Transcript Document

Make sure you are prepared – pencils are
sharpened, you have paper, you have your
textbook, you have your agenda, and you
have your history notebook.
Complete pg. 23 #1-7; Be sure to include a
reason to support your answer choice.
Answer the following question: What
physical features do ancient China, ancient
Egypt, ancient India, and Mesopotamia
have in common?
Define new word wall words.
Ancient China
Huang He (yellow river)
 3000 miles across northern China
 Also called ‘China’s Sorrow’
 Millions have died in floods
Chang Jiang (Yangzi)
 Flows from the mountains of Tibet to the Pacific Ocean
Gobi Desert
 Located in northern China
 Is a natural barrier between China and other parts
of Asia
Natural barrier between China and India
Located in Southwest China
Height above a fixed reference point
Ex. (feet above sea-level)
China’s Climate
 Like the U.S., China has a wide range of climates
 In the winter, the winds coming from Siberia where there are
highlands and plateaus are cold and dry, while in summer, the
winds coming from the sea areas and lowlands are warm and
Early Chinese Dynasty's
Xia Dynasty- founded by Yu The Great, in 2200 B.C.
 No proof of its existence
 We know about it through ancient stories
 Developed along Huang He
 Had Kings
Shang Dynasty
 Established 1500 B.C.
 Proof of ancient dynasty was found in 1922
 Invented calendar and a writing system, (used
bronze) had Kings