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The abacus, allows a user to preform computations by sliding beads
arranged on a rack.
Blaise Pascal , invented a numerical wheel calculator.
In 1812, Charles Babbage recognized the harmony between
mathematics and machines.
In 1820, Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar invented the arithometer, a
mechanical calculator.
Herman Hollerith worked for the U.S Census Bureau in 1889.
Hollerith devolved a system in which data was stored in punch cards.
With Hollerith’s machine the Census was calculated in 6 weeks instead
of 10 years.
First-Generation Computers
The First generation of computers that we currently have were
used in World War II but were less advanced
In the U.S Army Ordnance Department and the University of
Pennsylvania worked with another company and devolped a
better kind of computer.
Really terrible and difficult to operate and maintain, the
computer took lots of time to get back up.
The ENIAC eventually gave way to more powerful computers.
Starting about 1956, the second generation of computers were
marked by the shift from large and bulky, failure-prone vacuum
tubes to transistors.
The Transistor is said to be a computer that another current
could pass through.
Machine language is a combination of 1s and 0s
Super computers in the early state used atomic power to
generate them.
Third-Generation Computers
The integrated circuit (IC) was invented by Jack Kilby
by himself with no other help.
He was the start of the third generation computers.
He made the main components into chips which had
enough room to put in a fan so the computer never
So it was good but bad, over-heating usually made
computers shut down and the loss of work that was
being done.
Fourth-Generation Computers
Integrated circuits making the way for miniaturized
computer chips computers became more ready for small
businesses and individuals.
(PC) stands for personal computers, the first one was MITS
Altair 8800, that was made in 1974.
Years later other company's started to make computers like
Apple and Commodore
In the late 89s and the beginnings of the 90s there were
over 65 millions of pc’s in use by everyone (kids, adults and
and software
Define Input / Output Devices
It can be almost impossible to work with computers
without Input / Output put Devices
The keyboard and mouse are the most used devices
used in a PC and inputting data.
New input technologies are always being explored like
the fast processors and other devices.
Computer can also now translate commands and the
use of head movements.
Processors and Memory
One of the most important component of computer is
the (CPU) central processing unit.
Transistors are in the middle aka heart of the central
processing unit.
The CPU has no memory at all.
The RAM of a computer can hold larger work in it
compared to the CPU
Hard Drives and Removable
In computer talk there are many things you need to
know such as… 8 bits are called a byte and a kilobyte is
2 and 1 tenths.
The main storage of a computer is called a hard drive
and its so called partner hard disk.
The capacity of storage can be determined by the bits
of data the medium can sore.
Networks had the most growth of the area in the
computer industry
Networks are wireless links with multiple computers
Lots of networks can come together to be a server.
Most networks use some sort of cabling like different
wires and cables.
Nodes can be connected to each other.
Operating system
 There are 3 main operating systems UNIX/Linux , MacOS
and DOS/Windows.
First is the Linux which also allows the person to
multitask and have more then 1 user
Second is the MacOS which is a Graphical user
interface or for short GUI (sounds like gooey)
Then finally the windows which is used worldwide. In
1985 windows first computer and DOS system appeared
and changed the computing landscape forever.
Software Applications
Applications can be called also Desktop Software
It requires nearly no hardware or minimal
hardware to run.
There are different applications like the data base
application word processing and image editing.
Each application will have like a small army inside
of it that will be utilities.