Transcript Mandatos

Por Mateo L.
Los Usos
 Commands take specific endings depending upon the
person they are directed.
 Commands may be given in tú, usted, nosotros,
vosotros, and ustedes forms.
 The most common of these forms is the tú form,
whose spelling depends on if the command is positive
or negative (vosotros does the same as well).
Mandatos de Tú
 To form a positive tú command, go to the él/ella/usted
form of the verb.
 This includes if the verb is a stem changer.
 To form a negative tú command, go to the yo form of
the verb, drop the –o, and add –as (if the verb is er/ir)
or –es (if the verb is ar).
 This includes stem changes, pirate verbs, and other
Los Reflexivos
• In reflexive verbs, the negative tú command remains the norm,
but positive commands require a special form.
The verb is originally formed as normal positive commands, but
the (te) part of the verb must be added to the end.
Because another syllable is being added onto the word, certain
aspects of the verb must be stressed (accented) in order to
maintain flow.
After adding on the IOP (indirect object pronoun), stress the
third to last syllable. If the verb does not have that many
syllables, it does not need to be stressed.
Example: moverse  muévete
A strong syllable (a,e,o) always is stressed before a weak (i,u).
Los Irregulares - Positivo
 Of course, there are irregular verbs specifically for the
positive tú form. These include:
 decir  di
venir  ven
 hacer  haz
tener  ten
 ser  se
poner  pon
 ir  ve
salir  sal
An easy way to remember this is with the expression:
Di Haz SeVen Ten Ponies in her Salon
Los Irregulares - Negativo
 And there exists a separate set of irregulars for the very
same list for negatives:
 decir  no digas
 hacer  no hagas
 ser  no seas
 ir  no vayas
venir  no vengas
tener  no tengas
poner  no pongas
salir  no salgas
Ejemplos de Mandatos de Tú
correr (+)
2. venir (-)
1. no vengas
3. divertirse (+)
1. diviértete
4. sentarse (-)
1. no te sientes
5. resolver (+)
1. resuelve
empezar (-)
no empieces
2. estar (+)
1. está
3. tocar (-)
1. no toques
4. pagar (-)
1. no pagues
5. mostrar (+)
1. muestra
jugar (-)
no juegues
2. cerrar (+)
1. cierra
3. tener (-)
1. no tengas
4. despertarse (+)
1. despiértate
5. encontrar (-)
1. no encuentres
dormir (+)
2. servir (-)
1. no sirvas
3. vestirse (+)
1. vístate
4. pedir (-)
1. no pidas
5. irse (+)
1. vete
Mandatos de Usted
 Sometimes, commands are used formally.
 To form an usted command, go to the yo form of the
verb and drop the –o, adding an a (if er/ir) or an e (if
 This ending is essentially the negative tú command
form without the s.
 The positive and negative forms of each command are
 Rules regarding reflexives and irregulars are the same,
except a –se is used instead of a –te.
 The negative form of the irregular verbs will be used as
an usted command, disregarding the s.
 Example: poner (+/-)  (no) ponga
 reírse (+/-)  ríase, no se ría
 Pirate verbs are essentially the same as negative tú
commands, disregarding the s.
Ejemplos de Mandatos de Usted
llegar (+)
2. hablar (-)
1. no hable
3. volver (+)
1. vuelva
4. sentirse (-)
1. no se sienta
5. dar (+)
1. dé
salir (-)
no salga
2. regar (+)
1. riegue
3. entender (-)
1. no entienda
4. sacar (+)
1. saque
5. rendirse (+)
1. ríndase
Mandatos de Ustedes
 Commands may also be given to a group of individuals.
 To form an ustedes command, simply add an –n onto
the would be usted form (-yo form, drop “o”, opposite
ending, add “n”).
 The same rules regarding reflexive and irregulars for
usted apply to this group.
Ejemplos de Mandatos de Ustedes
colgar (+)
2. recordar (-)
1. no recuerden
3. querer (+)
1. quieran
4. ser (-)
1. no sean
5. preferir (-)
1. no prefieran
peinarse (+)
2. repetir (-)
1. no repitan
3. beber (+)
1. beban
4. conseguir (-)
1. no consigan
5. decir (+)
1. digan
Mandatos de Nosotros
 Commands may also be given in the nosotros form,
and follow a very similar pattern to usted and ustedes
 The verb is taken to the yo form, the –o is dropped, an
the opposite ending is added (amos for er/ir; emos
for ar).
 The same endings are used for irregular and pirate
verbs as well, except amos/emos is added instead.
Excepciones de Nosotros
 In nosotros commands, the stem changer is NOT
taken by the verb.
 However, a slipper verb (3rd person preterite) form
WILL be used in nosotros.
 Encontrar  encontremos (no stem change)
 Dormir  durmamos (slipper change)
Reflexivos de Nosotros
 Reflexives differ as well.
 Positive commands still require accents; instead, the
verb will be conjugated without stem change to an
usted command and –monos will be added onto the
end of the verb.
 Example: mover  movámonos
 This explains the common expression vámonos, or
“let’s go.”
Ejemplos de Mandatos de Nosotros
poner (+)
2. comer (-)
1. no comamos
3. servir (+)
1. sirvamos
4. saber (-)
1. no sepamos
5. acostarse (+)
1. acostémonos
comenzar (-)
no comencemos
2. devolver (+)
1. devolvamos
3. poder (-)
1. no podamos
4. pedir (+)
1. pidamos
5. hacer(-)
1. no hagamos
Mandatos de Vosotros
 Commands may be in the vosotros form as well
 Vosotros commands essentially are the same as tú
commands, but differ slightly.
 In positive commands, a –d is simply added onto the
end of a positive tú command.
 Example: estAR estAD
venIR venID
comER comED
 In negative commands, go to the –yo form of the verb,
drop the –o, and add the opposite endings (áis for
er/ir; éis for ar)
 Example: llamar  no llaméis
 Example: creer  no creáis
 The rules for irregular, relexive, and pirate verbs apply
for vosotros the same as for tú.
Ejemplos de Mandatos de Vosotros
estar (+)
2. jugar (-)
1. no juguéis
3. acordarse (+)
1. acordaos
4. pensar (-)
1. no penséis
5. elegir (+)
1. elegid
seguir (-)
no sigáis
2. ir (+)
1. id
3. mentir (-)
1. no mintáis
4. requerer (+)
1. requered
5. aprobarse (-)
1. no os aprobéis