Transcript File
Bell work 12/9
• What Treaty ended WWI?
• Treaty of Versailles
• How did that treaty help start WWII?
• Things Fall Apart 12/14
• Last day of school in 2 weeks!
• December 18
Extra credit opportunity
• Watch a film about genocide
• Write about it (exact directions on front page of my website)
• Up to 100 points
• Due December 16
• You can only do this if you have 0 or 1 missing assignments
• Remember: your final is 20% of your grade
• Yes it is EVERYTHING from day 1
• 3 parts
• Part A: 61 question Multiple choice (taken on finals day)
• Part B: 9 question multiple choice w/reading (3 q’s per
• Part C: 1 essay (documents provided and need 3 paragraphs)
Part A+B is 15% of your grade
Part C is 5% of your grade
Take out paper for WWII notes
Remember: Celebration Time
• Cheering the end of
world war I, on Nov.
11, 1918.
• The long, horrible war
had taken the lives of
nearly 10 million
Germany After WWI
“Nature is cruel, so we may be cruel, too… I have
the right to remove millions of an inferior race
that breeds like vermin”
How It Began
Lots of factors
• WWI leftovers
• Germany defeated in and had to pay cost of
war. In huge economic depression
• Italy victorious but wanted more territory
• Japan victorious but wanted China
• Outside factors…
What Were These Outside Factors?
• Germany reduced size
• Organized League of Nations
• French and Britain unsure
• U.S. isolationist
Immediate Causes of WW II
• In Germany Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 as a
fascist dictator.
• Hitler Hated the Treaty of Versailles and violated it.
First he built up the German military. Then he sent
troops into the Rhineland. This was a direct violation
of the Treaty of Versailles, which said in 1919 that
Rhineland was a demilitarized zone.
Political Ideologies
• Totalitarianism is a form of government that aims to control
everything, including newspapers, radio, and television
• Democracy a form of government in which citizens elect
representatives to govern for them.
• He was a totalitarian leader.
• He caused millions to die, divided the country, caused
countries to go to war with one another, and made people
live in fear.
Hitler is busy…
• Gestapo Created -- April, 1933
• Jewish Boycott – April, 1933
• Jewish Books Banned & Burned – May, 1933
• 27,000 People in Camps – July, 1933
• 60,000 People in Camps – 1938
• Illegal to Leave Germany – October, 1941
Immediate Causes of WW II
• Hitler wanted to conquer whoever he felt was inferior to
the Germans or Aryans. He wanted “living space” for the
Germans in Eastern Europe.
• On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland without a
declaration of war. This starts World War II.
German Territorial Gains
• Austria – March, 1938
• Border of Czechoslovakia – Sept., 1938
• All of Czechoslovakia – March, 1939
• Poland – Sept., 1939
• By Summer of 1940, Germany Controlled Most of Europe
• World shocked as France falls to Germans
Immediate Causes of WW II
• Britain and France declared war on Germany
on September 3, 1939.
• Italy declared war on France and Britain on
June 10, 1940.
• In German blitzkrieg means “lightning war”.
• Hitler used blitzkrieg during his invasion of Poland.
• Blitzkrieg included surprise attacks, rapid advances into enemy territory, and
massive air attacks that struck and shocked the enemy.
• Germany achieved most of its victories in World War II with the Blitzkrieg tactic.
• A blitzkrieg consists of bombing enemy positions with
airplanes, then attacking with armored forces (tanks),
and finally following up with ground troops.
• Germany used Blitzkrieg tactics against France.
• Germany defeated France in 5 weeks.
• They had done what could not be done in 4 years of
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy,
and Japan
formed an alliance
known as the
Axis. Six other
nations eventually
joined the Axis.
Alliance That Changes War
• Germany “allies” with Japan
• Japan was “China Hungry”
• Japanese angry over U.S. support of China
• Agreed to peace negotiations with U. S.
Emperor of Japan
World War II
War in the Pacific
• Japan occupied French Indo-China.
• The US responded by cutting off Japan’s supply of
scrap metal and oil.
• US embargo angers Japanese and is the provocation
for Japan attacking Pearl Harbor
• Without American oil, Japan only had a six month reserve of oil.
• Japan had to act quickly or not be able to wage war.
• That is when they decided to bomb Pearl Harbor.
• Japan wanted the oil from the Dutch East Indies
• But they knew America would go to war with them if they attacked
that area.
• So they decided to destroy the American fleet at Pearl Harbor in a
surprise attack.
Pearl Harbor
Dec. 7, 1941
“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 is a date which
will live in infamy. The United
States Of America was suddenly and
deliberately attacked by Naval and Air Forces
of the Empire of Japan.” -Franklin Roosevelt
The U.S. during the beginning of WWII was
Why did the United States decide to join the war?
Allies United:
U.S.S.R, England and The U.S.
D-Day - June 6, 1944
Landing on Normandy Beach
It was the largest sea borne invasion in history.
The Air War
During world war II the B-24 bombers were used to strike
factories, railroads, and other industrial targets.
Germany Surrenders
May 7, 1945
Germany At The End Of WWII
How did the war with Japan end?
• Atomic bomb
The Atomic Bomb
• Atomic Bomb – was a “super weapon” because it was a single bomb
with the destructive capacity of thousands of regular bombs.
• Decision to drop it – President Truman decided to drop the atomic
bomb on Japan because he believed it would shorten the war and
save American lives.
• The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. It
destroyed the city and killed about 100,000 people.
• When Japan did not respond to America’s request to
surrender, the second bomb was dropped.
• It was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan and killed about
60,000 people.
• Japan surrendered after that.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
• They were chosen as targets because…
• Much of the population was military personnel
• Large industrial and manufacturing facilities made both cities wealthy
• Both cities were virtually undamaged by previous U.S. bombings
Important Years to Remember
• 1939 – German invasion of Poland starts WWII
• 1941 – Germany invades Russia
• 1941 – Pearl Harbor – USA enters war
• 1942 – Turning points at Stalingrad and Midway
• 1945 – Atomic bombs dropped on Japan
• 1945 – Germany and Japan surrender
Important turning points to remember
• Formation of alliances
• Stalin grad
• D-Day