Transcript WWI Review

WWI Review
What are the 4 factors that led
to war?
What was the spark that ignited the
• The assassination of Archduke Franz
• Bonus: Who was the assassin? What
group did he belong to?
Gravilo Princip
Black Hand
• Cultural pride; desire for independence
• Acquisition of colonies (for resources);
competition to build empires
List at least 2 new weapons:
Poison gas
Machine guns
• Developing strong armies & navies; build
up of armaments
• Agreement to support and protect another
country; teams
Give one reason the US got
Zimmerman Note
Sinking ships
Defend democracy
Ties with allies; trade
What is the Lusitania?
• British passenger ship sunk by U-boat;
Americans died; Germany claimed was
carrying contraband
What did the food administration
• Promoted “gospel of clean plate;”
promoted ways to save food for soldiers
(meatless Tuesdays…)
Bonus Points: Who was in charge of it?
• Herbert Hoover
What was the Great Migration?
• Mass movement of African Americans to
the North to work in factories and escape
Jim Crow
What was the Selective Service
• Created a draft requiring all men to
register for a draft card so that a lottery
could be used to call up men to serve.
What is propaganda?
• Advertising for war and against other
countries; way of promoting certain ideas
to help with war efforts
• Posters, cartoons, radio ads…
Who was invited to the
• The Big Four
Why did Russia leave the war, and
how did that help Germany?
• Revolution… needed to work on
• No longer fighting 2 front war
What were the 14 Points?
Who? And basic Idea?
• Woodrow Wilson’s plan for peace at the
end of the war.
– Ideas to prevent more war and promote world
Explain the Zimmerman Note
• Germany contacting Mexico saying that if
the US got involved in the war, Germany
would back Mexico in reclaiming lost land
in the US.
What was the League of Nations?
And what point was it?
• Wilson’s idea as a world police monitor to
help monitor and mediate international
• Point 14
What countries were the Big 4?
Bonus: Who were they?
Great Britain
Woodrow Wilson
David Lloyd George
Georges Clemenceau
V. Orlando
Where were the peace conferences
• Palace of Versailles
Who was left out of the peace
• The Russians and all other allies
• The Germans
What did the treaty of Versailles
make Germany do? (At least 3)
Sign war guilt clause
Pay $33 billion in reparations
Return land to France
Loose other land
Get rid of their army
Who lost the most land to the treaty
of Versailles?
• Russia
What kind of warfare was used in
• Trench Warfare
Label each part from left to right:
no-mans land
What happened on the 11th hour of
the 11th day of the 11th month?
• Armistice signed
• Bonus: What is an armistice?
• Temporary cease-fire
What were American soldiers
called in WWI?
• doughboys
Who is Manfred von Ricthofen?
• The Red Baron
Who was the US Ace of Aces?
• Eddie Rickenbacker
Name 2 of the Central Powers:
• Germany
• Austria-Hungary
• Ottoman Empire
What is conscription?
• The draft
What is Sedition?
• Saying things to start a revolution, or bad
about the government
What committee was in charge of
• The Committee on Public Information
What term describes America’s
desire to stay out of world affairs
and focus only on US?
• Isolationism
What were the outcomes of the war
for the US (2) ?
• Strong government
• Strong military
• Fear (propaganda)
What is it called when a country
gets rid of their weapons?
• Disarmament
In what way did the US help fight
German U-boats?
• Convoy system
• Laid mines in the North Sea
What is it called when a country
has to pay other countries for war
• Reparations
Give 2 reasons the US did not get
involved in the war right away:
Family history
Economic ties to both sides
What is a Conscientious Objector?
• Someone who refuses to fight based on
moral reasons
Who was the US General in WWI?
• Gen. John Pershing