Transcript ACC

ACC cross-cutting activity
The « Paris bureau »
H. Le Treut
Brief elements of context
• The « Paris bureau »: legacy, from SPARC, then « COPES
bureau », then home of « ACC crosscutting activities » (but
also general support to general WCRP activities)
- funding by CNRS/CNES
- a dedicated person: Catherine Michaut
• An ACC crosscut ?
Historically two roles: identify gaps
advertize WCRP activity
Two focused objectives:
1. Hosting/organizing workshops on key gaps concerning
ACC: key processes, interface between core projects, interface
between WCRP and other partners
2. Providing information concerning WCRP implications
in ACC studies (Web pages hosted by Catherine Michaut)
• The bureau organized so far about 7 workshops or meetings. May organize
one or two per year
• 2009 : Toulouse meeting that lead to Cordex
• 2010: Upcoming Lille meeting (June)
• Key issues for the coming year?
– The use of CMIP5 / AR5 simulations for interdisciplinary studies
– Climate Services in the context of ACC
– Determined by a JSC sub-group (teleconferences): Ramaswamy, G. Flato, F.
Giorgi, H. Le Treut, T. Busalacchi + G. Asnar
• Web pages dedicated to ACC-related WCRP research
Input necessary from the different projects and
activities: 1 page of summary (with links) + 1
page for relevant projects, actions
• Leaflets ? (COP in Copenhagen?)