Genetic Engineering - Woodstown-Pilesgrove Regional School
Transcript Genetic Engineering - Woodstown-Pilesgrove Regional School
Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering
The process of manipulating genes for
practical purposes.
Four steps to Genetic Engineering
Cleave (cut) DNA (gene of interest)
Make recombinant DNA
Clone the cells
Screen the cells (southern blot test)
Restriction enzyme
Recombinant DNA
Southern Blot Test
Confirms if a cloned gene is present
(screening step of GE exp.)
Gel electrophoresis -
Genetic Engineering in Medicine
and Society
List several medicines that have been
genetically engineered.
Insulin, Factor VIII (hemophilia)
Vaccine – preparation of a weakended or
killed pathogens used to produce immunity
to a disease.
Genetic Engineering in Animals
30% of milk in US is from cows that have
been injected with hormones make by
recombinant DNA techniques to increase
milk production.
Pigs genetically engineered to produce
leaner meat.
Transgenic salmon that grows faster.
Genetic Engineering in Agriculture
List 3 ways in which genetic engineering
has been used to improve plants.
Bt toxin, when ingested by insects, kills
Resistance to herbicides, gene destroys
Resistance to viruses (tobacco mosaic
Gene Therapy
What is gene therapy? Changing a gene
to treat a medical disease or disorder. A
faulty or absent gene is replaced by a
normal, working gene.
List several diseases being treated with
Gene therapy
Cystic fibrosis, SCID (severe combined
immune disorder)
DNA fingerprint
Define: tool used by biologists that
analyzes an individual’s unique collection
of DNA restriction fragments.
How can this be used? Forensics, to
determine whether 2 samples of genetic
material fre form the same person.
Cloning – genetically identical cells
produced from a single cell.
Explain how clone a sheep from mammary
glands. Egg cell is taken from an adult female
sheep, nucleus is removed. Donor cell is taken
from sheep udder. The two cells are fused using
electric shock, cell begins dividing, embryo is
placed in uterus of foster mother, embryo
develops into lamb.
What is a transgenic animal? Containing
genes from another species