Host Management - Pravin Shetty > Resume

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Host Management
The Big Picture
Think of the Total Network Solution
 Think of ways to make management
 Go with the Vendor standard install?
 Or Customise to suit our situation?
 Make all machines the same?
 Make all machines unique?
The Server Room
Critical hardware needs protection including:
 Power filter and UPS
 Air-conditioner, heater and fireproofing
 Secure access eg locked door, CCTV
 Anti-static fittings eg rack mount, carpet
 Secure cable conduits and patch panels
Start up and Shutdown
Know how to turn something off….
Before you turn it on!!
 Complex systems need safe shutdown
sequence to avoid damage
 Quiescent state difficult to predict in
multi-tasking systems
Complete all operations in progress
 Prevent new operations from starting
 Close files
 Terminate processes and services
 Synchronise and Flush buffers/caches
 Dismount/park/eject disks
 Power off !
Shutdown Unix
Only performed by superuser
halt – stops quickly and without waiting
reboot – same as halt, restarts afterward
shutdown – warns user first
init n – where n is a run level number
Run Level numbers are not all the same on different systems!!
Eg. init5 is MultiUser mode in Redhat and PowerOff in
PC Bootstrap Sequence
An Avalanche boot
BIOS IPL loads MBR boot
 MBR selects active partition
loads partition boot
 Partition boot can access files
loads OS loader
 OS loader loads kernel
 Kernel initialisation loads init process
Booting Unix
Machine and OS dependent
 Usually boots automatically
 Some machine start in ROM monitor and
require a monitor command like b or boot
 init
“run levels” allow several alternate configs
 Runs different scripts in /etc/rc.local
Booting Windows NT/2000/XP
BIOS MBR > PartitionBoot >
C:\ntldr > C:\ntdetect > multiuser
 C:\boot.ini allows multi-partition boot
 Any user can shutdown entire system
 Services started according to registry
 No single-user or run-levels
Workstation Personalisation
Personal workstations or NetStations?
 Some local storage essential
Operating system
 Swap or Pagefile
 Local working temporary files
 Local system and user configuration
Some central shared storage needed
Disk Space Used for…
Operating system software and Data
 Application software and Data
 Shares visible to others on the Net
 Local space for temporary use
Cache, print spool, transitory downloads
Backup copies
Disk partitioning
A convenient way to subdivide disk space
 Reserve space for a particular function
eg swap space, user directories, software
 Disjoint storage - protection of data
 Each partition given logical device name
eg C:, /dev/hda1, /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0
 Meta-devices and logical volumes
seamlessly span multiple partitions
Building File Systems
“like painting car spaces in a carpark”
 Structures disk area for addressable access
 Unique to OS – usually incompatible!
eg UFS not visible to Windows, NTFS not visible to Unix
Sectors often grouped into Allocation units
called blocks in Unix and clusters in windows
Building File System - mkfs or format
 Labels, Directories, Free list, Data area
Unix File System
UFS disc format
 iNode
 Disc space allocation for each file
 A Directory implementation
 Access permission implementation
DOS File Allocation Table
Disc format
 FAT disk space management
Swap Space
Swapping – frees RAM used by an idle
process by storing image on disc
 Paging – virtual memory stored on disc
 Few modern OSs actually do swapping
 The swap file is now used for paging
 In Unix the swapfile is usually a partition
 SwapFileSize = 2.5 * RAMsize
 Any more will probably never be used!
File System
A working system has:
Operating system files (as distributed)
 Other application software (packages)
 User files
 User Application data
 Temporary working space
File System
Logically separate because:
They have different functions
 They are owned/maintained differently
 They change at different rates
 Backup policy is different for each
File System
A Typical Unix Layout
Operating System
/boot or /kernel – boot image files
/bin or /sbin – general or system executable files
/dev – device files
/lib – system development library files
/etc – configs, params, scripts, etc…
/share – common read-only files
/var – non-transient workspace, logfiles
/tmp or /spool – transient work and temporary files
File System
A Typical Unix Layout
Application Software
 /usr/local/bin
 /usr/local/lib
 /usr/local/include
 /usr/local/etc
 /usr/local/share
Unix Disk Device Names
Devices usually appear as files in /dev
 Disks have names for each partition
 Partitions may overlap
 BSD and SysV use different names
 dsk/c0t1d0s0
Contoller Target(disk) Device Segment(partition)
Target or Device may be missing
System Installation
Installer must specify…
Name, IP, subnet mask, domain, DNS IP
 Disc partition layout and format
 Swap space
 Timezone
 Directory Service eg NIS, Windows PDC
 Drivers for unrecognised devices
eg Video, NIC, sound
Solaris, Linux, Windows…
 Workstation, Developer and Server
 All have easy installation programs
Jumpstart, Kickstart, Setup
Modern version auto-sense device (PnP)
and network configuration (DHCP)
 Installation may require license details
Configuring for use of
Network Services
Host installation readies the machine for
connection to the Net
 Also need to have information about
services provided by the Net, including:
 Authentication (NIS, Kerberos, LDAP)
DNS configuration
Can be provided automatically by DHCP
 Complex setup needs more detail stored
in local files:
Usual sequence of name search is
hosts, bind, NIS
NFS configuration
Usually requires editing of /etc/fstab
 And starting of automounter service
Multiple Installations
Boot Managers
With multi-use machines and big disks it
is possible to have several different OSs
 Each OS has its own boot manager
 Some are generalised, some not
Eg Windows relies on files accessed from C:
so install Windows first, then install Linux
Unix loaders: LILO, GRUB
Multiple Installation
OS installation programs make it easy to
install on a single system, but what about
repeat installations or installing to large
numbers of machines eg in a department
of a company?
 Here we need an automated process
that can be given a “configuration file”
and left to install in unattended mode
Multiple Installations
Image vs Package vs Share
Image mode: writing a prepared partition image to
the hard disk eg using Ghost
Only possible for identical systems
Difficult to change: must recreate entire image
Package: a set of dependent modules
eg compiler + libraries + templates
 Package mode: installing a sequence of
packages in several passes over the partition
dpkg, rpm, Windows MSI, Wise, etc…
Share mode: where software is shared from
Software Installation
Usually installed as packages
 May be distributed in limited source form
and require compilation
 Often installed by running a script
make install
 Beware of mixing versions!
Directory structure
All reliable systems separate system and
application software
 May also separate data from procedure
 Use a directory structure to achieve this
Shared Libraries (.so)
Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll)
Often managed as “overlays” and loaded
into RAM on demand
 Managed by some kernel routines which
use an “index” to locate a required module
 When new versions are installed, the index
must be updated (and any obsolete
versions purged from RAM)
 Special commands used to do this eg