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• Ability to do work
• Can not be created or destroyed
• Can be transformed from one form to
Potential Energy
• Stored energy
• Has the potential to move
• Stretched out rubber band
Kinetic Energy
• Due to its motion
• Releasing the rubber band
What is Mechanical Energy?
o Energy due to a
object’s motion (kinetic)
or position (potential).
The bowling ball has
mechanical energy.
When the ball strikes
the pins, mechanical
energy is transferred to
the pins!
Examples of Mechanical Energy
Light Energy
• Energy that is made of electromagnetic radiation and travels in a
straight path.
What is Thermal Energy?
oHeat energy
oMeasured by heat
o The heat energy of an
object determines how
active its molecules are.
A hot object is one whose atoms
and molecules are excited and
show rapid movement.
A cooler object's molecules and
atoms will show less movement.
Solar Energy
Energy from the Sun
Solar Panels
What is Electrical Energy?
o Energy flowing through
an electric circuit
o Energy caused by the
movement of electrons
o Easily transported
through power lines and
converted into other
forms of energy
Sound energy
• Energy in which you can hear and
that travels in vibrating waves
through the air. It's the energy
present in a sound wave.
Electrical energy is
transported to your house
through power lines.
When you plug an electric fan
to a power outlet, electrical
energy is transform into what
type of energy?
What types of energy are shown below?
Mechanical and Thermal Energy
(Don’t forget friction)
What types of energy are shown below?
Electrical and Mechanical
What type of energy is shown below?
Thermal Energy
Light energy- used for decoration and light
Mechanical energy- used to move the parts
of the rides
Sound energy- used to produce the music
and other sounds we hear
What forms of energy can you
identify in this picture?
How is energy being used?
Solar energy- used to create electricity for
the home. Solar energy can also be used
to heat water for homes.
What forms of energy can you
identify in this picture?
How is energy being used?
Wind energy- used to generate electricity
Mechanical energy- used to assist in
moving the blades
Solar energy- used by plants to make food
What forms of energy can you
identify in this picture?
How is energy being used?
Mechanical energy- The cranes use
mechanical energy to move.
Thermal Energy- Many factories use heat
to produce steam to drive machines.
Light Energy: refraction from the clouds;
reflection on the water
What forms of energy can you
identify in this picture?
How is energy being used?
Heat energy- used to warm the Earth
Solar energy (Light energy) - used by
plants to make food
What forms of energy can you
identify in this picture?
How is energy being used?
Pass out Energy Transfer notes
Energy Transfer