Image and Tools Assignment Due Aug 8
Transcript Image and Tools Assignment Due Aug 8
Web Tools Assignment
This assignment requires you to build a simple
HTML page with an HTML editor of your
choice and use an image or drawing tool to
create and add images.
1) Collect and build images and animated gif’s as
detailed on the next page
2) Use an editor like frontpage to build an image
exercise page
3) Download to your directory and add a “Web Tools
Assignment 4” line to your interface page
Details of your
Image Exercise Page(IEP)
1. Select or draw an image, scale it, and make a
background for this IEP page.
2. Select or draw an image and add a personal
annotation to use as a banner for your interface
3. Select a few animated gif’s relating to your
project topic and place into the IEP page
4. Build a sequence of 4 key slides for animation
and put into the IEP page
5. Build an animated gif and put into the IEP page
Cartoon of sample Image Exercise Page
Image Exercise Page
Your name
Topic Animated Gifs
Key slides
Animated GIF