Transcript Food Web

 When a zebra eats the grass, it does not obtain
all of the energy the grass has
 When a lion eats a zebra, it does not get all of
the energy from the zebra
 The energy flow from one trophic level to the
other is know as a food chain
 A food chain is simple and direct
 It involves organisms at separate trophic levels
 Notice that the direction the arrow
points  the arrow points in the
direction of the energy transfer
 The arrow indicates “is eaten by”
 The linkages in a food web illustrate the feeding
 The food web is an illustration of the various feeding
methods that links an ecosystem into a unified
system of exchange.
 If “something happens” to one member of the food
web, it will affect the entire ecosystem.
 Niche: the role the organism has in an ecosystem
 Niches exist in food webs; if more than one species
occupies the same niche in a food web, they will
eventually need to compete to resources.