Transcript slides

1492 End of the Middle Ages?
Renaissance (“rebirth”):
Starting in Italy in 14th c.
Spreading to rest of Europe in later 15th c.
Continuing until early 17th c.
1422-61 Reign of Charles VII
Orleans Bourbon
1461-83 Reign of Louis XI
Takes control of Anjou, Orleans, Bourbon
1467 Accession of Charles the Rash of
Map Link: France in 1453 (bottom map):
Charles attempts to conquer Alsace and
Opposed by machinations of Louis, but initially
1476 Charles’ forces defeated by Swiss (twice)
Map Link: Burgundian Territories during the Reign
of Charles the Rash:
1477 Charles killed at Nancy
Mary, daughter of Charles, marries heir to
Holy Roman Empire
Burgundy passes to France
Low Countries pass to Holy Roman Empire
Renaissance Religion:
Visionaries and preachers
Saints (e.g Catherine of Siena,
canonised 1461)
Religion in art (e.g. by Michelangelo
Buonarroti [1475-1564])
Columbus: a religious missionary?
Protestant Reformation
Catholic Counter-Reformation
Martin Luther (1483-1546) - influence
of Hus and Wycliffe
Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1342-1400)
Canterbury Tales
Bureaucrat, diplomat, court poet
Spent some time in Italy
Translated the Romance of the Rose into
(Middle) English
Renaissance Humanism:
Study of Classical works to emulate virtues
and learning of ancient world
Understand and address human position in
world through Classical tradition
Christine de Pizan (c. 1363-c. 1429)
“Three Crowns of Florence”:
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Francesco Petrarch (1304-74)
Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-75)
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
The Divine Comedy
1290s Involved in politics
1302 Exiled from Florence
St Bernard
of Clairvaux
Giotto di Bondone (c. 1277-1337)
Masaccio (1401-c. 1428)