Transcript Document

PowerPoint is Evil
Carolyn Harper Knox, Ph.D.
Rule of
The first thing we see is here.
The first thing we see is here.
Details appear below.
The first thing we see is here.
Details appear below.
The first thing we see is here.
Details appear below.
Align what we want folks to remember on the
top left like this.
What should we
remember about
Earth’s Climate?
The facts are
buried in too many
words here.
Earth’s Climate
Earth has a unique
climate that is able to
support life. It is not
too cold, or too hot.
Earth has an
atmosphere of
oxygen around it, and
contains water. No
other planets in our
solar system have
these life-sustaining
Earth’s climate is unique and is able to support life…
…not too hot nor too cold.
No other known planet can sustain life.
Earth’s atmosphere contains oxygen and water.
How can we rethink this next slide?
Short horns
A tan coat with orange-brown to
black blotches
Giraffes are the tallest land animal with:
short horns, long legs and brownish blotches.
How would you fix this one?
All 9 planets revolve around the sun.
Sun is a star not a planet.
Surface temperature = 6,000 ºC.
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (LZW) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
What should we remember? What should
be the title and what should be details?
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (LZW) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Middle grade students seem to do better in
schools with an elementary-wide grade span.
Measuring achievement, self-esteem, and engagement—
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (LZW) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
elementary-wide is better than middle-grade.
More research is needed
Middle grade students seem to do better in
schools with an elementary-wide grade span.
Middle grade students do better in schools with
an elementary-wide grade span.
Middle grade students do better in schools with
an elementary-wide grade span.
Middle grade students do better in schools
with an elementary-wide grade span.
Middle grade students do better in schools
with an elementary-wide grade span.
Elementary-wide grade span
Middle School Students.
How would you fix this slide?
Dark green = Less Food Depravation
Yellow= Most Food Deprivation
Least Food Deprivation: Dark green
Most Food Deprivation:
There are many
ways to learn at
the zoo…
Learn and have fun!
Learn at the zoo by going on tours…
…by looking closely at all the living things…
…and by reading and looking at the installations.
There are many organizations where one
can volunteer and help stop hunger.
Volunteer to stop hunger at:
Images should be clear and with the correct ratio
between width and height. Cropping helps.
Quick Tim e™ and a
Q uick Tim e™ a nd a
(U nc om pres sed) decom pre
TI FF ( Uncom p r essed) dTIF
ecom prF
e ssor
ar e n eeded t o see t his picare
t ur e.
needed t o s ee t hi s pi ct ur e
Title fonts should be Sans Serif and 32 points.
Detail fonts should be between 24-28 points.
San Serif (Arial)
28 pts. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
24 pts. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Serif (Times)
28 pts. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
24 pts. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
Carolyn Harper Knox, Ph.D.
Center for Advanced Technology in Education