Transcript GUSTAR

Students will LEARN HOW to use various
forms of the verb GUSTAR to express
likes or dislikes of self & others in
Let’s Warm UP:
In your notas, en íngles, please write 2 things you like and
2 things you do not like in complete sentences. (1 min)
I like music.
I don’t like guacamole.
Different forms of GUSTAR
The form of gustar changes depending on
who is doing the liking/disliking.
I like  Me gusta
You like  Te gusta
You like (formal)  Le gusta
She likes  Le gusta
He likes  Le gusta
We like  Nos gusta
They like  Les gusta
Ya’ll like  Les gusta
*Notice how She/He/You
(formal) has similar gustar
forms. They and Ya’ll also
have the same form.
Me gusta la pizza.
Rihanna le gusta la música.
Stebbie y Joseline les gusta mucho drama.
¿Te gusta textiar en la clase?
GUSTAR - plural
If you like more than one thing,
you simply add an “n” at the end of “gusta” and connect with
a “y”
I like school.  Me gusta la escuela.
I like parties.  Me gusta las fiestas.
I like school and parties.  Me gustan la escuela y las fiestas.
No me gusta.
To express DISLIKE of something,
you simply add “no” before ”me gusta”
I do not like milk  No me gusta leche.
You don’t like the Lakers?  ¿No te gusta los Lakers?
They don’t like the police.  Ellos no les gusta la policia.
To express DISLIKE of more than one thing, you add an “n” at the end of gusta.
ALSO, use a “ni” (or/nor) before each direct object.
No me gustan ni leche ni los Lakers ni drama ni .
Práctica en grupos.
Select a partner (means only 2 per group)
Using the notes in this presentation and your knowledge of
cognates, translate the following:
A ella le gusta la clase de arte.
¿No te gusta la policia?
Me gusta papas fritas.
No nos gustan ni futbol ni golf.
Ellos les gustan cinemas y restaurantes.
Práctica individual:
Find the translations of the 2 likes and 2
dislikes you wrote on the 3rd slide.
You may use a dictionary or a translation
services online.
Write your sentences in Spanish with the
correct form of GUSTAR (in the next slide)
Please do not take advantage of technology in the
classroom and do something totally unrelated!
Práctica individual cont.
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
Práctica individual cont.
Let’s practice the plural form of Gustar!
Combine your 2 sentences from the
previous slide for your likes & dislikes.
Like: ___________________________________
Dislikes: ___________________________________
Exit pass:
 Using
your powerpoint, translate the
following words and create a correct
Gustar sentence.