Elective Courses
Transcript Elective Courses
for the
2014-2015 School Year
are making a REQUEST.
This form is no guarantee that the
course(s) will be offered.
This form is not a guarantee that
you will be scheduled for the
selected course.
English II
English II Honors
English III
English III Honors
AP Language &
Geometry Honors
Algebra II
Algebra II Honors
Biology Honors
Chemistry Honors
Elective Science Courses:
◦ Anatomy & Physiology Honors
◦ AP Environmental Science
◦ Integrated Science 1 (Forensics)
World History
World History Honors
AP World History
US History
US History Honors
AP US History
you have scored a Level 1 or
Level 2 on the Reading FCAT,
you will be scheduled for
intensive reading.
Beginning with the class of 2015, students MUST
graduate with an online credit.
Florida Virtual School (FLVS) courses that will meet the
“one course” graduation requirement:
Elective Courses
o Law Studies
o Life Management Skills
o Parenting Skills
o Peer Counseling 1
o Personal and Family Finance
o Psychology I
o Reading for College Success
o Social Media 1
Physical Education
o Fitness Lifestyle Design
o Outdoor Education
o Personal Fitness
If beginning the FLVS course this
summer, go ahead and register NOW
for the course and select June 1st as
your start date.
If beginning the FLVS course this fall,
go ahead and register NOW for the
course and select August 18th as your
start date.
Number your preferences as follows:
- Absolute favorite
– Least favorite
Make sure you select courses that you are interested
in taking.
If a course requires approval, you MUST have the
sponsor’s approval to be scheduled into that
Beginning Monday, March 31st, students will
be able to log-in to their FOCUS accounts and
input their requests.
Once you have inputted your requests into
FOCUS, make sure you SAVE your selections.
Mrs. Kinney will be available everyday after
school until 3:45 in the gold computer lab to
assist students with inputting or to answer
Turn in signed paper copy of request form to
Student Services by Friday, April 4th.