apeuro- INterwar period ch26 2013
Transcript apeuro- INterwar period ch26 2013
The Time
Between the
(WWI to WW2-2nd 30yr War?)
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid te guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset
Loved and were loved, and now we
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies
In Flanders fields.
WWI Ends
Europe recovered from World War I
Society faced rapid change
Changes in government
Stage is set for World War II
• Full scale war, ->
economies devoted
entirely to the war effort
• The Allied and Central
Powers spent $200
billion fighting the war
• Nearly every major
European country was
bankrupt by 1918
Recovery, Part 2
• 15 to 20 million dead, (civilians and
• Locations of battles left heavy destruction
and unusable land->Belgium/France
Aftermath of World War I
• 1920s and 30s time
of reexamination
• Lost Generation
• Exhausted Europe
reflected ->
devastating War
• New Authoritarian
Governments, Fascist
and Communist,
spread through
Surrealism- “The
Face of War”
by Salvador Dali
New Art forms such as Surrealism and
Dadaism examined the ideas
brought forth by Sigmund Freud,
the Unconscious (Jung too!)
The Art also reflected the insanity of
Dada (Degenerate Art ?/ This is what Hitler called it)otto dix
Note this is a triptych
(3 piece art) which is
commonly placed by
an altar
More Degenerate ArtGeorge Grosz
• Germans -> peace according to
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
• Actual treaty was harsh towards
– Lost land (Alsace/Czech/Poland)
– All territories Africa and Pacific
German military power extremely
– War guilt clause
– $31 billion in war reparations
• League of Nations
• Other treaties based on agreements
among the Allied powers
• End of Empires! Ottoman Empire ,
Austro-Hungarian empire split up>New Balance of Power• Brest-Litovsk btw Germany and
Russia cancelled and Russia
recovered land, new countries
formed- Poland, Baltic States,
Unstable Governments
• ->economic and war recovery
– Eastern and Central. Europefiguring out democracy ->shaky
situation (little liberal history,
strong conservative elements)
• By mid 1920s->DictatorshipsAuthoritarian Government(except Czechoslovakia)
• Coalition governments
• Dependent on American
economy and investment
Weak Governments lead to
Extremism in East- Vacillating
Govts in West
• By the end of the 1920s most of Eastern
Europe was dominated by the military
– Some countries (eg Hungary) had short
experiences w/Communist Government that
was quickly overrun-> long term “red” fear
– Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary all became
effectively military governments, only
Czechoslovakia -> democracy
– England and France weak coalition
Germany ->Weimar Republic
• Proportional
Government ->
weak coalitions
• Weimar- City in
Germany where
Constitution was
• Social
Party ruled
• Later
• SDP initially
most powerful
• Strong
• Liberal Constitution-borrowed from UK
Cabinet, from US-> President
• Free Speech, 20 yr voting age- both
• Voting methods->likelihood of splinter
• Federal system-> less centralized
• Failures of Weimar Republic
– Military and Justice rife w/conservatives,
monarchists- Rightists treated leniently,
Leftists Harshly
Lost Territory
Anschluss - Germany was not allowed to
unite with Austria.
Land - Germany lost land to a number of
other countries. Alsace-Lorraine was
returned to France, Eupen and Malmedy
were given to Belgium, North Schleswig was
given to Denmark. Land was also taken from
Germany and given to Czechoslovakia and
Poland. The League of Nations took control
of Germany's colonies
German Disarmament
• Military Clauses
• Army - was to be reduced to 100,000 men
and no tanks were allowed
Navy - Germany was only allowed 6 ships
and no submarines
Air force - Germany was not allowed an
Rhineland - The Rhineland area was to
be kept free of German military personnel
and weapons
Germany Post WWI
Early Crisis- Saar Basin- Ruhr
• Germany fails to pay full
Reparations (1922)- France
Occupies mines- upsets
Britain- Germans unite!
-Constant issue of Reparations
US doesn’t demand Reparations but does
demand repayment of War Debt- Heavy
Germany 1920s
• Economic Problems- Hyperinflation
• Weak and unstable “Weimar Republic” ->
breeding ground for radicals
• Govt. failed to raise taxes in WWI>solve
debt>print $$$$
Treaties/Agreements 1920s
• Refinancing the Debt->Dawes plan and
subsequent Young Plan- Stabilized SPD
and Germany!
• Trappau 1922 Berlin Treaty 1926 Russia
• Locarno Pact 1925- reasserting
borders but not Poland! (Stressemen)
• Kellogg-Briand Pact
• Little Entente- Czech, Yugoslavia,
Great Britain- The sun
begins to Set? Sort of
• Reliance on British countries in WWI ->
• Irish Question- Irish independence? 21+6?
• Ghandi in India, Egypt Protectorate
• Slow Economy throughout 1920s
• A last gasp before dominance begins to
Fade (had its’ own Iraq problem)
France 1920 and 30s
• Highly dependent upon Reparations
– Paid them in 1815 and 1871
– Some felt that not enough Retribution
• Conservative Governments dominated in the
20s, more liberal Governments in 1930s
• Sizeable followings of both socialism and
– Anti-Semitism lingered under the surface, however in
the 1930s Leon Blum, a Jew was Prime Minister
• Institutes 5 day 40hr workweek
Rise of Extremism
• Fear/Anxiety->lose faith in democratic
– Turn to extremism (communism, fascism)
– Subordination of the individual to the State
• Fascism – “born of the need for action”
– Extreme nationalism
– Authoritarian leaders– Absolute loyalty
– Censorship
– Dictatorial one party rule
– Denied individual rights
– Each class has a function
Rise of Extremism
• Economic and Social Problems lead
to extremism (communism, fascism)
• Fascism – “born of the need for action”
– Extreme nationalism
– Authoritarian leaders-Dictators
– One Party Government
– Censorship
– Limited Civil Rights
• What groups of people are attracted to
– Fascism?
– Communism?
Each involves SUBORDINATION of the person to the STATE
Chart of ideologies
• Believed sacrifices during WWI were in
vain– Versailles didn’t properly compensate Italy
• Severe economic crisis, didn’t want
– “red” fear (Bolsheviks)
• Weak Coalition GovernmentsProportional Representation
• Benito Mussolini – promised rescue Italy
• Takes over government in 1922-bloodless
– King Victor Emmanuel
– Fascists- reconstitute Italian Parliament (
• Model of fascism-
Mussolini’s Palace
Life for Europeans changes
at an unheard of pace
Travel and Mass Media
become commonplace
• Worldwide Economic
• October 24, 1929,
stock market fell
• Germany/Austria
particularly hard hit
• Depression v.
Recession, what’s the
Depression, cont.
• Businesses, banks, and
factories closed
• American economy
collapses! Reverbates>European economies
• Unemployment
• Austrian Bank fails
1930-> German bank
failure-econ. Collapse
(sound familiar?)
• In U.S. – the New Deal
• In Europe – democratic
groups failed, and antidemocratic leaders step in
• France – Popular Front
(Communists and
• Britain – National
Government (all party
coalition)- cuts???antikeynsian
John Maynard
• Spend $$$$$$$ out of a Recession-STIMULATE
• British Economist
– Theorized ->deep recession->Paradox of ThriftConsumers->Save instead of Spend, compounding the Recessionary
• Government MUSTspend
– Book General Theory on Employment, Interest and Money (1936)
– Short Run Matters->Long Run we’re all dead
– Major effect on Post WW II Economics--Also argued against
Protectionist Trade Policies
• Along w/Smith, Malthus and Ricardo- One of the most
important Economists in World History!!!
• Member of the Bloomsbury Group- w/Virginia Woolf, EM
American Isolationism
• Most Americans ->
avoid political ties to
other countries
• Rejected Treaty of
Versailles and didn’t
join League of Nations
• Economically (banks
and industry), heavily
connected to Europe
(Dawes and Young
Fascism v. Communists
and Republicans
Spanish Civil War
Conservatives and Fascists fought
Socialists and Liberals
-Republicans won elections but military
Germany and Italy will provide military
support for the Fascists
-Soviet Union (Russia) will provide support
for the Communists
- Fascists Win, led by Francisco Franco
Painting by
Pablo Picasso
Guernica was the site of the 1st aerial bombing of
a city- 1000s indiscriminately killed
Saturation Bombingprecursor to Dresden (WW2)
Spain - civil war- Guernica
• Harsh deal? from Versailles TreatyConservatives remained in Power• Late 1920s recovery until->Great
Depression ->unemployment
• Left/Right split
• Nazis gain power 1933
• Adolf Hitler – promised the people
what they wanted elected Chancellor
One Theory
• From Luther and sell out of Peasant’s
Revolt->30yr War and increased Serfdom>Prussia (militarism)>VolkscultureReaction to Napoleonism?
>Burschenschafen-> Hegel (Subordination
of the indiv. To State->Nietzche
(Uberman)->Wagner (German Myth)>Chamberlain (virulent Anti-semitism)>Wilhelm II-> Hilter
From The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
The Peace of Westphalia (1648) was almost as disastrous to the future of
Germany as the war had been. The German princes, who had sided with
France and Sweden, were confirmed as absolute rulers of their little
domains, some 350 of them, the Emperor remaining merely as a figurehead
so far as the German lands were concerned. The surge of reform and
enlightenment which had swept Germany at the end of the fifteenth and the
beginning of the sixteenth centuries was smothered. In that period the great
free cities had enjoyed virtual independence; feudalism was gone in them,
the arts and commerce thrived. Even in the countryside the German
peasant had secured liberties far greater than those enjoyed in England and
France. Indeed, at the beginning of the sixteenth century Germany could be
said to be one of the fountains of European civilization….
Now, after the Peace of Westphalia, it was reduced to the barbarism of
Muscovy. Serfdom was reimposed, even introduced in areas where it had
been unknown. The towns lost their self-government. The peasants, the
laborers, even the middle-class burghers, were exploited to the limit by the
princes, who held them down in a degrading state of servitude. The pursuit
of learning and the arts all but ceased. The greedy rulers had no feeling for
German nationalism and patriotism and stamped out any manifestations of
them in their subjects. Civilization came to a standstill in Germany. The
Reich, as one historian has put it, ”was artificially stabilized at a medieval
level of confusion and weakness.”
Weimar Instability
Kapp Putsch
Communist revolts
Establishment National Socialist Party
Early US Report on Adolf Hitler
Captain Smith wrote a lengthy report which the embassy dispatched to
Washington on November 25, 1922.
“The most active political force in Bavaria at the present time is the National
Socialist Labor Party. Less a political party than a popular movement, it
must be considered as the Bavarian counterpart to the Italian fascist! . . . It
has recently acquired a political influence quite disproportionate to its actual
numerical strength. . .Adolf Hitler from the very first has been the
dominating force in the movement, and the personality of this man has
undoubtedly been one of the most important factors contributing to its
success... His ability to influence a popular assembly is uncanny. In private
conversation he disclosed himself as a forceful and logical speaker, which,
when tempered with a fanatical earnestness, made a very deep impression
on a neutral listener.”
Colonel Smith, who later served as American military attache in Berlin
during the early years of the Nazi regime
From The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
National Socialist German
Workers Party
• 1923 Beer Hall Putsch- involved Ludendorf
• 1924- Mein Kampf- while in luxury Prison?
• Mid 20s Roehm’s stormtroopers
(Brownshirts-SA)-Later SS too! (others had their
Beer Hall Putsch
”The National Revolution has begun!” Hitler shouted. ’This building is occupied by six
hundred heavily armed men. No one may leave the hall. Unless there is immediate
quiet 1 shall have a machine gun posted in the gallery. The Bavarian and Reich
governments have been removed and a provisional national government formed. The
barracks of the Reichswehr and police are occupied. The Army and the police are
marching on the city under the swastika banner.”
…At any rate a shot was fired and in the next instant a volley of shots rang out from
both sides, spelling in that instant the doom of Hitler’s hopes. Scheubner- Richter fell,
mortally wounded. Goering went down with a serious wound in his thigh. Within sixty
seconds the firing stopped, but the street was already littered with fallen bodies –
sixteen Nazis and three police dead or dying, many more wounded and the rest,
including Hitler, clutching the pavement to save their lives.
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Mein Kampf•
Not a Bestseller– 9,473 copies (1925),. 6,913 (1926), 5,607 (1927), 3,015 (1928), 7,664 (1929),
rose with the fortunes of the Nazi Party in 1930, when an inexpensive onevolume edition at eight marks appeared, to 54,086, 50,808 (1931), 90,351 (1932)
From Mein Kampf
– “All the human culture, all the results of art, science and technology that
we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of
the Aryan … he alone was the founder of all higher humanity, therefore representing the prototype of all that we understand by the word
”man.” He is the Prometheus of mankind from whose shining brow the
divine spark of genius has sprung at all times, forever kindling anew that
fire of knowledge which illumined the night of silent mys- teries and thus
caused man to climb the path to mastery over the other beings of this
earth ... It was he who laid the foundations and erected the walls of
every great structure in human culture.”
Rise to Power
• 1928 Election- Nazi Party wins 12 Seats
• Late 20s Coalition Govt formed -> fails 3/30
• 1930 Election Nazi->107 Seats
– SA 1 Million members
5/32 Hitler v. Von Hindenburg for President-> Hindenburg’s wins
7/32 Nazi party wins 230 seats 37%
11/32 party 196 seats 33%Attempt at Coalition govt alienates conservatives
1/30/33 Hitler named Chancellor
2/27/33 Reichstag Fire->Communists blamed art 48 imposed
3/33 Nazi party wins 288 seats 43.9%
3/23/33 Enabling Act
5/33 Nazi Party seizes offices, banks, newspapers and free trade
• 7/33 Nazi Party sole legal party
• 6/34 SA leader Roehm and prior chancellor killed (Night of Long
• 8/34 Hindenburg dies, Hitler- President and Chancellor
Rise of
German Nazism
• Nazi Party elected 1933
• Stages fire? in Reichstagblames Communists-outlaws
other parties
• Creates Dictatorship (48)
• Use of Propaganda to build
Anti-Semitic Laws
• Mein Kampf, (written while in prison-after Beer Hall
Putsch) overt->Jews were a plague on Germany
• 1933 Jews excluded from Civil Service (including
• 1933 Dachau established Beginning NOT JEWSpolitical prisoners!
• 1935 Nuremberg Laws passed limiting Jewish
Employment and citizenship
• November 1938->Kristallnacht
Americans and Nazi ideals
• Henry Ford- The Dearborn Independent May 22, 1920,
"The International Jew: The World's Problem." "There is a race, a part of
humanity which has never yet been received as a welcome part." This
people, … has ever been fouling the earth and plotting to dominate it. In
order to eventually rule the Gentiles, the Jews have long been conspiring to
form an "international super-capitalist government." (This racial problem)..
"prime" question confronting all society.
-Ford frequently accused the Jews of causing a decline in American
culture, values, products, entertainment, and even worse, of being
the instigators of World War I.
Who Financed Hitler; The Secret Funding of Hitler's Rise to Power
• Charles Lindberg- Jews were trying, partly through their ownership
of the media, to draw America into the war. Lindbergh represented
America First
• Eugenics- Forced Sterilizations 1920s
• Jim Crow, Chinese Exclusion Act etc…
• Resettlement- (true in many other countries too…Trail of
Tears, Indian Bureau)
Foreign Policy
Axis Power
Disarmament talks ended, Rearmament
Austrian Nazis kill Austrian Chancellor 1933
Naval Agreement w/Britain 1935
Removes League of Nations
1936 Germany and Italy form allianceRome-Berlin Axis
Italy in 1935 invaded Ethiopia
Japan Joins Axis as well
Kristalnacht 11/10/38
-Night of the Broken Glass-
• German Jew kills German diplomat in
Paris- Germans riots against Jews.
• Jewish businesses and synagogues are
destroyed- police turn their backs.
Hundreds of Jews are killed or wounded
• The Depression ->
military leaders took
• Planned to solve
economic problems
-> Pacific empire
• Ruled in emperor’s
Germany on the
violates the Treaty of
-1936 Remilitarizes
the Rhine
1937 Germany forms
a union with AustriaAnschluss
One Culture, One
1938-Occupies the
Sudetenland part of
Munich Conference-Appeasement
• Hitler meets with Britain (Prime Minister
Chamberlain) as well as France• Germany promises the Occupation of the
Sudetenland is the last thing they’ll do
The Church and Churches
• Pius XI– Concordat with Nazis 1933
• Later sent objections to Nazi- treatment of Church
(though not to others)
• 1938 Objected to racism
– Lateran Treaty with Mussolini 1929
• Majority Protestant Pastors Germany
failed to object
• Pacelli->Pius XII- Anti-Semite->negotiated
treaty Germany
• Bolshevik’s and Communists—Ousted
Soviet Union
• Lenin dies->Trotsky’s ousted->Stalin gains
– Stalin- Bureaucrat->headed the partyPolitburo
• >through patronage built up a strong base
– Trotsky favored radical economic changes
• Lost favor->Stalin didn’t take a position
• 1929 Kulaks (primarily
Ukrainian farmers)
ordered to collectivize
• 1930s Millions exiledperish
5 Year Plans
• Heavy Industry
• Russia witnesses explosive growth
• Centrally planned economy
– Ignore consumer economy
• Urbanization
• Education-as means of advancement
– Especially sciences
• 1933-> Great Purges begin
– Bukharin architect of NEP executed 1938
• Moves to countryside
– Local leaders use purges
Soviets (Russia) and German Agree
to Non-Aggression Pact (1939)
Note: 1920s Soviets facilitated German violations of Treaty
Versailles. Nonetheless Ironic- Anti-Communist signs w/ardent
September 1, 1939WWII Begins
• Poland Invaded
• France and Britain allied
with Poland will enter War
Women in Totalitarian Regimes
• Low Birth Rate- why?
– Attempts to build up Population
• Awards for big families (largely ineffective)
• Fascists (far right)
– Traditional in Nature- >Kinder, Kirche, Kuche
(german-Children, Church and Kitchen)
• Communist
– Initially some increased rights, ->later
retrenchment- Matushka
Culture and Art
• Streams of Consciousness
– Effect of Freud on Literature
• James Joyce Ulysses- (some say the
greatest English Novel)
– 24 hours in the life of Leopold Bloom through
the streets of Dublin
• Bloomsbury Group (not related to L.
Bloom above)
• Jung (Psychology)
– Building on Freud
– Argues the Id- collective conscience
• Similarities of Myths etc…some commonality,
• Rutherford and Heisenberg (Physics)
– Atomic Research and Uncertainty Principle
– Laying the groundwork for atomic energy