Transcript WWII

1939 - 1945
The Great Depression – Post-WWI
 Following WWI, economies devastated from costs of
Germany no longer could pay their debt from WWI to allies
Britain & France couldn’t pay their debts to U.S.
 Agriculture suffered around the world
 Overproduction leads to lower prices
 Stock Market crash in US in 1929
Events Leading to WWII
 Rise of fascist governments
 Nationalists, single-party authoritarian regimes
 Examples: Adolf Hitler – Germany; Benito Mussolini – Italy
 Rise of military rule in Japan
 Japan invades Manchuria to create buffer zone between Soviet
Union (Russia)
 1937 – Japan invade parts of China; beginning of WWII in
 Germany & Italy rising to power
 1935 – Hitler begins to re-arm Germany
 1935 – Mussolini invades Ethiopia
Germany taking territories…again
 1938 – Hitler unifies Austria w/ Germany
 1938 – Germany annexes the Sudetenland (west
portion of Czechoslovakia where they speak German)
1938 – Munich Conference Hitler pledges NOT to
take any more territory; France & Britain take his
1939 – Germany annexes all of Czechoslovakia
1939 – Hitler signs a non-aggression pact w/ Soviet
September 1, 1939 – Hitler attacks Poland – marks
the beginning of WWII in Europe
Let’s go Round 2!
 Axis Powers
 Germany
 Italy (didn’t they switch sides before?)
 Japan
 Allied Powers
 Great Britain
 France
 Soviet Union
 (later on…the U.S.)
Why does Japan bomb Pearl Harbor?
 Because Japan took territories in Southeast Asia and
attacked other areas (not to mention what side they
were on!)…the US imposed an embargo act against
 December 7, 1941 – Japan attacks US fleet stationed
in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
This brings the US into WWII and joins the Allied powers.
Swings the momentum of the war from the Axis to the Allied
Germany’s Mistake (Little Hitler’s mistake!)
 Still fighting a “Two-Front War” (western & eastern
 Hitler attempts to invade Russia…in the winter!
Cold, harsh Russian winter took its toll on German soldiers
Many lost their lives due to the weather
Germany forced to withdraw from Russia in 1942
 Soviet armies begin making their way through
Eastern Europe and into Germany
Ending the War
 April 1945 - Allied Powers depose (forced to leave)
Mussolini (Italy) from power
 April 30, 1945 – Hitler commits suicide
 May 1945 – Germany resigns
Ends the European “theater” of WWII
What about Japan?
 After Europe was won, Soviet Union assisted the US
and the Allies against Japan
 US uses the atomic bomb against Japanese cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
 August 1945 – Japan surrenders
Ends WWII in the Pacific “theater”…and for good!
Peace Settlements
 Yalta Conference – 1945
 Soviet Union agrees to join the war in exchange for territory in
Manchuria & northern island of Japan
 Divides Germany into 4 zones of occupation
 Potsdam Conference – 1945
 Soviets control eastern Poland
 Poland receives part of Eastern Germany
 Divides Austria
 United States occupied Japan
 Korea divided into US & Soviet occupation zones
 China regained most of its lost territory
 Latvia, Lithuania, & Estonia became Soviet provinces
 European world dominance ended
 United Nations created in 1945
 US joins this time. 
 World is left with 2 “superpowers”
 United States & Soviet Union
 This will lead to the “Cold War”