren’t prepared
Reality; England really didn’t care, as it had
bigger wars
Ended with Treaty of Ghent, December 1814
Andrew Jackson, two weeks AFTER the treaty,
killed 2,000 troops
In reality, the war ended with exactly the same,
but the War of 1812 was good for national
And the world’s worst national
Oh, say! can you see by the
dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at
the twilight's last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and
bright stars, through the
perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched
were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the
bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night
that our flag was still there:
Oh, say! does that starspangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and
the home of the brave?
In case you want to see…
Jackson at New Orleans
The Hartford Convention (1814)
Just before the end of the
war, Federalists met in
Hartford to see if they can
regain power for New
Drafted 7 amendments,
including eliminating the
3/5 clause, and maximum
time limits for trade
The goal: give this to
Madison in the middle of
a deadlocked war when
people hated war
Reality: They got there
just after the Treaty of
Ghent and the New
Orleans victory
The people who went to
Hartford were viewed as
The final straw of the
death of the Federalist
It is up to you how many you do, but you
need to at least do an outline on most of
 This is not a graded course, however, you
owe it to yourself to do as much as you
can, particularly during February.
 I will be glad to read/comment on all
outlines and essays.
New Essay Questions
1. 1977 Exam (DBQ): The debate over the Alien and
Sedition Acts of 1798 revealed bitter controversies on a
number of issues.
Discuss the issues involved and explain why these controversies
developed (documents from this exam are not available)
2. 1983 Exam (Question 3): "Early United States foreign
policy was primarily a defensive reaction to perceived or
actual threats from Europe."
Assess the validity of this generalization with reference to United
States foreign policy on TWO major issues during the period
from 1789 to 1825.
Essays 2
3. 1994 Exam (Question 3): Evaluate the relative
importance of domestic and foreign affairs in shaping
American politics in the 1790's.
4. 2002 Exam (Question 3): Analyze the contributions of
TWO of the following in helping establish a stable
government after the adoption of the Constitution.
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Essays 3
5. 2003 Exam B (Question 3): Although the power of the national
government increase during the early republic, this development often faced
serious opposition. Compare the motives and effectiveness of those
opposed to the growing power of the national government in TWO of the
Whiskey Rebellion (1794)
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (1798-1799)
Hartford Convention (1814-1815)
Nullification Crisis (1832-1833)
6. 2004 Exam B (Question 2): To what extent was the election of 1800
aptly named the "Revolution of 1800"? Respond with references to TWO of
the following areas:
Foreign policy
Homework DBQ (for AP students)
7. 2002 Exam B (DBQ): Historians have traditionally
labeled the period after the War of 1812 the "Era of
Good Feelings." Evaluate the accuracy of this label,
considering the emergence of nationalism and
Use the documents and your knowledge of the period 1815-1825
to construct your answer.
The documents are located at this website:
This pdf file will also be available on the wikispace under the name
2002b dbq. Also, please note that page 7 is the free-response
section. This is what your real test will look like.
Coming next class:
Politics post-War of 1812 and the Age of
 Pre-Civil War Society
 Slavery