Transcript China JC

By Jordan Collins
• The Chinese have
money called Yuan .
• These are coins and
notes of Chinese
The Chinese flag!
• The Chinese flag is
a light red with 4
small stars and one
big star.
Where is China ?!!
• China is in Asia.
• China’s neighbours
are Mongolia,
Russia, North
Korea, India and
lots more.
The Great Wall of China !
• The Great Wall of
China was built to
stop the Mongolians
from invading
• People think the
great wall of China
is visible from
• China is the most
polluted country in
the world!
• People have to wear
surgical masks so
they do not get sick
from the smoke.
China !
• China’s longest river is
Yangtze river. It is 6,300
km long.
• The highest mountain
in China is mount
Everest. Everest is the
highest mountain in the
would. It is 8,848m high
(But not all of Everest is
in China most of it is in
Nepal )
Jackie Chan!
• Jackie Chan is a
famous Chinese
actor known for his
kung fu!
• Beijing is the capital
of China.
• This is the CCTV HQ
in Beijing.
Facts !!
• China is the most
populated country
in the world with 1.3
billion people .
China’s population
is almost 32 times
Ireland’s population
• China’s area is
9,596,961 Km2.
Weird facts !!
• China has a one
child policy. Every
Chinese family must
pay the government
if they went more
then one child !!
• In China they have a
belief that they will
be reborn as an
animal but they
must pay the
government to be
The End