Elastic potential energy

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Transcript Elastic potential energy

1. Source, path and load
2. Parallel- more than one path
Series- one path
3. x
4. Any metal or water that allows electrons to
flow….copper, nickel, iron
5. Something that stops or slows down the flow of
Examples: Rubber, Wood, Plastic, Glass, Air
6. Opposites attract, like charges repel
7. Nuclear Energy (Sun)
8. Electrical= light+ sound + thermal
9. Kinetic
Example: Dog running
10. Potential (Stored) Example: Book on shelf
11. Mechanical
Example: Riding a bike
12. Nuclear
Example: Sun
13. Solar (Radiant)
Example: Warm pool
14. Light
Example: Northern Lights
15. Chemical
Example: Burning log
16. Sound
Example: Radio
17. Electrical
Example: Power lines
18. Chemical potential energy- stored chemicals
Ex: Burning log
Elastic potential energy- energy stored in an
object that can be stretched
Ex: Rubber band, silly band, elastic band
Gravitational potential energy- energy of an
object separated from earth
Example: Skier at the top of a hill, dropping an
19. Energy changing into another form or different
20. Starting energy= 1 form + 1 form
21. Friction
22. Fossil fuels
23. Sun
24. Nuclear
25. Fossil fuels
26. A resource that can be used more than once
Wind, Water, Geothermal, Sun, Biomass
27. A resource that can only be used once
Nuclear, Any fossil fuel
28. Sun
28. Radiation
29. convection
31. Gases
32. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
Thermosphere (Ionosphere), Exosphere
33. Stratosphere
34. Mesosphere
35. Troposphere
36. Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%, other gases 1%
37. Condition of the atmosphere at a certain time
and place
38. Continental Polar and Maritime Tropical
39. Boundary separating different air masses
40. Cold, Warm, Occluded, Stationary
42. Cold
43. Warm
44. Large body of air with similar temperature and
moisture as the land below it
45. Moisture in the air
46. Rain, Sleet, Hail, Snow
47. Moving air
48. Low
49. High
50. Moves north/south winds in an
eastern/western direction due to Earth rotating
51. Land sections of high and low pressure around
the earth every 30 degrees
52. Air rising and sinking every 30 degrees
53. Convection cells
54. Global and Local
55. Uneven heating of the Earth’s surface &
pressure differences
56. Winds that travel short distances
57. Land breeze and Sea breeze
58. Land to Sea- At night the land cools down
faster than the sea, air above it becomes dense,
sinks and flows toward the sea
59. Sea to Land- During the day the land warms up
faster, the air above it becomes less dense and
rises, cool air above the sea rushes in to fill the
60. Pattern of air circulation that moves across the
61. Trade, Westerlies, Polar Easterlies
62. Doldrums
63. Horse Latitudes
64. Jet Stream
65. Surface and Deep
66. Temperature and Salinity
67. Gulf Stream
68. Wind
69. Poles
70. Study & Predict or forecast the weather
71. Rain gauge
72. Barometer
73. Psychrometer
74. Thermometer
75. Prediction of weather conditions over the next
3-5 days
76. Radar is mostly local finding location of
precipitation, Satellite mostly global
77. Wind Speed
78. 30-31: Fair, clear, dry
29-30: Same as present, no change
28-29: precipitation, stormy, rainy
79. Stormy & rainy
93. What biome contains mostly evergreen trees?
94.Where do most of the animals live in the
95. Where does most of the world’s food come
96. Why are there no trees in the Tundra?
97. What biome has trees that drop their leaves in
the fall?
98. What biome do you live in?