WBM for DTs Status, plans and requests Jesus

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Web Based Monitoring
DT online shifter tutorial
Jesús Puerta-Pelayo
CMS Web Based Monitoring
What is CMS WBM?
WHAT: set of java based web tools
WHAT FOR: remote (read-only) access, retrieving and monitoring of DCS
variables (or any other info stored in OMDS)
OMDS: Oracle database containing mostly detector related quantities (Voltages,
temperatures, HW errors...)
Core support team (technical support, common tools, maintenance)
Subdetector experts (development of detector-specific tools)
Accesible from outside CERN network (CERN certificate)
Why is WBM useful for a DT shifter?
It’s the official tool for the monitoring of CMS status from
outside CMS.
First glimpse of detector status (from outside, no tunnel
Historical values
LastValue, TriggerRates, Page Zero...
RunSummary, Trend of variables, Downtime Logger
Most of the tools are expert-oriented, but still it’s
recommendable to know where to look at, in case we want to
trace back problems.
CMSWBM home & tools
Central tools
Central tools (I): Run
For a given run, RunSummary retrieves historical information
(configurations, subdetectors status, Bfield...)
Selection can be done on time, type of run, subdetectors included, etc.
The ongoing run can be checked
To be used :
Check the conditions of
a run (general
conditions and
subdetector config)
Central tools (I): Run
Snapshot of information shown by RunSummary for a particular run
Central tools (II): Trigger
Check the instant trigger status, including rate plot, configuration
Can be used for historical values (old runs)
Pick a run (by
default last or
ongoing run)
Basic variables
Select different
contributions to
trigger plot from this
To be used :
Check the current or past trigger
configurations (for the
current run or any old one)
Central tools (III): Runtime
For a specific LHC fill, it provides details and statistics about Runtime quality
To be used :
Check in detail the
reasons of
downtime for a
particular LHC
Central tools (IV): CMS
Overview of CMS status
Page Zero
To be used :
Overview of current
CMS conditions
And many other tools can be used to retrieve information
How to track DT status?
1) From central services:
Some DT variables monitorized via LastValue tool
(last stored value by DCS on the omds DB). It provides the current status of the detector.
Very useful to check current (and historic) status of detector from outside P5
HV, LV, gas, PADCs
To be used :
Check current HV / I or gas conditions
Retrieve old status of these variables
How to track DT status?
2) With specific tools developed for DTs:
HV diagnosis & monitor
DT run summary
DT plot tool
DT Run Summary
Extension of the central RunSummary for DT specific information
It can be accessed independently from the DT subdetector side, and it’s also
linked inside the general RunSummary
Select a particular run
A group of runs with
certain features
Or a list with the last runs
with DTs
To be used :
DT part of Global RunSummary: used to
check DT configuration and
conditions of a run.
DT Run Summary
Downtime statistics
for the Lumi section
associated to this run
Configuration keys for
the selected run (DAQ,
Trigger, MC...)
ROS & DDU status
saved by DAQ (every 2
minutes) are registered
List of errors at the
beginning and end of
the run
DT Run Summary
List of CCB errors
during the run
Links to DCS
LastValue for the start
and stop of run times
(“Snapshots” of
detector statuses at
those times)
List 10 previous and
10 latter runs
DT Plot tool
Tool DT-related variables. For the time being:
• High Voltage
• Low Voltage
• Trigger SC variables
(... more in the future)
To be used :
Retrieve historical values of these variables
DT PageZero
Overview of full DT detector as registered in the DB
Still a *very* preliminary version...
Autorefresh period
Last 10 runs with DT
HV/LV status
Links to LastValue
errors in last
Links to
monitor pages
MC status and
CCB errors
Link to
Trigger Sector
Collector status
Link to Trigger
Supervisor DT
To be used :
First glimpse of DT status
Gateway to the rest of control / monitor
DT HV monitoring
Tool to debug HV behaviour (mostly for experts)
Dedicated analysis table in DB continuously running: currents in all channels are processed,
and a flag is assigned to each HV channel, depending on on/off status, number of spikes
(OvC), trips, etc.
To be used :
Track long term HV behaviour of DT chambers
Snapshot of HV status corresponding
to last 48 hours
(historical snapshots can be obtained)
DT HV monitoring
For any selected chamber, a table with all channels status is shown
Direct link to DT Plot
Table with historic values of HV
(all OvCs, all trips, all OFF periods for a
given channel on a single table)
WBM is a very useful tool for the monitoring of our detector (it is
indeed *THE* official tool maintained by the CMS community).
Tools under development, changes are frequent. Stay tuned and check
twiki for changes
General twiki
DT twiki
Shifters are key users of WBM, any improvement, suggestion, bug, etc
you notice, let me/us know.
Feel free to play with these and any other tools, and provide feedback.