There are ten billion neurons in our brain that form connections with
Transcript There are ten billion neurons in our brain that form connections with
It doesn't matter who you are, where
you come from. The ability to triumph
begins with you. Always.
Oprah Winfrey
Brain process, analyzes, combines,
and evaluates sensory information.
Brain creates thoughts and connects
them into streams.
Brain’s network is active.
Signals from various areas of neurons get
combined to create neuronal organization.
There are ten billion neurons in our
brain that form connections with
other neurons through the synapses
An activated neuron releases
chemical neurotransmitters
The chemicals enter the
synapses to reach receptors,
which triggers other neurons.
This creates a domino effect to
produce communication
between the brain and the rest
of the body.
Our brain connects the dots of our world into
meaningful patterns.
We perceive the world based on the pattern
A neural network of the brain is looking for
patterns and providing feedback.
Brain operates based on familiar patterns, but it
can rewire itself.
Brain can get adapted to thousand
environments and produce new sophisticated
behavior because of plasticity.
Brain is capable to change its
expectations to accommodate
the type of inputs.
Creativity is a meaningful
modification based on new patterns
of meaning.
When we're creative, we feel we are
living more fully.
In the last twenty years,
creativity has become an essential
skill for problem-solving in life
Creativity enhances the quality of
solutions to life problems.
Creativity predicts life achievements
better than intelligence.
Creative people can adapt to different
situation and reach
their goals.
Every individual has a creative
Everyone is different and unique.
Everyone brings a unique set of
behavioral patterns.
Creativity is a novel behavior
based on various interactions
between existing patterns.
Appropriate training and a
supportive environment can
improve creative potential
•Think new thoughts.
• Be open to experience.
•Take risks.
•Display interest.
•Create clear goals.
•Ignore distractions.
•Be responsible.
Provide reasons.
Manage time.
Set goals.
Brainstorm solutions.
Increasing self-confidence.
Evaluate results.
No Distraction
Creative Energy
•Making unusual connections.
•Putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
•Forming opinion.
•Putting ideas to work in practice.
•Classifying Information.
•Comparing and Contrasting.
•Adapting new attention
•Taking chances
Besides personality and genius, social
environment is important because it can either
nurture or crush the individual.
Women are forbidden from driving, right to
divorce, access to education, right to travel,
custody rights, and citizenship.
Women are not defined by their actions in
Women do as their husbands decide
Passive victims of violence and abuse
Marriage is the only way to social functioning
and economic support
To get what you've
never had, you must do
what you've never
through creative
Be Grateful
Step 1: See a half-full glass
Step 2: If your glass is still half-empty – just be
thankful that you have a glass and there's
something in it.
Creativity reduces causes of stress that trigger
aggressive behaviors and nerve breaks.
Channeling anger into passion and powerful
acts of creativity promote confidence and
Violence and aggression can be predicted and
re-channeled into positive activities.
Be mindful of incoming thoughts.
Find your purpose.
Stay loyal to your decisions and flexible to
your approaches.
Use symbolically borrowed identities.
Capture innovative ideas.
Analyze images and dreams.
Mix unlikely ideas.
Surround yourself with positive individuals.
No self-criticism and negative self-talk.
Meet your basic needs.
Allow yourself to grow emotionally,
spiritually, and intellectually.
Relax and have fun
Do not think that the entire world is
against of you.
Use positive affirmation, balance your
inner self, eliminate negativity, and create a
pleasant environment.
Take control of your thoughts
Find guidance
Live in the present
Be grateful
Focus on pleasant events
and individuals
Accept change
Remember: each day is a new day
What Is Stopping Me From Getting What I
What my Current Situation Does For me
What is my first step?
What is the bigger picture?
What are the consequences?
Disorganized - Creative
Inflexible -Organized
Stubborn - Dedicated
Shy - Reflective
Irresponsible - Adventurous
Weak - Humble
Arrogant - Self-Confident
Impatient - Passionate
Set clear goals.
Don’t ask: “Who will let me?” Ask: Who can
stop me?”
Develop new habits.
Recognize that you
are in control.
Get biases- free.
Favor reasons over
Stop holding yourself back
Meet your alternative self
Manage your energy, not your
Start to visualize happiness
Feel good
Admit them.
Be specific.
Set goals.
Seek guidance.
Assess the situation.
Forget the past.
One step at the time.
Celebrate small victories.
Openness to experience
Fluid attention
Willingness to take risks
Encouraging environment
Enjoy immediate experiences
Create meaning
Play with ideas
Create symbols
Establish order
Promote imagination.
Pay attention to the environment.
Become immersed in activity.
Research: October 2011: two-way 3 x 5 repeatedmeasures ANOVA to compare the interaction
effects for the different trainings related to the
aspects of creativity (fluency, originality,
elaboration, resistance to premature closure, and
abstractness of titles)
measured by the Torrance
Tests of Creative Thinking.
Outcomes: creativity
could be promoted
Through training.
Project: 2006-2007: “Club of interesting people”
For Brooklyn Community Access Television
Network (BCAT). Interviewing creative
from around the world. Outcomes: all terviewees
shared attraction to novelty, independence, and
persistence. devotion, flexibility, hunger to
observe, attentiveness, humor, and willingness
to take chances.