Mind Maps - University of Wollongong

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Mind Maps
CSCI102 - Introduction to Information Technology B
ITCS905 - Fundamentals of Information Technology
Overview - The Human
Can be viewed as an information
processing system, for example, card,
Moran and Newell's model human
processor :
Information received and responses given
via input-output channels
Information stored in memory
Information processed and applied in
various ways
Human Model Processor
The model can be
divided into three
The perceptual system
The cognitive system
The motor system
Each with its own set
of memories and
Human Model Processor
The memories and processors are
described by a few parameters:
The storage capacity in items
The decay time of an item
The main code type (physical, acoustic,
visual, semantic)
The cycle time
The Human Brain
However, the human brain is very different
from a computer
A computer works in a linear fashion
The brain works associatively as well as linearly comparing, integrating and synthesising as it goes
Association plays a dominant role in nearly
every mental function, and words themselves
are no exception
Every single word, and idea has numerous
links attaching it to other ideas and concepts.
Disadvantages of Traditional
Linear Notes:
Energy and time wasted writing down superfluous
Other information may be missed while noting
down one idea.
Take longer to read and review.
Associations and connections between key words
and ideas not readily apparent.
Attention wanders easily.
Lack of color and other visual qualities handicap
Traditional notes aid forgetting not memory.
Mind Maps
Mind maps, developed by Tony Buzan are an
effective method of note-taking and useful for
the generation of ideas by associations
To make a mind map, one starts in the centre
of the page with the main idea, and works
outward in all directions, producing a growing
and organised structure composed of key
words and key images
Key Features
Key features are:
Key words
Visual memory - print the key words, use color,
symbols, icons, 3d-effects,arrows and outlining
groups of words
Outstandingness - every mind map needs a
unique centre
Conscious involvement
Mind Maps
Mind maps work the way the brain
works -- which is not in nice neat lines
Memory is naturally associative, not linear
Any idea probably has thousands of links in
your mind
Mind maps allow associations and links to
be recorded and reinforced
Mind Maps
The mind remembers key words and
images, not sentences
Try recalling just one sentence from
Mind maps use just key words and key
images, allowing a lot more information to
be put on a page
Mind Maps
Because mind maps are more visual
and depict associations between key
words, they are much easier to recall
than linear notes
Starting from the centre of the page
rather than top-left corner allows you to
work out in all directions
Mind Maps
The organization of a mind map reflects
the way your own brain organizes ideas
Mind maps are easy to review
Regular review reinforces memory
Best is to try reviewing in your imagination
first, then go back and check on those
areas that were hazy
Mind Maps
We remember what stands out (where
were you when john Lennon was
shot?). Visual quality of mind maps
allows you to make key points stand out
How to Mind Map
Turn a large A4 (11.7" x 8.3") or preferably A3
(16.7" x 11.7"), white sheet of paper on it's
side (landscape), or use a mind map pad
Gather a selection of coloured pens, ranging
from fine nib to medium and highlighters
Select the topic, problem or subject to be mind
How to Mind Map
Gather any materials or research or additional
Start in the centre with an unframed image –
approximately 6cm high and wide for an A4
and 10cm for an A3
Use dimension, expression and at least three
colours in the central image in order to
attract attention and aid memory
How to Mind Map
Make the branches closest to the centre thicker,
attached to the image and ‘wavy’ (organic).
Place the basic ordering ideas (bois) or the
'chapter heading' equivalents on the
Branch thinner lines off the end of the
appropriate bois to hold supporting data
(most important closest)
Use images wherever possible
How to Mind Map
The image or word should always sit on a line
of the same length
Use colours as your own special code to show
people, topics, themes or dates and to make
the mind map more beautiful
Capture all ideas (your own or others’), then
edit, re-organise, make more beautiful,
elaborate or clarify as a second stage of
Mind Map Laws
1.Start in the centre with an image of the
topic, using at least 3 colours
2.Use images, symbols, codes and
dimensions throughout your mind map
3.Select key words and print using upper
or lower case letters
Mind Map Laws
4.Each word word/image must be alone
and sitting on its own line
5.The lines must be connected, starting
from the central image. The central
lines are thicker, organic and flowing,
becoming thinner as they radiate out
from the centre
Mind Map Laws
6.Make the lines the same length as the
7.Use colours – your own code – throughout
the mind map
8.Develop your own personal style of mind
9.Use emphasis and show associations in your
mind map
10. Keep the mind map clear by using radiant
hierarchy, numerical order or outlines to
embrace your branches
Has four legs
Has Tail
Works Sheep
Has four legs
Size: medium
Has Tail
Works Sheep
Has four legs
Size: medium
Has Tail
Film Character
Uses of Mind Maps
Mindmaps approach the same structure as
memory itself
Mind maps help organise information
Because of the large amount of association
involved, they can be very creative, tending to
generate new ideas and associations that have not
been thought of before
Every item in a map is in effect, a centre of
another map
Uses of Mind Maps
Whenever information is being taken in,
mind maps help organize it into a form
that is easily assimilated by the brain
and easily remembered
They can be used for noting anything
 Books, lectures,meetings, interviews, phone
Uses of Mind Maps
The creative potential of a mind map is useful
in brainstorming sessions
Start with the basic problem as the centre, and
generate associations and ideas from it in order to
arrive at a large number of different possible
By presenting your thoughts and perceptions in a
spatial manner and by using colour and pictures, a
better overview is gained and new connections
can be made visible
Uses of Mind Maps
Whenever information is being retrieved
from memory, mind maps allow ideas to be
quickly noted as they occur, in an
organized manner. There's no need to form
sentences and write them out in full
They serve as quick and efficient means of
review and so keep recall at a high level
Uses of Mind Maps
Whenever you want to encourage
creativity, mind maps liberate the mind
from linear thinking, allowing new ideas to
flow more rapidly. Think of every item in a
mind map as the center of another mind
Uses of Mind Maps
Problem solving
Whenever you are confronted by a
problem -- professional or personal -- mind
maps help you see all the issues and how
they relate to each other. They also help
others quickly get an overview of how you
see different aspects of the situation, and
their relative importance
Uses of Mind Maps
Whenever you are planning something, mind
maps help you get all the relevant information
down in one place and organize it easily
They can be used for planning any piece of writing
from a letter to a screenplay to a book or for
planning a meeting, a day or a vacation
Prepare a mind map of the topic and its flow
This not only helps organize the ideas coherently;
The visual nature of the map means the whole
thing can be read in your head as you talk,
without ever having to look at a sheet of paper
10. References