compound sentence

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Happy Monday!! Add these
definitions to your grammar notes
 A simple sentence consists of one
independent clause. An independent
clause contains a subject and a
predicate and expresses a complete
Ex: I went to the amusement park on
 A compound sentence consists of
two or more independent clauses
that are connected by a comma and
a coordinating conjunction (for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, so). A semi-colon
may be used instead of a comma
Ex: I went to the amusement park on
Saturday, but my brother stayed
Combine each sentence pair below to make a
compound sentence. Remember that you
need two separate subjects, two separate
verbs, and a FANBOYS conjunction.
1. Halloween is a scary holiday. I dress up
for Halloween every year.
2. Fall is a time for family and football. The
cooler weather means it’s finally time to
wear warmer clothes.
3. We only have four days of school this
week. There will still be a lot of work to
Simple and Compound Sentences
Tuesday Warm-Up
For each sentence cross out the prepositional phrases, label the subject(s) and
verb(s), circle the conjunction (if there is one) and determine whether the sentence
is simple or compound.
 You can ask for a refund, or you can request a replacement for
your product.
 After the football game we went to Brittany’s house for movie
 Jesse Owens was born in Alabama in 1913 and he became one of
the world's greatest track and field athletes.
 Some galaxies have clouds of dust and gas, but others do not.
 Chris and Jocelyn went to the movies and out to dinner.
Simple or Compound Sentence Warm-Up
For each sentence cross out the prepositional phrases, label the subject(s) and
verb(s), circle the conjunction (if there is one) and determine whether the sentence
is simple or compound.
 You can ask for a refund, or you can request a replacement for
your product. Compound
 After the football game we went to Brittany’s house for movie
night. Simple
 Jesse Owens was born in Alabama in 1913 and he became one of
the world's greatest track and field athletes. Compound
 Some galaxies have clouds of dust and gas, but others do not.
 Chris and Jocelyn went to the movies and out to dinner. Simple
Block Day Warm-Up
Transform all of these simple sentences into compound sentences by adding
additional information. Remember: You need a subject and verb on each
side of the conjunction (FANBOYS) for it to be a compound sentence. You
also need a comma before the conjunction.
 My lowest grade right now is in Biology.
 I had so much fun at the Homecoming dance!
 My favorite show is The Walking Dead.
 After school I am going to take a nap.
 I am going to be Sy from Duck Dynasty for Halloween.
Friday Warm-Up
Create two of your own compound sentences. Label each subject and
verb pair, as well as the FANBOYS conjunction you used to connect the
two. Don’t forget the comma before the conjunction!