Transcript Chapter 19

Chapter 19
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault
Act of violence not sex and results in severe &
long term trauma
Committed in context of unequal power in order
to demonstrate dominance & control
Encompasses: rape, date rape, acquaintance
rape, marital rape, molestation, incest, sexual
assault of elderly
No mandate currently to report unless it involves
abuse of minor or elderly
Prevalency and comorbidity
Usually committed by men against women
but can be vice versa
 1 in 10 rape survivors are male
 One of the most underreported crimes
 Aside from physical trauma of raper, risk of
sexually transmitted disease, HIV,
pregnancy and psychological sequelae
Cultural considerations
Cultural or societal factors play a part in
forming attitudes; women's inferiority, male
superiority, sexual entitlement
 Military-sexual assaults women resulting
from gender inequality along with norms
that support male dominance are a
Person vulnerable to sexual assault
 Occurs within all age groups, genders, cultures and
socioeconomic backgrounds
Gender: 78% women, 22% men
 Age: 50% female before age 12
 Older adults: most often by adult male children
 History of sexual violence
 Drug and alcohol use
 High risk sexual behavior/ poverty
 Ethnicity and culture
Perpetrator of sexual assault
 Biological: neurotransmitter dysfunction
 Psychological: antisocial, personality disorders & history of
Application of nursing theory
 Treatment
sought in ER: institutional protocol-use of
rape kits
 Assessment Guidelines
 Rape-trauma
 The acute phase: cognitive, affective & behavioral
 The Long Term Phase: re-experience trauma,
social withdrawal, avoidance behavioral, increased
psychological arousal characteristics, fears and
Application of nursing theory
Outcomes Identification
Short Term Goals
Long Term Goals
Follow sexual assault protocol in ER procedure manual
Pharmacological, Biological & Integrative Therapies
ER: Treatment should address physical injuries, pregnancy prophylaxis,
and sexually transmitted diseases
Pharmacology/ Psychotherapy/ Crisis Counseling
Follow-up Care
Community Based Supports
Therapy for Rapists