compound subject

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Transcript compound subject

compound subject-two or more subjects that
are joined by a conjunction and
have the same verb
compound verb-two or more verbs that are
joined by a conjunction and have
the same subject
Compound sentence parts may be joined by
coordinating or correlative conjunction
◦ Azaleas and camelias bloom early in April here.
◦ Either Raoul or Marty will win the election.
◦ The boys not only cooked dinner but also washed
the dishes.
◦ The speech will be televised live at noon and rerun
at six.
NOTE: The conjunction is NOT considered part of the
verb or subject in a compound!
Best way to locate unusual subjects
◦ ask “who?” or “what?” before the verb
The subject of a sentence is NEVER in a
prepositional phrase
◦ ex) Several of the girls are going to the movies on
Saturday night.
[Several is the subject and girls is the object of the
preposition of]
1. Sentences beginning with there or here
◦ ex) There goes the train.
◦ What goes? The train goes
Now you try!
◦ ex) There are many theories about the bacteria's
2. Sentences that ask questions.
◦ Where are my keys?
◦ What are? My keys are.
 HINT: Turn the question into a statement:
 My keys are where.
Now you try!
◦ ex) What are we having for lunch?
3. Sentences such as requests or commands
◦ These have an understood “you” wherein the subject
is “understood” to be the listener (or, “you”) of the
◦ ex) Take this to the principal’s office please.
 [you would write “you” to the left and call it the subject]
Now you try!
◦ ex) Go immediately to the office!
So, what is the shortest sentence in the English language?