Copy of Propagation of Grape by Wedge Grafting(Sandhan)

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Transcript Copy of Propagation of Grape by Wedge Grafting(Sandhan)

In drought prone areas, grapes are propagated by softwood
grafting / wedge grafting.
Grape varieties like Thompson seedless, Tas-A-Ganesh, Sonaka
etc. has good production potential however yield has reduced
due to high soil salinity, drought and nematode attack.
To over come this problem, wedge grafting in grape is practiced.
Root stock becomes ready to graft within 6-8 months
planting and graft union formed in 30-45 days.
Selection of Rootstock
• Dogridge,
1613-C and 110-R grow vigorously
under adverse soil and climatic
• Among
drought, salinity and nematode prone
Dogridge Rootstock of Grape
Rootstock Planting
• Root stock stick of 20 cm long with 7- 8 leaves are planted in the
field during February - March when temperatures are above 15o
C and favourable for shoot and root growth.
• Root stock Plantation should be install with drip irrigation system
and follow timely plant protection measures.
Selection of Scion Sticks
• Scion stick of desired variety with good yield potential and
compatibility with root stock should be selected.
• Pencil thickness scion sticks of 5-6 cm length are treated with
0.1 % Carbendazim fungicide for 2 to 3 Hrs.
Softwood / Wedge Grafting
• Rootstock accumulate sufficient amount of food material and
attains sufficient thickness within 7-8 months up to August.
• Favourable climatic conditions i.e. 300 to 350 C temperature
and 80 % relative humidity for successful grafting are
available from August to September.
• Give a “V” shaped notch (vertical cut) of 2-3 cm long on root
stock and prepare wedge shaped cut on scion stick.
• Insert scion stick in the notch of rootstock properly and tie
the graft union with 1 cm polythene tape.
Softwood Grafting in Grape
“V” Notch on root stock
Insertion of scion in “V” Notch
Wrapping with polythene tape
After Care
• Regular irrigation should be given to grafted plant to avoid
mortality of grafted plants.
• Irrigate the field in early morning and evening to maintain
essential humidity and temperature.
Schedule for Pest and Disease Management
Pest / Disease
Name of Pesticide
Flea beetle & Thrips
Imidachlopride 17.8 SL
0.30 ml
Flea beetle & Thrips
Chlothianidin 50 WDG
0.12 gm
Flea beetle & Thrips
Lambda cyhalothrin 5 EC
0.50 ml
Flea beetle & Thrips
Thimethoxam 25 WG
0.25 gm
Downy mildew
Metalaxil M-4 + Mancozeb 64 WP
2.5 gm