Transcript plant

Important Tips:
 Organelles-little organs
 Structures that carry out a
certain function
 Cytosol-liquid portion of
the cell
 Mostly water
 Many metabolic reactions
take place here
 Contain macromolecules
 Cytoplasm-portion of cell
outside the nucleus
 Includes organelles and
 Brain of the cell
 Houses the DNA (DNA has the instructions to make
protein and other molecules)
 Nuclear envelope-surrounds the nucleus
 Has pores to allow certain things to enter and leave
 Nucleolus-small region in the nucleus
 Makes ribosomes
 What does it look like?
 Large circle in the middle of the cell
 Plant and animal
 Makes proteins
 Orders to make proteins
come from the nucleus
 Can be free floating in
cytoplasm or attached to
endoplasmic reticulum
 What does it look like?
 Plant and animal
Endoplasmic Reticulum
 Rough ER-makes protein
due to ribosomes attached
 Packages protein too
 Looks like tubes with dots
on surface
 Smooth ER-metabolizes
cholesterol; membrane
synthesis; detoxification;
stores calcium
 No ribosomes attached
 Looks like tubes
 Plant and animal
Golgi apparatus
 Where proteins go after
 Modify, sort, and
package proteins and
other materials from er
for storage in cell or
 What does it look like?
 Pancake stacks
 Plant and animal
 Contains enzymes
 Digests proteins, lipids,
and carbohydrates
 Digests useless
 Enzymes come from the
 What does it look like?
 Small circles
 Animal and some plants
 Storage compartments
 Plants have a large
central vacuole
 Vacuole fills up with
water and presses
against the cell wall
Creates a square shape and
rigid structure
 Paramecium
 Contractile vacuole
Pumps out excess water
 Powerhouse of cell
 Creates cellular energy
through a process called
cellular respiration
 Has its own DNA that
you inherit from your
 Looks like a jelly bean or
kidney bean
 Plants and animals
 Only in plants
 Filled with chlorophyll
(green pigment)
 Carry out photosynthesis
 What do they look like?
 Have DNA
 Structures that provide
shape, support, and
 Microfilaments
 Provide structure
 Actin in muscles
 Movement
 Amoebas
 Microtubules
 Maintain cell shape
 Help to separate
chromosomes in mitosis
 Movement
Cilia and flagella
 Filled with enzymes
 Animals-Get rid of
toxic substances that
the cell produces (like
hydrogen peroxide
which builds up in the
liver) catalase here
 Plants-convert fatty
acids to sugar and help
the chloroplasts
Cell Wall
 Extra boundary around
the plant cell
 Outside of membrane
 Gives plant shape, rigid
structure, and protection
 1. Plants/animals do not
 3. Vacuole in plants
have chloroplasts
 2. How is a cell like a
factory? Every organelle
has an important
function in the assembly
of molecules
allow the plant to
support structures likes
flowers and leaves
 4. Mitochondria provide
the energy or power for
the cell in the form of
 6. E
 7. B