Transcript File

Explorers Reach the Americas
A Changing Europe
PDN/LEQ: Why did people want
to explore? What were they
looking for?
The causes of expansion
• Gold
– Europeans had been exposed to products like silk, spices, and
tea which could not be produced in Europe. Explorers were often
traders looking for new routes to the places where they could
buy these products.
• Glory
– When an explorer returned from an expedition where they had
discovered a new land they were treated like a celebrity and
knew they would be remembered by history.
• God
– Europeans were Christians and many wanted to spread their
religion to other people.
The Norse in North America
• Norse are people who lived in Northern
Europe, present-day Sweden, Norway,
and Denmark
• Leif Eriksson
• Sagas – Norse legends
Europe and the Middle Ages
Feudal System – where the owner of the
land controls both land and people
– Did not allow many people to move or
advance beyond the place in society they
had been born in
Serfs – landless peasants
Little activity occurred between different
towns during this time period. This
caused trade to decline.
Decline of the Feudal System
• Between the 1300 and 1400’s the feudal
system began to change as many people
wanted more freedoms.
• 1347 – 1352 Black Death
• Middle Class
– Unlike lords, these business people focused
on trade and communication
Crusades to the Holy Land
• 1071 – a group of Muslims took control of
Jerusalem, a city considered Holy by
many religions.
• The Catholic Church was outraged and
called for Christians in Europe to unite and
set the Holy Land free.
• A set of wars took place between 10961270 called the Crusades.
Rise of Nations in Europe
• The Crusades against Muslims exposed
Europeans to new ideas and to new products.
– Science and technology
• Merchants and monarchs grew wealthy by
trading goods around the world.
– The monarchs showed their strength by setting up
large kingdoms that became France, England,
Spain, Portugal, and Italy.
Marco Polo
• Was born in Venice, Italy
• Traveled with his father
and uncle over 7,000 miles
across the Middle East and
• Returned to Italy in 1295
and told stories about
everything he saw and the
people he had met
• Wrote a book about his
travels called “Description
of the World”
• Renaissance – revival of interests in
learning and knowledge that occurred in
Europe between 1300’s – 1600
• Period of creativity and experiments
– Artists
– Writers
– Scientists
Ticket Out
• List two things you learned about Marco Polo.