Building your Vocabulary

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Building your
1. Cut In
Mixing fat into flour using
a pastry blender or two
knives and a cutting
2. Folding
A technique of mixing in
which delicate ingredients
are gently mixed together
3. Knead
• To work dough with
your hands to
thoroughly mix
4. Sauté
• To brown or cook
foods with a small
amount of fat
5. Recipe
• A set of directions used
for preparing a food or beverage
6. Order of
1. Cups and glasses
2. Silverware
3. Bowls and plates
4. Pots and Pans
7. Yield
• The number of
servings or the
amount a recipe
8. Kitchen Safety
• A set of guidelines and common
sense rules to remain safe while
using the kitchen
9. Food Safety
• Following practices
that help prevent
food-borne illness
and keep food safe
to eat.
10. Cross
• Letting
from one food
get into another
11. Dark Green, Red and Orange
• These colors of fruits and vegetables provide
more nutrients than in other colored foods.
12. Oxidation
• Discoloration of fruits when exposed to air.
This can be prevented by adding something
with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) like lemon juice.
13. Microwave Attraction
•Microwaves are
attracted to water, fat,
and sugar
14. Arcing
• Electric sparks produced
when metal is used in a
microwave, often times
resulting in oven damage
or fire
15. Standing Time
• A period when food continues to
cook even after being removed
from the oven.
16. Nutrient Dense
• Substantial amounts of vitamins
and minerals and few calories.
• A food grouping system designed to help
individuals choose a variety of healthy foods.
18. Water-Soluble Vitamins
• Vitamins that are absorbed and
transferred only by water—Vit B and C
19. Fat- Soluble Vitamins
•Vitamins that are absorbed and
transferred only by fat—Vit A,D,E,
and K
20. Scurvy
• A disease caused by vitamin C deficiency.
Scurvy was common among sailors and pirates
because their voyages would be longer than
their perishable fruits and veggies would last.
21. Rickets
• A Vitamin D deficiency disease resulting in
bone softening and skeletal deformities.
22. Saturated Fat
• Fats that tend to raise the level of bad
cholesterol. Ex meat, poultry skin, whole-milk
dairy products, and the tropical oils
23. Monounsaturated Fat
• A good type of fat that can actually lower bad
cholesterol. Ex: olives, olive oil, avocados,
peanuts, and canola oil.
24. Obesity
• Having a body weight much heavier than what
is considered healthy
25. Complete Protein
• Proteins that supply all nine essential amino
acids; generally come from animal sources of
26. Incomplete Proteins
Proteins that have less than 9 of the essential
amino acids and usually come from plant
sources of foods
27. Functions of Protein
• Build and repair body tissue
• Maintain cell growth
• Provide energy
28. Vegetarian
• A person who
limits or
animals sources
of food .
29. Chalazae (pronounced ku-lize-a)
• The cordlike strands of twisted egg white
which anchor the yolk in the center of the egg.
• Whipped to incorporate air. Egg whites can be
aerated to help foods taste light and fluffy.
Often used in meringues and soufflés
Baked Alaska
Cheese soufflé
Lemon meringue pie
31. Emulsify
• A blend of two liquids that do not
normally mix (oil and water)
32. Lactose
The sugar found in milk.
• A calcium deficiency disease resulting in a loss
of bone density
34. Pasteurize
• A process in which milk is heated to kill
35. Homogenization
• A process in which milk fat is broken up to
prevent separating.
36. Leavening Agent
• An ingredient that helps foods to rise.
Ex: Baking soda, baking powder, yeast, and
37.Quick Bread
A type of bread
leavened with
chemicals that cause a
quick rising time.
Funnel Cake
Pumpkin Bread
38. Fiber
A non-digestible part of a plant that helps
food to pass through the digestive track.
39. Rice
Use low heat and twice as much water when
cooking rice and it will triple in bulk.
40. Legume
• A seed, pod, or other part of a plant such as a
pea or bean, used as food.
41. Carbohydrate
• An essential nutrient that provides a
quick source of energy.