Transcript Slide 1

Chapter 8
Unit # 6
• 1. Plants are part of the Kingdom Plantae.
• 2. Plants are considered autotrophs because
they use photosynthesis to make their own
• 3. You do not
need a
microscope to
see plants
because they
–Made up of
multiple cells
• 4. In order to survive on land:
– Must have way to obtain water and
other nutrients from surroundings
– Retain water
– Transport materials in their
– Support their bodies
– Reproduce
5. Cuticle: Waxy,
waterproof layer
that covers the
leaves of plants
6. Helps prevent water
• 7. Larger plants have
transport tissue called
vascular tissue.
• 8. Vascular Tissue:
System of tubelike
structures inside a plant
which water, minerals
and food move.
• 9. Cell walls and vascular
tissue add strength to the
bodies of large
• 10. All plants undergo
sexual reproduction.
• Nearly all are
• Eukaryotes
• Multicellular
• Have cells
surrounded by
cell walls
• Draw a picture of 12. Parts of a
a plant cell here
Plant Cell
with the following
–Cell Wall
–Cell membrane
13. Scientists informally group plants
into 2 major groups
• 14. Vascular Plants
– True vascular
– Suited to drier
– Moves materials
quickly and
– Can grow tall
• 14. Nonvascular
–Lack vascular
–Low Growing
–Do not have
–Thin cell walls
• 15. One way scientists
study the origin of plants
is with fossils.
• 16. Scientists can infer
that green algae are the
ancient ancestors of
today’s plants.
• 17. Plants produce
spores during the
sporophyte stage and
produce sex cells
during the
gametophyte stage.
• 18. TRUE OR
sporophyte of a
plant looks the
same as the
Plants Without Seeds
• 19. Two characteristics of nonvascular plants:
– Low-growing
– Live in moist areas
– Absorb nutrients
directly from environment
– Seedless
– Non-vascular tissue
Plants Without Seeds
• 20. True or False: Nonvascular plants can
become very large and tall because of
their support system.
Plants Without Seeds
• 21. Nonvascular plants get water by
absorbing water directly from their
Plants Without Seeds
• 22. TRUE OR FALSE: Nonvascular
plants must have water to let the
sperm cells swim to the egg cell.
Plants Without Seeds
• 23. Label the
and the
sporophyte in
the diagram
of the moss.
Plants Without Seeds
• 24. The thin, root-like structures that
anchor moss and absorb water and
nutrients from the soil are called
Plants Without Seeds
• 25. Liverworts are
found growing:
–Moist Rocks
–Soil along the
side of streams
Seedless Vascular Plants
• 26. Characteristics of ferns, club mosses and
– True Vascular tissue
– Do not produce seeds (make spores)
– 27. C and D are TRUE!
• Vascular tissue transports water
and food
• Vascular tissue gives strength
and stability
Seedless Vascular Plants
• 28. Fern and club mosses must live in
moist surrounding in order for them to
–Release spores and need to get egg
and sperm cells to join
Seedless Vascular Plants
• 29. Fern leaves are called FRONDS!
Seedless Vascular Plants
• 30. The cuticle on the upper surface of
fronds is used to prevent water loss.
Seedless Vascular Plants
• 31. Horsetails and club mosses…
–B: Club mosses grow in moist
woodlands and near streams
–D: Horsetail stems contain silica, a
gritty substance also found in sane.