History of Health Care

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History of Health Care
September 9, 2009
“We need to know where we have been before we know
where we are going”
3000 BC – 300 BC
Ancient Egyptians
 Earliest people known to maintain accurate health records
 Called upon the gods to heal them when disease occurred
 Physicians were priests who studied medicine and surgery in
temple medical schools
 First Physician: Imhotep = 2725 BC?
 They believed the body was a system of channels for:
 Air, tears, blood, urine, sperm, and feces
 If the channels became “clogged” bloodletting or leeches were
used to open them.
 Magic and Plants were used to treat
 Life span: 20-30 years
1700 BC – 220 AD
Ancient Chinese
 Religious prohibitions against dissection resulted in
inadequate knowledge of the body
Carefully monitored the pulse to determine body condition
Believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the
spirit and nourishing the body
Used acupuncture to relieve pain and congestion
Used Moxibustion (a powdered substance was placed on the
skin and then burned to cause a blister)
Began the search for medical reasons for illness
Life span 20 – 30 years
1200 BC – 200 BC
Ancient Greeks
 Began modern medical science by observing human body and
effects of disease
 Biochemist Alcmaeon in 6th century BC identified the brain as the
physiological site of the senses
 Father of Medicine: Hippocrates (460-377 BC)
 Developed an organized method to observe the human body
 Recorded signs and symptoms of many diseases
 Created a high standard of ethics (Oath of Hippocrates)
 Founder of Comparative Anatomy: Aristotle (384 -322 BC)
 Believed illness is a result of natural causes
 Therapies: massage, art therapy, herbal treatment
 Stressed diet and cleanliness
 Life span: 25- 35 years
753 BC – 410 AD
Ancient Romans
 First to organize medical care by providing care for injured soldiers
 Early hospitals developed when physicians cared for ill people in rooms
in their homes
 Later hospitals were religious and charitable institutions housed by
monasteries and convents
 Began public health and sanitation systems:
 Clean Water, sewers, filtering systems, marshes
 Claudius Galen
 Physician, established many medical benefits
 Body regulated by blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
 Imbalance of the fluids resulted in illness
 Studied infectious disease
 Diet, exercise, and medications were used to treat disease
 Life Span: 25 – 35 years
400 – 800 AD
Dark Ages
 Emphasis was placed on saving the soul and the study of
medicine was prohibited
Prayer and divine intervention were used to treat illness and
Monks and priests provided custodial care for sick people
Medications were mainly herbal mixtures
Life span: 20- 30 years
800 – 1400 AD
Middle Ages
 Greeks and Romans renewed interest in medical practices
 Physicians began to obtain knowledge from universities in the 9th
 Bubonic Plague took place (pandemic)
 Killed ¾ of population in Europe and Asia
 Small pox, diptheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, malaria, and the
plague were major diseases
Arab physicians used their knowledge of chemistry to advance
Arab Hippocrates: Rhazes
Avenzoar, a physician, described the parasite causing scabies in 12th
Life Span: 20 -35 years
1350 – 1650 AD
 Rebirth of the science of medicine
 Dissection of the body began to allow better understanding
of anatomy and physiology
Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci used dissection in order
to draw human bodies
Development of the printing press allowed knowledge to be
spread to others
The first anatomy book was published
Michael Sevetus
Roger bacon
Life span 30-40 years
History of Health Care Assignment
 As a class we are going to research the history of health care.
We are going create a working timeline.
 You are going to be divided up into 6 groups of 4.
16th and 17th Century
2. 18th Century
3. 19th Century
4. 20th Century
21st Century
Research credible, current websites.
 Create a poster with pictures that describe that health care