History of Biomechanics

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History of Biomechanics
Biomechanics - 2015
Study of the mechanics of living systems
Jim Hay, 1973
Hatze, 1971
Historical Highlights
The Scientific Legacy of Antiquity
Maya, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Phoenicians
Greek > separate knowledge from myth
: politics, commerce, climate >
Interests in Leisure time, sport, human movement
Thales (624-545 B.C.)
Pythagoras (582 B.C.)
All things have form, all things are form, and all forms can be
defined by numbers (Koestler, 1968)
Pythagoras’ theorem ?
The universe and the human body as musical instruments, whose
strings required balance and tension to produce harmony.
The mathematical relations held the secrets of the universe
Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.)
Diagnosis freed medicine from supernatural constraints
Observation was based on sense perceptions, diagnostic errors
'의사의 아버지'. 인체의 생리나 병리를 체액론에
근거하여 사고했고 '병을 낫게 하는 것은 자연이다'는
설을 치료 원칙의 기초로 삼았다 [네이버 지식백과]
히포크라테스 (두산백과)
Plato (427-347 B.C.)
The pursuit of truth required contemplation(명상),
not action.
그는 유명한 이데아설을 제창, 이데아(혹은 eidos=형상)는 비물질적, 영원, 초세계적인 절대적
참실재이며 이에 대하여 물질적, 감각적인 존재는 잠정적, 상대적이고, 이 감각에 호소하는 경험적인
사물의 세계는 이데아의 그림자, 모상(模相)이라는 이원론적 세계관을 내세웠다. 세계의 중심을 이루는
것은 세계 영혼이며, 인간의 영혼은 세계 영혼이 주재하는 이데아계에 있던 것으로 이 영혼은
불멸(不滅)이며 이데아를 상기하는 것에서 진정한 인식이 얻어진다고 하였다.
Aristoles (384-322 B.C.)- Alexander the Great
Interests in mechanics, physics, mathematics,
zoology, physiology, chemistry, botany, psychology
He believed the aim of science was to explain nature
~ > Peripatetic school: 아리스토텔레스 소요학파
Aristoles (384-322 B.C.)
Four observable elements: fire, air, water, earth
Four qualities: heat, cold, humidity, dryness
Four humors of the body: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile
Fascinated by the motions of falling bodies and projectiles
: he assumed the average velocity of a falling body over a given
distance, to be proportional to the density of the medium. - wrong!
The heart was the source of human intelligence
아리스토텔레스는 플라톤과 같이 초월적인 이데아를 인정하는 관념론자는 아니지만 역시 위에서 볼 수 있듯이
관념론적 입장이 보인다. 그러나 그가 자연을 논하는 경우에는 유물론적 색채가 농후하다. 그의 논리학은 존재론,
인식론과 밀접한 관계가 있고, 인식은 단순히 실험의 검증을 최후의 근거로 삼는 것이 아니라, 감각에 의하지 않고
정신의 작용만으로도 진리가 추정된다고 하면서, 귀납뿐만 아니라 연역의 중요성도 주장하고 있다. 그가 수립한
우주론(宇宙論)은 코페르니쿠스가 지동설을 주장하기까지 오랜 세월을 지배하여 온 천동설이었다.
Alexander the Great- Alexndria
Herophilos (300 B.C.): tendon vs. nerve, arteriers vs. veins
The brain is locus of intelligence !
Erasistraits (280 B.C.): the first to describe the muscle as organs
of contraction
Archimedes (287-212 B.C.):
Interests in weapons,
he could move the earth
물 속에서는 자기의 몸의 부피에 해당하는 만큼의
무게가 가벼워진다는 것을 문득 알아냈다.
위조왕관에는 은이 섞여 있어 같은 무게의 순금보다도
부피가 크고 따라서 그만큼 부력(浮力)도 커진다는
Center of gravity > statics, hydrostatics
“Keep off: from geometrical figures drawn in the sand (212 B.C.)
Hero (60 A.D.): mechanical inventions: 자동문/커튼, 회전목마, 기계새
Galen (129-201 A.D.): physician for College of Gladiators > Sports
Physician (team doctor)
He believed medicine was a comprehensive science of anatomy
and physiology
“On the movement of muscle”
The Middle Ages (200B.C.-1450A.D)
Scientific development decreased
The Italian Renaissance (1450-1527)
Michelangelo, da Vince, Machiaelli
created the foundations for the scientific revolution in 17th
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519):
His inventions: distillation apparatus, water skis, a helicopter, a
tank, a parachute, a steam cannon, a hang glider
Contributed to the understanding of mechanics
Mechanical analysis of human movement
Vesalius (1514-1564):
Trained as a physician, detailed dissections with executed
criminals. Challenges Galen’s work
Two revolutionary views: Copernicus (지동설: 지구가 태양주위
회전), human anatomy can be learned from the dissection
Demonstrated muscle shortened and became thicker during
The Scientific Revolution
Intellectual freedom was respected: new ideas and finding
Scientific society began to emerge
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642):
Against Aristote’s theory: no way to maintain that the rate of a
fall was function of the falling object’s weight
The movement of animals (1690-81): human jump, gait of
horses and insects, motionless human body to float
Analysis of the strength of materials
뼈가 크기를 크게 해서 무게를 지탱하기 보다는
강한 소재 필요 Founder of biomechanics
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642):
Support the Copernican theory
His theory of uniform motion, theory of projectiles, theory of
the inclined plane, momentum > Newton’s three laws
Newton says: I was able to see farther because of Galileo,
Kepler, Descartes.
Santorio Santoris (1561-1636)
William Harvey (1578-1657): found about circulation of heart
First cardiac biomechanist
Rene Descartes (1596-1650): sleep late and think at night
Invented Cartesian Coordinate System when seeing the fly in a
room, applied mechanical principles to the human body
Giovanni Borelli (1608-1679):
Interests in geometry, physics, mechanics, physiology,
astronomy > father of biomechanics
Geometircal methods of describing complex human movement
Explained muscle function, direction of muscle fibres for force
Isaac Newton (1642-1727):
The theory of gravitation
President of the Royal Society
Major contribution was the synthesis of many different pieces
of the puzzle “mechanics” law of gravity and the laws of motion
The improvement of the understanding of mechanics by the
invention of the microscope and the advent of experimental
The Enlightenment
Leading thinkers about the causes of motion: force
Mathematics was the most important revolutionizing force of the
scientific revolution.
Three mathematicians: Euler, d’Alembert, Lagrange
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783): brilliant math in 18th century
Major contribution: expansion of Newton’s laws to the rigid
body and fluid bodies on earth. Solid mechanics, conservation
of energy
Jean le Rond d’Alemert (1717-1783):
Newton’s third law of motion holds not only for fixed bodies but
also for those free to move.
Joseph Louis Lagrange (1736-1815):
Lagrange’s equations expressed Newton’s second law in terms
of kinetic and potential energy
18th Century: Advances in chemistry began to challenge
mechanistic theories
Electricity has found to produce muscle contraction.
Secrets of electro-chemical nerve impulse ?
Development of Newtonian mechanics > what exactly was
force and the effects of such force
The relationship btw force and movement became important
The Gait Century
Rousseau’s (1712-1778): return to nature and physical activity
James Watt (1736-1819): industrial revolution
Weber brother’s On the Mechanics of the Human Gait Tools.:
150 hypotheses about human gait > lots of wrong but bring an
Etienne Jules Marey (1838-1904): study of locomotion
Great influence on biomechanics
Edweard Muybridge (1830-1904): the study of locomotion
Supported by Leland Stanford (horse racing fan)
importance of photography as a new language of science
Marey: scientist vs. Muybridge is artist
1891: Wilhelm Braune, Otto Fischer > 3D analysis of gait
Two cadavers: COG
100 soldiers
Fisher’s effort to digitizing ?
Du Bois Rymond, Duchenne in 19th : EMG
Mary Shelly> Frankenstein in 1816 > “cure all”
Rymond (1818-1922): methods for current and electricity in
Duchenne (1806-1875): the muscle action of every imp. Superf.
Muselc by electrodes
Bone physiology: developed in 19th – text book
Two Word wars > develop.of biomechanics by mech. Tech.
Amar’s The Human Motor (1920): efficiency of movement
Nicholas Bernstein (1896-1966): mathematical analysis of
movement > Motor control and coordination
Central Nervous System (CNS)
A.V. Hill (1886-1977): Nobel prize (function of muscle)
Dynamics of muscle function, human locomotion, efficiency
Rudolph Laban (1879-1958): efficiency of factory workers
Elftman (1939): estimate forces-force plate
A.F. Huxley (1924-): Phyics > muscle physiology
Sliding Filament theory > Cross-bridge theory (actin, myosin)
20th Century biomechanics led by
University’s curricula (Kinesiology, Biomechanics)
1967, first IB in Zurich supported by UNESCO
1973, ISB in Penn state Univ.
1989, WCB in SD
Final Comments