Transcript sphinx

The Parthenon
• is a temple that was
dedicated to the Greek
goddess Athena
• was built in ancient Athens
during the Age of Pericles
• located on the Acropolis
A Cathedral
• Cathedrals are large, ornate
Christian churches
• Cathedrals were built across
Europe during the Middle
Ages; so many were built
that this time period is also
known as the Age of Faith
• Pyramids were built in
Egypt during ancient times
• Pyramids were burial tombs
for pharaohs; they are a
reminder of the strong
belief that ancient Egyptians
had regarding the afterlife
• were used by ancient
Romans to transport fresh
water to cities
The Forbidden City
• the palace for Chinese
Emperors from 1420 until
around 1900
• consists of over 980
• these structures were built
throughout Mesopotamia
• they were frequently built
in the center of city-states
• it was believed that the
gods lived at the top of
• also known as The Great
Sphinx of Giza
• a sphinx is a mythical
creature with a lion’s body
and a human head
• built by ancient Egyptians
The Great Wall of China
• the Great Wall of China was
built by the ancient Chinese
to keep out invaders
• one of the largest city-states
of the Indus River Valley
• known for being a wellplanned, carefully laid out
city-state with indoor
Coliseum (sometimes spelled Coloseum)
• built in ancient Rome
around 80 AD
• seated over 50,000
• Used for gladiator contests
among other things
• a statue of Buddha, which
means “awakened one”
• Buddha’s real name was
Siddhartha Gautama
• the Buddhist religion
teaches that people bring
suffering upon themselves
by wanting to many things
• this building in the city of
Mecca is the most sacred
site in all of Islam
• all Muslims around the
world face the Kaaba when
they pray no matter where
they are
The Pantheon
• a building in Rome, Italy
that was built by the
Emperor Hadrian in 126 AD
• the building is famous for its
architecture including the
large concrete dome