Transcript psychology

Entertainment and the Media
Recognizing Reading Structure: Using an
5. Sometimes the
supporting details
have more details.
Those can be written
after numbers(1,2,3)
4. The supporting
details or examples are
written under the main
ideas after capital
letters(A, B, C)
An outline
1. It shows the
relationship of the
topics , main ideas,
supporting details or
3. The main ideas and
subtopics of the
reading can appear
after numbers (I, II,
2. The topic
is usually
the title of
the outline
I. Main Idea (introduction)
A. Supporting Details
1. Details
2. Details
II. Main Idea(body)
A. Supporting Details
1. Details
2. Details
B. Supporting Details
1. Details
2. Details
C. Supporting Details
1. Details
2. Details
III. Main Idea (conclusion)
A. Supporting Details
1. Details
2. Details
Summarizing a Story:
 A story has a plot.
 What is a plot?
 A plot is a sequence of events in a story?
 A reading selection or paragraph that describes a plot
is most often organized in time order (one event
follows another)
How to summarize a story?
To prepare to summarize a plot, you might number
the main events in the reading material.
2. Write an introduction to set the scene, and tell the
most important things that happened.
Understanding Word Families:
 Word families are groups of related words of various
pats of speech.
 Within a word family of related forms, some words
can be used as more than one part of speech. For
example, increase can be used both as a noun and a
 Two or more nouns with different suffixes
1. Names an idea: psychology
(a field of study)
2. A related noun with a different
ending is a word for a person:
psychologist (a specialist in
Word Families:
 There may be related words of the same part of speech
with meanings that are a little different from each
 Example:
 Vision: noun/mental picture
 Visionary: noun/ a person with clear ideas of the future
Word Families:
 Example:
 Classic: (adjective) / long important and
 Classical: (adjective) / based on traditional ideas