The Search for the lost S.S. Beauty

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The Search for the Lost
S.S. Beauty
(S.S. = sentence structure)
Let’s Find It!!
The Four Types of
Sentence Structure
Compound Complex
Simple Sentence
• Has one Independent Clause (I.C.)
• Examples
– Mr. Mikulak has long hair.
– Mr. Mikulak and Mr. Bradburn taught
together at Bartlett High School.
– She is tall, athletic, and intelligent.
Compound Sentences
• A compound sentence has two I.C.’s
• Basically, a compound sentence is two
simple sentences that are joined.
• They are joined by the FANBOYS and ;
What the Hay are
• Good question!!
• The FANBOYS are the only words that
can join two independent clauses.
• They are: For, And, Nor…
• Can you guess the rest?
• Don’t forget the semicolon!
So, Back to the
Compound Sentence
• A compound sentence has 2 I.C.’s joined
by a FANBOYS; word
• Examples
– You are learning a lot, but there is always
more to learn!
– She is struggling in class, for she chooses not
to do her homework.
– English is my favorite class, and I love
grammar the most!
Complex Sentences
• A complex sentence has 1 I.C. and 1 D.C.
• Examples
– Although the food was cold, it was still mighty
– Since he is practically married, she doesn’t have
much of a chance.
– Because they are broke, problems are bound to
– They had their first smooch after they danced!
Remember: A D.C. has a subject and verb
but cannot stand alone
Compound-Complex Sentence
• A compound-complex sentence has 2
I.C.’s and 1+ D.C.’s
• Examples
– Although she dominates the court, she still
has to improve her relational life, and she
thinks she should start at home.
– When my parents were in Africa, they
worked with a bishop, and he was their main
So, now I know about the four
types of sentences, but why do I
have to know this stuff?
• Because your writing
is immature
• Because I expect you
to write maturely
• Because you want to
be a better writer
• Because I said so :)
• Any questions?
We have now found the
S.S. Beauty
• So, let’s use beautiful sentence structure
in all our assignments.
• Seeing that I now know various sentence
structures, I will use them in my papers.
• If not, I might see “vary sentence
structure” (V.S.S.) written in the margins
of my written madness.