Medical History - MedicalScienceOneCCP

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Ancient History
Medieval Times
(Part 1)
 Medical
Health Care Providers were:
Poor Sanitation
Unsanitary Water Supply
Lack of Knowledge
It was believed that:
Medicine Men
Many Ailments came from:
History- Overview
Evil Spirits and Demons caused disease.
Of Scientific Interest:
 Ancient
80% of People died by the age of 30
Hunting Accidents
“Wives Tales”
 Cutting of a hole in the skull with a flint knife.
 Treatment for Migraines, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Insanity
 Treatment for Head injuries too.
Medical treatments began around 3000 B.C.
“Black Magic”
Medicinal Plants
1/3 of which we still use today
It was believed that our blood flowed through
Leaches used to clear the canals.
We still used this therapy today.
Leaches secrete Hirudin (prevents coagulation)
Egyptian God of Medicine
Egyptian physician for the royal family.
Wrote the Sacred Books
 If the physician followed them but the patient died,
it was okay – nothing happened to the physician.
 If the physician did not follow them and the patient
died, the physician was executed.
Father of Chinese Medicine
Wrote the Great Herbal
 Document that contained thousands of drugs.
 Originally used to drive out demons.
Acupuncture – 365 spots on the body.
 Ancient
80% of people died by the age of 30
 Hunting accidents
 Violence
“Wives Tales”
 Cutting a hole in the skull with a flint knife
Treatment of migraines, epilepsy, paralysis or insanity
Then treatment for head injuries
Sometimes skulls showed healing and many years of
Medical treatments began around 3000 B.C.
(Egyptian tombs show evidence)
Sometimes rituals
Then repellents to fight demons
 “Black Magic” excretions, insects
 Medicinal plants (1/3 of what is used today)
Blood flowed through canals
 Clear the canals with leaches (still used today as
HIRUDIN (substance excreted by leech that prevents
Egyptian God of Medicine
 Imhotep, Egyptian physican for the royal family
 Adhere to the rules of the Sacred Books
If patient dies, no blame on the physician
No adherence and patient dies, physician is executed
Father of Chinese Medicine
 Great Herbal (document containing thousands of
Originally used to drive out demons
Acupuncture (365 spots on body)
2000 BC
 Established a legal code
 Set fees for services
 Rules of conduct
 Loss of life or eyesight, physician lost his hands
 Only applied to Nobility
 Slaves just replaced
 Apollo (The Sun God) taught medicine to a centaur
who taught others like Asklepios (Greek God of
 Massage, bathing and exercise
 Drug induced sleep
 Cleaning of wounds with large, nonpoisonous snakes
 God Asklepios would apply salves
Caduceus (medical symbol) derived from this God holding
a staff with a serpent coiled around it
Hindu priest-doctors contributed surgery
 Anesthesia
 Cataract and plastic surgery
 Dissected animals (Alcmaeon)
Blood gave life and heart distributed it (Empedocles)
Hippocrates moved medicine from priests to
Human dissection was illegal
Organized method of gaining knowledge (Observation)
Hippocratic Oath (To do no harm)
Aristotle (tutor of Alexander the Great)
Brought together medicine, biology, botany and
anatomy (based on animal dissection)
 Human dissection was legal
 70,000 books, home of a famous medical school
 With rise of the Roman Empire, this declined and
back to supernatural/spiritual medicine went.
 distrusted and despised the wandering Greek
Greek Physicians were slaves
(till 200 BC)
Julius Caesar (Roman) gave physicians citizenship
Physicians began to achieve status
Claudius Galen – Physician from Asia Minor
 Treated Gladiators (with little medical training)
 Believed the body was composed of humors
Four fluids (blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile)
Used diet, massage, exercise and drugs
Was kicked out of Rome then returned and cured the
emperor’s stomachache.
Produced 500 books, claimed to have authority of
Accepted for 1300 years (unchallenged till 16th century)
Set back medical progress
Romans made little contribution to medicine
Realized disease was connected to filth and
 Drained marshes
 Laws for clean streets
 Aqueducts for clean drinking water
Private hospital system
Diseases (Malaria, small pox)
 drainage system no longer used to keep marshes
Pandemic Bubonic plague
Anglo-Saxon settlers
Illness caused by “nine venoms, the nine diseases, or
nine worms, or nine elves and witches”
5th – 16th centuries
No progress in medical knowledge or practice
Pagan magic, superstition and herbalism
6th – 10th centuries
 Smallpox, dysentery, typhus, plague, widespread
Christian Church and Arab scholars
Illness was a punishment
Priests again healers
 Exorcism and holy relics
Arab physicians in 1000 AD
Contributed to pharmacology because of knowledge of
Rhazes the Arab Hippocrates
150 books (one weighing 22 pounds)
observation of disease
distinguished between smallpox and measles
cautery (hot iron)
Medical school in Salerno, Italy around 850 AD
Union of medical knowledge from the East and the
First school where students took exams
Issuance of degrees
Anatomy and surgery (based on animal dissection)
Other medical schools followed (Paris, Oxford and
Medieval European surgeons (barber-surgeons)
Limited to nobility, wealthy
Cut hair, bloodletting, opened abscesses, amputations
(same razor)
 White poles wrapped with blood-stained bandages
(Barber pole today)
Lots of disease from famine, population
movement and uncleanliness
Most famous diseases:
Thought to be a result of the sins against God
Forbid to marry
Wear a black cloak with white patches
Bubonic Plague
Thought to be spread by rats, was actually a bacteria
that grew in fleas on the rats
Shivering, headache, vomiting, pain
Large painful boils
Died within five days